madeinbangladesh's Batman #27 - Zero Year: Dark City, Part Four review

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    I'm going to get a lot of HATE for this......

    (Quick Unprofessional Review)

    I'm definitely in the minority for this unpopular opinion. I'm not liking Zero Year at all. I became a fan of Scott Snyder with his Court of the Owls storyline. Batman was was one of my favorite series from the start. My interest began to drop after Death of the Family. So far with ZY, I had to force myself to finish every issue. To simply put it, this whole event has been boring. This issue was the final nail in the coffin. I never have problem with stories that don't contain action. All I need is some interesting story-telling that doesn't make me fall asleep. There wasn't really anything compelling or memorable about this issue. Only moment that really stood out to me was James Gordon's flashback with he pitbulls. Every page was crammed up with never-ending dialogue bubbles.The villain may look terrifying, but there's no fascinating back-story for Dr. Death that makes me care about him. Same goes for Riddler. The issue ends with a typical "cliffhanger" that puts the hero in hot water. Oh no! Is Batman going to survive this!?!?!? There is just no hook to the story that makes me want to read it. Batman currently reads like any other mediocre DC title. Nothing so far has surprised me, and I feels like a unnecessary and dull rehash of Year One. I do have to give credit to the art team. Greg Capullo's art still looks frickin' great! The colours looked even better.

    If you are digging Zero Year, continue to enjoy it, but so far, it hasn't impressed me enough. This is the last issue of Batman that I will be reading until Zero Year is over. 5/10

    Other reviews for Batman #27 - Zero Year: Dark City, Part Four

      Top Noch. 0

      PlotBatman is getting shot at,he escapes,somehow,and ends up in the river,below.Gordon rescues him,and tells him that he is a good cop after all.Then from the Batcave he gets a clue and goes to a mausoleum he thinks Dr.Death is hiding.He finds out the Riddler was manipulating the guy,and that he's gonna poison all of Gotham(a unique and innovating plot,i know...).The final part of Dark City starts the next issue.....oh the NEXT-next issue....issue #28 is a Batman e...

      6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

      It's making a change; for the better! 0

      (the review that was supposed to go up on Saturday, March 8, 2014). Batman is in trouble because Riddler is one step ahead still!The GoodThis was a great issue! Writer Scott Snyder really did a great job playing with this story. We have a young Bruce Wayne/Batman that is still learning the ins-and-outs of Gotham City and trusting other people. With the introduction of Riddler it's really pushed young Batman both physically and mentally. Which is always good.It was really great how Snyder played...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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