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    The reprinting of Evil Ernie 4 from 1992 with some new additional cover art and black and white art after the main story.

    Mary and Price manage to blow up a group of Ernie's minion much to his dismay. However Lady Death appears for the first time outside of Ernie's dreams and thoughts, rising you of the body of a recently killed person telling him to not mind about his dead ones.. he can make more. Price is shocked to see the corporeal Lady Death that he suspected was more than just fantasy in the first place.

    Ernie leads the charge on the police station and overwhelms them quickly but takes a shot to the forehead that rattles him and sends a quake through his followers who rally to his aid.

    Inside his mind Ernie walks up to Lady Death's castle and finds her waiting for him. she teases him telling him to come find her as she discards her clothes and disappears into the myriad of corridors and rooms. He eventually finds her naked on a bed of bones but is interrupted by a knocking. He Answers the door and finding himself back in the real world he opens the door to find a lost and confused Mary terrified before him.



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