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Marvel Doesn't Want Girls to Grow Up?

So I had an idea for a list the other day relating to superheroes who have the words "boy", "girl", "lad", or "lass" in them (mostly inspired by the Legion of Super-Heroes), and I began compiling the list. What I found led to an interesting conclusion: DC comics has MANY more characters with boy or lad in the name than Marvel( Aqualad, Matter-Eater Lad, Colossal Boy, etc), and Marvel, in relation to the number of young male characters, is much more comfortable tacking girl on the end of a character's name. Out of extant, well-known characters, I couldn't find a single example of a "boy" named character, but I found MANY young females with the title "girl" attached to their name. Spider-Girl, Thor Girl, U-Go Girl, No-Girl, Gorilla Girl to name a few.  
As I began to ponder this, several conclusion arose: either Marvel doesn't want to portray men as anything other than the masculine elite (being men and not boys as that somehow degrades them) or Marvel is more comfortable with keeping women in roles that don't allow them to grow up. Women don't need to exert power, especially over men, and so must remain girls.  
Now I'll be the first to admit that I am a feminist. I'll also be the first to admit that there are probably more than two solutions to the problem I've shown above. However, I do think it odd that DC seems to be equal in the number of boy/girl characters it has, while Marvel is strongly one-sided. Is Marvel sexist? To be fair, I should also point out that the "lady" characters are heavy in Marvel as well while the "misters" are in short supply (while "doctor" is all the rage). What does this say about the two companies?