bloodwolfassassin's Secret Invasion #3 review

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    Bloodwolf vs. Secret Invasion Part 3: Did anyone actually care that Spiderwoman was a Skrull?

    Welcome back to Secret Invasion, and in today’s outing we get into a “major” revelation, that being the revelation that Spiderwoman is, in fact, a Skrull. Marvel was clearly banking on this revelation being a big deal. Here’s the problem though, and I deeply apologize to fans of the character, but no one gives a crap about Spiderwoman, and even if they did, no one cared about the revelation because leading up to this she was acting so suspicious that there was nobody, and I mean nobody who wouldn’t have guessed that she was a skrull, in fact, a bigger surprise would have been her not being a Skrull. I’ll talk more on the subject when we get there. Sorry to dwell on this point but this is simply yet another issue that weakens the general reader’s enjoyment of Secret Invasion.

    Anywho, we open with the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier and all hell breaking loose. Maria Hill, Nick Fury’s temporary replacement, is doing all she can to hold it all together but failing miserably. And suddenly, Jarvis Skrull arrives on the bridge politely requesting their unconditional surrender. Elsewhere, a Skrull disguised as Captain Marvel, and no this is not a reveal, this was revealed in material leading up to the big event, starts tearing up the Thunderbolts base. Norman Osborne, the director of the Thunderbolts suggests that the super powered, mentally unstable, and most likely quite angry alien join him for a drink and a friendly conversation. …I…I can’t…I, I simply can’t. This whole thing with Norman Osborne… I can’t. We’ll table this discussion for our final installment where I’ll really lay into the whole Norman Osborne thing.

    Back in Manhattan, what few heroes remain are getting their sorry asses handed to them by the Skrulls. Hulkling of the young Avengers, being half Skrull himself, tries to talk them down and gets blasted for his trouble.

    Back in the Savage Land, Spider Woman finally reveals herself as not only a Skrull, but the Skrull Queen, first by blasting Echo, whoever Echo is, and then confronting the seriously injured Tony Stark. She tells him he’s actually a Skrull sleeper agent, he’s not, but Tony’s brain is so scrambled right now from his suit malfunctions that he’ll pretty much believe anything so let’s play along. Oh, and she kisses him, because why not. She claims that Tony’s Skrull name is actually Kr’Ali.


    It’ll be a major topic of discussion for our next installment as well as part of our overall discussion on why the Skrull Queen is an ineffective villain. Anywho, our comic closes out with more chaos in Manhattan and the arrival of Nick Fury and his new group of commandoes.

    What Works:

    I appreciate that we’re finally seeing the action of the actual Skrull invasion, but it only serves to prove that all of Marvel’s heroes are morons.

    What Doesn’t:

    See above comments. Also, the artwork is getting worse, especially in the scenes during the fight in the city. In the last issue, we were supposed to be seeing a full blown army of Super-Skrulls, however, in this issue, we see a vast army of … about six, maybe seven, it’s hard to tell. … OH THE HUMANITY!!!!



    This is where things start getting really bad. Barring Nick Fury’s long awaited return, nothing of value was accomplished in this issue. And no, I do not count the whole Skrull Queen thing. Tune in next time, when we start to see what kind of a bullsh*t villain that the Skrull Queen actually is.


    Other reviews for Secret Invasion #3

      0.5? Out of 0.6 right? 0

      I can't give this a five star rating by the fact that I didn't crap in my pants from the awesomeness, I came close though. The best part of the whole issue was the reveal at the end, and no it wasn't a skrull reveal. The series has been solid, however you have to read at least one of the other Avengers books to know everything that is going on. I'm only reading New Avengers and seem to understand everything pretty well.The invasion is a great idea and it's nice to see Marvel pulling off a giant ...

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      5-star goodness 0

      Like dmstarz, I am taken aback by the extremely poor rating given to this issue. Can that honestly be right? Are diehard DC fans or people who hate comic events sabotaging the rating? Is Bendis a hate figure? I am going to go up against the grain and give this issue the full 5 stars. I loved the detailed art and the globe-spanning plot in this issue. Some of the splash pages were breathtaking. So far I have been totally impressed with every issue of SI and also with the Mighty Avengers and New A...

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