Comic Vine Review


Uncanny X-Men #1


Things are really bad for mutants so it's time for a different kind of X-Men team.

It's fun to think back over the different incarnations and rosters we've had with the X-Men. Often, the team members would be a reflection of the times. In the current Marvel Universe, after the events of Secret Wars, the outlook for the X-Men and mutants isn't a good one. Mutants have become sterile (and facing extinction) due to the Terrigen Mists. There's also the M-pox disease that is making mutants hated and feared even more than usual. What is there for the X-Men to do? If you're Magneto, you gather up some serious and deadly mutants to join your cause.

With the three different titles we now have, we have three completely different directions for the X-Men. ALL-NEW X-MEN features most of the time displaced original X-Men and EXTRAORDINARY X-MEN features the Jean Grey School and students moved to a safer location along with some veteran X-Men trying to protect them. UNCANNY X-MEN features a roster with more of an edge. Sabretooth still seems to be inverted from the Axis story arc. We can probably assume that won't last too much longer. Psylocke is on the team along with Archangel. There's obviously more to their story and why they're on the team. (Thank goodness they're finally doing something with the adult Angel). Monet usually seems most concerned with herself so we'll have to see what her reasons are as well.

Cullen Bunn is giving us a proactive team. In some ways it feels like they would be better suited as a version of X-Force but Magneto would likely prefer to honor Xavier's dream. The difference in the team members and their motives for being on the team is what makes this an interesting roster. They have different ways of accomplishing things and it'll be nice to see how they go about completing their missions and if we'll see any follow up on the decisions they make.

Greg Land's art works well at times. There is a bit of action in this first issue and he captures the feel of it all. Of course we have the issue of characters occasionally smiling or posing too much. There's actually a two-page spread with the team standing in silence, each in a perfect pose. The new costume designs may take a little getting used to. They work for some but I'm not sure how I feel about Psylocke's or Sabretooth's.

UNCANNY X-MEN establishes that life for the X-Men is headed down a darker path. Cullen Bunn continues to the adventure of Magneto he started in the last series and we have an interesting choice of other mutants joining him on this team. With two other X-Men titles on sale, it's great seeing them each have a completely different tone and feel. Greg Land's art works well at times but we do see some of the usual moments with characters smiling profusely and standing in poses that tend to distract readers from the story. I'm curious to see if there will be any follow up in the actions and decisions Magneto makes. We also have a great group of characters for them to fight next issue. This is the X-Men like you've never seen them before.