johnkmccubbin91's AVX: Consequences #1 review

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    The Aftemath

    This is the first in a five part epilogue series to the Avengers Vs. X-Men crossover series. Near the end of the series I actually quite enjoyed the series but still feel it was too long and would have been much better if shorter. I however wasn't happy when I heard of this epilogue series as I felt the main story had taken enough money off me already, but I have came this far might as well read the rest.

    This issue shows the effects AvX is having on the Marvel Universe with Wakanda attacking Wolverine's jet just cause Storms on it and how Cyclops is getting moved to an ordinary prison. It also has Captain America and the Scarlet Witch offering Hope a place on either an Avengers team or in Wolverine's school whilst Iron Man and Captain Marvel looking for Magneto.

    This wasn't a bad issue and was actually better than a lot of the AvX issues but I would have much preferred just a one-shot giant sized issue, even if it cost more, or the price brought down to $2.99 as this series has taken enough money off people already. Besides that I quite liked the issue and like how everyone is reacting to what happened in there different ways. I however didn't understand why they would move Cyclops to an ordinary prison after they must have spent plenty of money on building that ruby-quartz cell for him.

    Final verdict. This wasn't a bad issue and I would recommend it to people who have read the AvX series, as you've read and/or bought all them issues so you might as well get this. I wouldn't however recommend it to people who haven't read the series as it doesn't give much more than some closure to the main series.

    Rating: 3.5/5

    Other reviews for AVX: Consequences #1

      Consequences, Indeed. 0

      Recommendation: “Yikes, not really, unless you want some filler tie-in related to AvX and Uncanny Avengers…”Another AvX title, another Variant Cover. Sigh. And this one isn’t even “special”. Sure, it is Cyclops, but that is a pretty generic cover for a variant. I guess they will get better from issue to issue because their incentive ratio is increasing? Let’s hope.You may wonder why I am concentrating on a “collection” aspect of this book, instead of the content… well that is just it - I am not ...

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      Who are you? 0

      The Good.Alright. The First issue of AvX Consequences. I overall liked this issue. It was a good first issue for this mini-series and to be honest I like where it's heading. As much as I hate to see Cyclops in prison I like the fact that mutants are being thrown in the dark again (brings back old sentinel memories). I like how the government is once getting involved, and the fact that they have new equipment to keep mutants captured is a plus as well. Over all it was a good first issue - I'll de...

      4 out of 6 found this review helpful.

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