
Look at my life, look at my heart, I have seen it fall apart, now I'm ready to rise again

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The X10 - My Top Ten X-Men

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  • "Mistress of the Elements " - the animated series of the 90s exposed me to this magnificent character and i have loved her ever since; her grace and beauty, her strength and power and her unwavering pride and love of who and WHAT she is.

  • "The First X-Man" - The 90s cartoon brought him to my attention; he was so powerful and so stalwart, so noble and righteous and always fighting for that which was good and just. Something about that true-blue attitude hooked me from me the beginning.

  • "Sugah" - thanks to the 90s cartoon she is always seared in my mind as the epitome of girl-power; the sassy southern belle who could never touch the friends and loved ones she loyally fought beside ands sincerely protected.

  • "Butterfly Effect" - what's not to love about the brave , violet-haired ninja telepath with a body-swapping backstory and an awesome psychic-knife, as opposed to the insipid, oft-possessed resident ginger telepath?

  • "The Cajun Wild Card" - he's always been a favourite of mine because he was sexy, charming and seemingly unpredictable because of his mysterious past and life as a former thief, yet time and time again he has proved just how noble and honourable he truly is.

  • "Gentle Giant" - besides being gorgeously tall, dark and muscular, I also love how he has always been good-natured and kind, regardless of his power. I mean of course when the situation called for him to smash and destroy Colossus had a dangerous streak but without a doubt his steel-skin never influenced his gold heart.

  • "Power Princess"- love the fact that she is a privileged, pampered princess that also knows how to kick some serious ass and break it down!

  • "Bamf" - he was always so endearing and mischievous that it was impossible not to like him, and i love the unique harmony between his prehensile tail, wall-crawling and teleportation abilities

  • "Born Normal" -there was always something about him that kept him on radar, and when he came out as the first gay X-Man, i realised why :)

  • "Beyond The Veil" - i absolutely love and encourage the positive portrayal of a Muslim character by Marvel, and how her religious attire actually compliments her wispy sand powers.