Comic Vine Review


Uncanny X-Force #12


Spiral goes on the hunt, and the true nature of the Revenants is revealed!

The Good

Revelations abound this issue, not just about the Revenant Queen's identity, but what the Revenants really are. There's a reason something seemed a little bit familiar about the way those things operated, and it's worlds bigger than we might have predicted.

Adrian Alphona is in his element on this issue. Everything is just right, from dirty Hollywood to the creepy Revenants. Spiral is so chilling and so full of movement, and she's positively unstoppable in action. Hyper-intense colors by Chris Sotomayor fuel the action and make the issue seem almost dream-like -- perfect for a psychic prison.

As for the reveal itself, it may have been predictable (for astute readers and/or mummudrai fans), somewhat foreshadowed (for fans who knew that Ginny thing was going to come back to Spiral), or completely out of nowhere (I promise, I'm paying attention...), but regardless of how far ahead of this issue you saw it coming, it was a great fit for the Revenant storyline. The duality/evil doppelgänger concept is creepy and fascinating, it's just the right combination-psychic-physical conflict for the team to deal with, and it's even more intense now that we know the full story.

The Bad

Readers who aren't familiar with Cassandra Nova might not feel the impact of this reveal. It's an unavoidable risk, since she hasn't cropped up in quite some time, and some UNCANNY X-FORCE readers may have jumped on board with the Marvel Universe too recently to know who she is. If you're in that camp, I humbly suggest grabbing the omnibus of Grant Morrison's NEW X-MEN to learn more.

The Verdict

Mr. Bishop's Wild Ride continues in spectacular fashion, and now that we know the story behind the Revenants and their Queen, we're ready for a most serious confrontation. After all, it's only the end of the world at stake. Humphries has served up a fascinating arc thus far, and it's been stunningly realized on the page with the help of talented artists like Alphona and Sotomayor. Bishop, Storm, et al need to bring the heat next issue to keep the momentum going, but I have no doubt that they'll do so.