
Yank Wilson stories from Fantastic comics 2-20 are pretty good. Inspired by the style of Fletcher Hanks sr. (who did the first Yan...

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My opinion of Supermans most obscure powers.

Superpressure and superventrigoluism. Honestly, I don`t know if Superman is so powerful that he can change rocks to licuid. Well, maybe the pre-crisis Superman. But the superventrigoluism is truly the most obscure superpower. I mean, pre-crisis Superman could use it to talk to someone in the other side of the world! What the...!

Actually, I think that all of his powers are obscure. But if he would have more realistic powers, would it be so fun? Besides, I think I have an explanation for his powers. You just have to wait for 20 years or so to find out, so that I can make a superman story with a great writer.


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