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Ultra Instinct Mastered - It just doesn't work

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Ok so, what in God's name?... is this suppose to be? We got like eight new forms in Dragon Ball Super. I guess people really think we need ANOTHER ONE? Look at what I'm talking about. We have:

  • SSJ God
  • SSJ Blue
  • SSJ Blue KK
  • SSJ Rose
  • SSJ Rage
  • SSJ Berserker
  • Regular Ultra Instinct
  • SSJ??? (slightly darker blue LMAO)

And now this thing? Not to mention, this:

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Whatever THAT is. Why do you need "Golden" Frieza? His original form was fine. Why is he gold? How did he went from someone inferior to Super Saiyan to someone equal to Super Saiyan Blue with 4 months of training?


Anyway, back to the topic, do you realize what this is? It means that Dragon Ball Super no longer gives a shit about anything. It doesn't care about story and content it provides. It just tries to be this, source of merchandise they can base it off of to sell a bunch of stuff and gives them millions of dollars. I know because I've seen a ton of action figures and DLCs that collectors and gamers buy on the internet.

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And yet things that are SUPPOSE TO be commercials for toys do terrible job at doing that. Do you not see what I'm talking about here? During Battle of Gods movie and the first arc of Super, Super Saiyan God was this crazy concept that was the key plot point of the series. Everything happened because of it. It one of those "predictions" that Beerus got right. He even saw his "rival" in vision he had after destroying the planet. Goku became Super Saiyan God (which has amazing design by the way) and he went toe to toe against Beerus. He lost but Beerus decided to spare the Earth.

Why Super Saiyan God wasn't just Goku's new "go-to" transformations? He can just train in that form and master it, even gain new level to get closer to Beerus, just like he did with Super Saiyan form for entire Android Saga. Yet we see Super Saiyan Blue later on, which was pulled out of nowhere. Why did Frieza get a new form? Why didn't he just become stronger? Why did Trunks need another Super Saiyan form which was a complete asspull? To somehow give him the ability to, by himself, fight an immortal Kaioshin and Saiyan/God with most powerful SSJ transformation and unlimited ability to become stronger? Yeah, whatever.

What the hell is SSJ Berserker? I mean really? Now we have Ultra Instinct, and, what is that? Beerus had has Ultra Instinct that he didn't master in the Manga and he still looks normal. Every single Angel has Ultra Instinct and they look normal. Why is Goku's hair different but loses it's color? You want to tell me that Ultra Instinct somehow affects his SSB transformation? Why are his eyes silver? What's the deal with that energy/heat?

And now Ultra Instinct Mastered looks different EVEN COMPARED TO THE PREVIOUS VERSION? WHY???!!!! Why Goku didn't look like regular Super Saiyan Blue who just unlocked Ultra Instinct? Why does Ultra Instinct Mastered have to look different than regular one? Why does Vegeta need another form, which again, just like most things thing Super Anime, comes out of nowhere with zero explanation?

Goku White, the strongest member of the White Lantern Corp.

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This Anime just seems like commercial for various merchandises instead of just a series of awesome stories we have seen in in Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. The stories of Dragon Ball Super have no substance at all. And in case some Dragon Ball fanboy starts bitching about this, I don't complain for sake of complaining. I complain because I like Dragon Ball, and to be honest, when I saw a preview for the most recent episode when I watched the one prior to it, when I saw Ultra Instinct Mastered in the subtitle, I slapped myself in the face and I couldn't be more disappointed.


"Alright, alright, those are just commercials for merchandise and stories may not be great, but so what? It's still Dragon Ball and it's awesome. Why do you complain?"


Well, the reason is simple. What's the point of anything anymore? There is no reason to do anything at this point. Every time Goku or anyone else faces a threat they can't beat by themselves, Dragon Ball Super writers will pull a new transformation out of their ass and fix it like it's not a big deal. Ok...

No Caption Provided's not really a big deal when it comes to Super Saiyan God because that was basically the whole plot point of the first canon movie and the first arc. But Super Saiyan Blue came from nowhere. Why would we have that? We could just have SSJG. It's more original design. But he needed a new form for way more powerful Golden Frieza, who's new form was also pulled out of nowhere for no reason. Why wasn't he just regular more powerful Frieza and Goku was in his God Form? Or instead, he trains to access God Form by himself since he completely lost it instead of gaining it. That would make sense because in the movie, Goku was angry for reaching the level of power he can't reach by himself. So him being aware of that level, it would be way better for him to train with Whis to gain that new form instead, just by himself. But then Vegeta does it before him, which would make an extremely cool story arc where Goku is the one who has to stay behind Vegeta. Goku would still be at his Z levels, or at least a bit above, and Frieza being able to match him at that level would make way more sense.

Then there is Goku using King Kai's Fist while being in Super Saiyan Blue. He didn't use that technique since his fight with Frieza during the Namek Saga (unless I missed something) so, what the hell? Now he's gonna use it? Then Zamasu/Goku Black pulls out his Rose form from nowhere (at least in the Anime) and goes from SSJ2 Goku level, to SSJB Goku+ level. Which would make at least some sense if you explain it, but somehow he also has Goku's fighting skills and fighting styles. What the hell? SSJ Rage also came from nowhere, and served no purpose what so ever. Berserker form is just lazy and failed attempt to reference non canon movie character (Broly) and make a weak female Saiyan a Hulk-like monster who's completely turned into a Mary Sue character, and Vegeta's new form is just another asspull, and it still didn't do anything but prevent him from not getting completely obliterated by Jiren, and beat Toppo.

Oh yeah, Toppo too. The writers tried so hard to make him look like a total badass when he became a God of Destruction, and he was. But what did he do as God of Destruction? He stomped Frieza yes, but was he eliminated? No. He couldn't even eliminate Android 17, and he got beaten by Vegeta in the first episode after the one where he became God of Destruction. And suddenly he is no longer a God of Destruction. Pure showings aside, that's not the actual point. The point is, how in God's name did he become God of Destruction? I know he's a candidate for a God of Destruction, but you want to tell me that the only way to become GoD is to train hard enough and then "make up your mind"??? Belmod said something like: "making up his mind, Toppo is not different than a GoD". WHAT??? That makes zero sense. Obviously just another asspull for Toppo to overpower Frieza and for the tournament to move on, even tho it makes zero progress, and the last 10-15 episodes could be put in 2-5.

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Yes, I know Z used transformations as a plot device as well, but there were like only three notable transformations. Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3 (Kaio Ken is just a technique, Grand Ape doesn't count, Potential Unleashed is a different thing really, and didn't affect the plot a lot, and I guess Fusion Dance was kinda stupid but Potara made sense). Super Saiyan makes perfect sense because it was the key plot point of the entire Namek Saga, just like Red God was for Battle of Gods movie and the first arc. Super Saiyan 2 was kinda unpredictable, but the reason why it was awesome is because of the context of the story and how it was used. Gohan was the one who unlocked that ability, and he was the one who overpowered Cell with it. This is the same character who we've seen as a kid with a lot of potential ever since the beginning of Z, but at the end of the day, he was always overpowered by villains or saved by protagonists.

Here, we saw him rising as the most powerful of the Z fighters and facing Cell by himself. And it's not like he pulled it out of nowhere. He reached that level with his training in the Room of Spirit and Time with Goku, and it took a beating from Cell, his friends getting almost killed by Juniors, Android 16's speech about life and at the end, his death at the hands of cell, to allow him to unlock that power. It made sense and it was awesome. And he still suffered the consequences for his actions, not killing Cell caused the death of Goku. This led to Cell becoming more powerful, which allowed Gohan to win only with the help of other Z fighters. It also gave Vegeta two pretty emotional and cool scenes. Super Saiyan 3 wasn't as cool as the previous two versions, but at least it made sense due to training Goku has gone through while being dead. It also wasn't a game changer in a single instance Goku used it, and he used it like 3-4 times if I remember correctly.

And yes, you also have Super Saiyan Grade variants, but those are not different versions. They are just upgraded Super Saiyans that affect your powers in certain ways. And those weren't game changers either aside from that instance when Super Vegeta overpowered Semi-Perfect Cell, which showed how arrogant Vegeta is as a person and a character, for allowing Cell to become Perfect. So at the end, most of those transformations affected the story in cool, useful and logical ways.

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At the end of the day, Super is just recycling plots. Goku heard someone is pretty strong. He gets excited and wants to fight. He gets stomped. Then he pulls out his other overpowered form from nowhere which serves no purpose what so ever but allow other Dragon Ball fanboys on internet to make videos on how strong Goku is. Other breaking news: "Water Wet". And no, I am, by all means, not complaining because Goku is getting stronger. I don't mind him, as Dragon Ball fanboys like to say, "being strong enough to curbstomp my favorite comic book heroes". I acknowledge the fact that he is. But the stories of this, once great series is now nothing but Goku fighting, losing, and then winning after changing his hair color. Even if I could somehow ignore all of this, Ultra Instinct Mastered just ruined it for me. I see that I just can't hope for anything original or noteworthy to happen anymore. If this Goku does not beat Jiren, I will be beyond shocked. If you are fine with all these power ups, you are entitled to your own opinion and that's fine. My opinion is not law and you don't have to be all defensive if you disagree. But I just don't find myself enjoying this as much as I want to. Let's see if the Manga will handle this Tournament of Power arc way better than the Anime did.


And this is kinda generic way to bring closure to this topic, but can you tell me how you feel about Ultra Instinct Mastered, or all these consistent changes in powers and forms and more? I'm really interested to see if I'm the only one who has a problem with it. Aside from that, I hope you enjoyed reading this (rant) blog of mine.