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Darth Krayt's Sith Troopers: Overview

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This is an overview of the capabilities of Darth Krayt's Sith Troopers. For the best viewing possible, switch to blog format.

Let's begin...

What is a Sith Trooper?

The Sith Trooper project is the culmination of decades of planning and preparing at the hands of Darth Krayt. He chose those he found to be the strongest in the Force from birth and locked them away for experimentation and enhancement - he augmented their physical abilities with cybernetics from infancy and forged them into his Sith Troopers. Their loyalty to Krayt is absolute, as demonstrated below, where a Sith Trooper kills himself purely because Krayt willed it.

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Physical Abilities

Sith Troopers have been augmented in every way physically. Their strength is enhanced to superhuman levels through cybernetic augmentation, as is their resiliency and stamina. Furthermore, their own bodies are fully integrated into their armor. Additionally, their armor has an integrated laser projectile on the left gauntlet.

A Sith Trooper who takes on a considerably fatigued Cade Skywalker not only shrugs off a direct lightsaber slash, but makes the point that while Cade was fatigued from the attack on the Jedi Temple, his endurance is limitless. He is also described as fighting too fast to shoot accurately by Morrigan Corde, an elite assassin and Imperial agent.

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The resiliency of a Sith Trooper is such that one can survive after a prolonged blast of Force lightning from Cade Skywalker, an incredibly powerful being.

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Still alive from the aforementioned blast of lightning, a Sith Trooper is examined in a near-death state.

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Combat Prowess

Sith Troopers are unlike any force the galaxy has ever known. Purportedly numbering in the millions, they are Krayt's elite army and stand head and shoulders above any other known military unit of their time, perhaps of all time.

Emperor Roan Fel claims the deposed Empire has "no counter" for the Sith Trooper's, militarily speaking.

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Remarking on the "purity" of the Sith Troopers' hate, Roan Fel and his advisor come to the conclusion that their only hopes of defeating them is by releasing a devastating toxin on Coruscant, wiping all of them out at once.

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When the Sith Troopers were unleashed on Taivas, not only did they deal massive casualties to the Jedi and Imperial Knights, but they cut a swath through their own Imperial forces just to get to their actual targets.

Cutting through Imperial forces:

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Shado Vao remarks that these Sith Troopers are unlike any Sith he and the others have ever seen before - Shado has years of experience fighting and killing Sith:

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Sith Troopers are seen single handedly killing the Jedi defenders, leaving trails of bodies in their wake:

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A description of the casualties they caused on the Jedi:

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In short, a single Sith Trooper is capable of quite easily making short work of your average Jedi Knight.


Sith Troopers are able to become fully integrated into their Annihilator Starfighters, using the Dark Side of the Force to enhance their piloting capabilities beyond normal levels. These Annihilator-class Starfighters are the best military craft available at that time; the fastest, the most maneuverable, and sporting cannons that can breach the defences of a capital ship Star Destroyer.

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The prowess of a Sith Trooper-manned Annihilator squadron is displayed below as they tear through a Galactic Alliance capital ship. Darth Stryfe even remarks that the other Imperial stormtrooper units will be treated as collateral damage if they don't pull away:

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Force Power

Sith Troopers hold considerable power for a generic, nameless troop. Not only are they hand picked from other potential Sith due to their much higher Force potential, but they are capable of easily bypassing the defences of regular Sith, crushing them:

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A Sith Trooper was even capable of pushing Cade Skywalker back (he was however heavily fatigued at the time):

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Most importantly, however, Sith Troopers are collectively linked telepathically through the dark side of the Force, to both each other and Darth Krayt himself. His will is their life.

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