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Respect Avenger X (Complete Respect Thread)

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X-Man confirmed? Hmm


Avenger X is pretty interesting: a retroactive early member of the Avengers after the initial run had ended (namely the short-lived Hulk, Thor, Giant Man/Wasp and Cap combination) but was actually mega evil.....for reasons that weren't really disclosed? She says she has gripes with the team but never really explains why this is the case. But yeah, her powers were initially thought to be power amping, as she could amp up other super-powers to mega high levels, until it was disclosed that she was actually a lifeforce manipulator, killing dozens upon dozens of people to maintain the energy levels used for her amping. Naturally the Avengers didn't like that, etc etc.

Because of this, her stats go up and down a lot. I've squared things down fairly well here, I'd imagine.


Scan 1/2- While out of energy and completely exhausted from a brawl with the Avengers, manages to take blows from the Frightful Four before being drowned and preserved. (Avengers #5.1)

Lifeforce Manipulation

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Absorbs her entire town for energy to help out the Avengers (Avengers 2.1)

Scan 1/2- Overloads Vision despite him not being a organic, causing a explosion that KO's him and Herc (Avengers #8)

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Doom makes the point that she's seemingly not able to effectively use multiple powers at once via lifeforce draining when combined due to a issue of skill. She had about 5 or 6 powers at once here. (Avengers #8)

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Drains Jane Thor and takes her powers (Avengers #8)

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Kills a entire nursing home at the same time (Avengers 3.1)

Scan 1/2- Steals Hercules' energy from just a touch, using it later to beat up on Spidey (Avengers #8)

Scan 1/2/3- Takes out the Avengers before they can react by draining them to death, only being saved by a last-ditch effort by Hank Pym to bring them back to life (Avengers #4.1/5.1)

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Uses Scarlet Witch's magic far more effectively than she can, managing to keep Iron Man, Giant Man and Thor all stuck while she escaped (Avengers #5.1)

Scan 1/2- Was only defeated after being BFR'd to the subatomic realm as she was too powerful for the modern Avengers + Infamous Doom to handle (Avengers #8)

Power Amping

Scan 1/2- Allows Quicksilver to pick up hundreds of tiny Awesome Androids without even being seen (Avengers 3.1)

Scan 1/2- Gives Cap enough strength to solo the Awesome Android (Avengers 3.1)

Scan 1/2/3- Gives Ox enough power to casually stomp Quicksilver and break his legs while being far away (Avengers #3.1)

Scan 1/2- Gives Sandman increased range and strength, allowing him to cover up multiple street blocks with his mass and beat up the Avengers (Avengers #4.1)

Scan 1/2- Gives the Acrobat the skills and abilities of Hawkeye (Avengers #4.1)

Scan 1/2/3/4/5- Gives the Avengers enough power to fight off the Stranger. When I say "fight off" I mean that they went from getting completely stomped to knocking him around until he got annoyed and left. (Avengers 2.1)

Scan 1/2/3- Gives Wanda, Cap and Hawkeye the extra power needed to smack down the Frightful Four fairly easily, including Cap one shotting the Wizard and him slicing through Medusa's hair, which is pretty beefy. Wanda doesn't job for once! (Avengers #4.1)


Scan 1/2- Catches Cap's shield while draining a old dude (Avengers #5.1)

Scan 1/2- Dodges around Cap's blows and beats him up with a Quicksilver blitz after draining them, as well as dodging around Jobber Witch (Avengers #5.1)

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Dodges multiple Hawkeye arrows (Avengers #5.1)

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Instantly recovers from a Giant Man slap and uses Quicksilver's powers after draining him as well as moving around the rest of the team (Avengers #5.1)

Scan 1/2- Catches Infamous Doc Doom with Cap's shield and rips his suit open (Avengers #8)

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Tracks Quicksilver's movements (Avengers #3.1)


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Overpowers Jane Thor using a combination of Hercules, Spider-Man, Cap, etc (Avengers #8)


Wow, she's really strong! Unique lifeforce hax means that Avenger X can play both a support and offensive position if required, as well as becoming a powerhouse if required by absorbing lots of powers at once. Very solid, of course.