Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus Respect Thread Part 1

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Edited By ShootingNova

This is the first half of my respect thread for Count Dooku, featuring his physical abilities and lightsaber prowess. You can read part 2 here.

Although this thread will include Legends showings, some of you may only be interested in Dooku's Canon showings. Everything from sources in the canon timeline will be distinguished accordingly.

Respect Count Dooku A.K.A. Darth Tyranus

"He is a fencer. Leverage, position, advantage—they are as natural to him as breathing."

Force Augmentation

Canon: Sir Christopher Lee claims Dooku is a man of immense physical power:

"I play a character called Count Dooku, a battle-scarred Jedi. He's obviously a man of immense power — mental power, and physical power."


In spite of his eighty-three years, Dooku is remarkably fit:

"And he's remarkably fit for his mature years."

Source: Insider #122

Dooku is fitter than most humans half his age:

Physically, the Count's age was rarely a handicap. Deft as he had become with the Force-unimaginably more subtle than the boy who had watched water-skeeters in the Jedi gardens all those years ago-he wore his eighty-three standard years better than most humans half his age. He was still in superb physical shape, senses keen, health undiminished by even the memory of a cold.

Source: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

Dooku is paranormally strong and quick in ways that the Jedi are not:

The Sith saw no need to take on only young disciples, though they often did. Sometimes the training went smoother with disciples who had lived long enough to grow disillusioned or angry or vengeful. The Jedi, by contrast, were shackled by compassion. Their penchant for showing mercy, for granting forgiveness, for heeding the dictates of conscience, prevented them from giving themselves over to the dark side. From becoming as a force of nature itself, paranormally strong and quick, capable of conjuring Sith lightning, of exteriorizing rage, all without the need for the magic hand passes the Jedi were so fond of employing.

Source: Labyrinth of Evil


Canon: Dooku possesses inhuman strength:

The count twisted the arm with which Vos still clutched his humming lightsaber, squeezing down with inhuman strength on the webbing between thumb and forefinger.

Source: Dark Disciple

Canon: Obi-Wan finds it difficult to hold against the dark side-augmented strength of Count Dooku:

He found himself hard-pressed to hold against the dark side-augmented strength of his opponent, even though his own abilities with the Force were far from slight.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #49 (Relaunched)

Canon: Dooku overpowers Obi-Wan in a bladelock:

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Canon: Dooku holds strong against the Force-enhanced blows of Yoda:

With a sudden burst of sheer power, Master Yoda flew forward, his blade working so mightily that its residual glow outshone even those of both of Anakin’s lightsabers when he was at the peak of his dance. Dooku held strong, though, his red blade parrying brilliantly, each block backed by the power of the Force, or else Yoda’s strikes would have driven right through.

Source: Attack of the Clones

Canon: Dooku engages in a saberlock with Yoda, holding strong against him for over ten seconds, in spite of Dooku simultaneously using the Force to crush a steel column at the same time. When he disengages, Dooku pushes Yoda back:

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Yoda’s green blade caught the blow, holding the red lightsaber at bay, locking the two in a contest of strength, physical and of the Force. “

Fought well, you have, my old Padawan,” Yoda congratulated, and his lightsaber began to move out, just a bit, forcing Dooku back.

“The battle is far from over!” Dooku stubbornly argued. “This is just the beginning!” Reaching into the Force, he took hold of one of the huge cranes within the hangar and threw it down at Obi-Wan and Anakin.

“Anakin!” Obi-Wan cried. He grabbed at the plummeting crane with the Force, and Anakin, startled awake, did so, as well. Even working together, they hadn’t the strength left to stop its crushing descent.

But Yoda did.

Yoda grabbed the crane and held it fast, but in doing so, he had to release Dooku. The Count wasted no time, sprinting away, leaping up the ramp to his sail ship.

Source: Attack of the Clones

Canon: Dooku controls the motion of Asajj Ventress' lightsabers against her will, then floors her with a kick:

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Canon: Dooku overpowers Ventress in a brief saberlock:

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Canon: Dooku kicks Ventress across a room:

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Canon: Dooku overpowers Asajj Ventress in a saberlock:

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Canon: While drugged, Dooku manages to push Asajj Ventress back and stun her for several seconds:

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Canon: While drugged, Dooku kicks a Nightsister out of a hallway and off a ledge to the level below, stunning her for several seconds:

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Canon: While drugged, the force of Dooku's strikes and parries force Asajj Ventress and her Nightsister allies to take several steps back.

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Canon: Dooku easily slaps aside several of Savage Opress' strikes:

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Canon: Dooku overpowers Anakin Skywalker in a saberlock:

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Canon: Dooku physically stomps Obi-Wan, and also lands some blows on Anakin, causing Skywalker to stagger:

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Canon: Despite Quinlan Vos being enraged and striking with unprecedented strength, Dooku appears to have no difficulty in repelling them:

For a heartbeat he stood frozen. Then, with a roar, he attacked. Never had his blows been as strong as now, when he was fueled with white-hot fury. His lightsaber was a blur as he struck. Dooku retreated under the assault, but to Vos it seemed as though the Count didn't have much trouble parrying the blows.

Source: Dark Disciple

Canon: Dooku lifts Ventress up and slams her down before she can catch herself in time, sending her sprawling on the ground:

Just as Ventress realized she had overextended, Dooku's left hand clamped down on her right wrist and he brought up his own lightsaber. It was Ventress's turn to seize his arm and hold the scarlet blade at bay. For an instant, the two, their faces only centimeters apart, stared into each other's eyes in a mockery of lovers. Then Dooku heaved her up and sent her sprawling. Unable to catch herself in time, Ventress landed heavily with a grunt.

Source: Dark Disciple

Canon: Dooku pulls Quinlan Vos, sending him sprawling onto the ground, then pins him there with a knee whilst twisting Vos' arm to disarm him:

He should've been prepared for Dooku's next move, but he wasn't. The man who had a second before been cowering now seized Vos's wrist as the green lightsaber descended. A sharp tug, and the roles were reversed. Now it was Vos who sprawled on the ground. Dooku had a knee planted firmly in Vos's back, using the Force to augment his own not-inconsiderable strength. Vos couldn't move. The count twisted the arm with which Vos still clutched his humming lightsaber, squeezing down with inhuman strength on the webbing between thumb and forefinger. Vos willed his hand to obey, but it was useless. The lightsaber fell, and the green glow vanished.

Source: Dark Disciple

Canon: Dooku folds Anakin in half with a kick and then proceeds to transform it into a wheel-kick that knocks Obi-Wan back down the stairs, generating a cracking sound as if Obi-Wan had broken his neck:

Before their pieces could even hit the floor Dooku was in motion, landing a spinning side-stamp that folded Skywalker in half; he used his last burst of dark power to continue his spin into a blindingly fast wheel-kick that brought his heel against the point of Kenobi's chin with a crack like the report of a huge-bore slugthrower, knocking the Jedi Master back down the stairs. Sounded like he'd broken his neck. Wouldn't that be lovely?

Source: Revenge of the Sith

Canon: After locking sabers with him, Dooku drags Obi-Wan's blade arm upwards against the latter's will will, causing a three-way bladelock between himself, Anakin, and Obi-Wan:

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Canon: Tyranus intercepts the simultaneous attacks of Anakin and Obi-Wan, then breaks the saberlock with enough force to stagger Anakin backwards. After this, he kicks Anakin into an archway whilst Choking Obi-Wan:

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Canon: Dooku knocks out Obi-Wan Kenobi with a single kick:

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Canon: Dooku engages Anakin Skywalker in a bladelock for thirteen seconds. With the aid of Dun Moch, the Count holds the advantage in the saberlock, which Anakin only breaks upon becoming enraged:

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Speed & Agility

Dooku moves his lightsaber fast enough to become a blur at the age of twelve:

There was a flash of surprise on Lorian's face when he noted the coldness in Dooku's gaze. He stumbled backward as Dooku came at him furiously, his lightsaber a blur of color and motion.

Source: Legacy of the Jedi

Canon: Tyranus moves impossibly fast:

Obi-Wan understood immediately, even before he noted Anakin’s blue blade coming up and over the other way-the green blade would push the Count’s lightsaber out of the way, clearing the path for the victorious strike!

But Dooku retracted impossibly fast, and Anakin’s down-cutting green blade hit nothing but air.

Source: Attack of the Clones

Canon: He fills Obi-Wan's entire line of vision with the light of his blade, making it appear to be everywhere at once:

As Obi-Wan gave ground, Dooku quickened the pace. His every move was economical and elegant; his lightsaber seemed to be everywhere. Obi-Wan remembered Jocasta Nu telling him, With a lightsaber, in the old style of fencing, he had no match. Now he could see what she meant. Unfortunately.

Source: Attack of the Clones Junior Novelization

Canon: His blade flickers almost too fast for an injured Obi-Wan to see:

The Count smiled slightly - Obi-Wan was not sure at whom - and his blade flicked out almost too fast to see. Anakin screamed as his right arm dropped to the floor, cut off at the elbow.

Source: Attack of the Clones Junior Novelization

Canon: Dooku contends with Yoda in a duel, responding to all his strikes and showing comparable speed:

Dooku, along with Yoda, moves in a blurring tangle of speed and light:

The Jedi Master Yoda confronted Dooku. The two engaged in a titanic struggle of Force powers, neither besting the other. It came down to a contest of lightsabers. In a blurring tangle of speed and light, the two masters of the Force dueled.

Source: The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Canon: Dooku easily dodges an enraged Quinlan Vos' strike:

He lashed out with a blow that should have removed Dooku's head, but the count dodged the lightsaber easily.

Source: Dark Disciple

Canon: Dooku lifts Asajj Ventress up and throws her down before she can react:

For an instant, the two, their faces only centimeters apart, stared into each other's eyes in a mockery of lovers. Then Dooku heaved her up and sent her sprawling. Unable to catch herself in time, Ventress landed heavily with a grunt.

Source: Dark Disciple

Canon: Dooku quickly disarms Quinlan Vos with unarmed strikes before he can react:

He should've been prepared for Dooku's next move, but he wasn't. The man who had a second before been cowering now seized Vos's wrist as the green lightsaber descended. A sharp tug, and the roles were reversed. Now it was Vos who sprawled on the ground. Dooku had a knee planted firmly in Vos's back, using the Force to augment his own not-inconsiderable strength. Vos couldn't move. The count twisted the arm with which Vos still clutched his humming lightsaber, squeezing down with inhuman strength on the webbing between thumb and forefinger. Vos willed his hand to obey, but it was useless. The lightsaber fell, and the green glow vanished.

Source: Dark Disciple

Canon: Dooku kicks Anakin before dismantled pieces of Super Battle Droid could even hit the floor, then transitions it into a blindingly fast spinning kick that hits Obi-Wan with a crack as if he had broken Obi-Wan's neck:

Kenobi reached the top of the stairs and a single slash of his lightsaber dismantled both droids. Before their pieces could even hit the floor Dooku was in motion, landing a spinning side-stamp that folded Skywalker in half; he used his last burst of dark power to continue his spin into a blindingly fast wheel-kick that brought his heel against the point of Kenobi's chin with a crack like the report of a huge-bore slugthrower, knocking the Jedi Master back down the stairs. Sounded like he'd broken his neck. Wouldn't that be lovely?

Source: Revenge of the Sith

He moves faster than Obi-Wan:

The two droids fired at Obi-Wan, but he batted their fired energy bolts back at them and cut them down as he moved fast for Dooku. Unfortunately, Dooku moved faster, extending his left hand toward Obi-Wan as he used the Force to lift the Jedi off his feet while at the same time constricting his throat.

Source: The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader

Canon: The Count easily avoids several of Savage Opress's blows:

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Canon: Dooku dodges attacks from Ventress and Savage:

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Dooku easily deflects a number of strikes from the incredibly fast and strong General Grievous:

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Dooku dodges attacks from Grievous, and displays a number of acrobatic jumps and backflips:

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Dooku easily dodges two of Obi-Wan's strikes before grabbing and throwing him:

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Canon: Dooku generates 8 afterimages with his blade:

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Canon: Dooku fights imperceptibly fast:

Skywalker leapt for him again, and this time Dooku met the boy's charge easily. They stood nearly toe-to-toe, blades flashing faster than the eye could see, but Skywalker had lost his edge: a simple taunt was all that had been required to shift the focus of his attention from winning the fight to controlling his own emotions.

Source: Revenge of the Sith

On Vjun, Dooku strikes with his lightsaber with the speed of a viper:

The Count's blade was quick as a viper striking.

Source: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

On Vjun, Dooku moves his blade fast enough to generate a blinding scarlet blur and then a lace of red fire:

The blinding scarlet blur of Dooku's lightsaber split the air, slashing a burning line along Yoda's side before chopping his desk in half.

Then their blades clashed together in a lace of fire, green and red: but the green burned hotter. Slowly, slowly, Dooku gave way: and in the dark, drunken Vjun air, Yoda was terrible to behold.

Source: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

Dooku was the temple's most agile swordsmaster and instructor:

He had toed the Jedi line; become the Temple's most agile swordmaster and instructor.

Source: Labyrinth of Evil


Dooku is completely unharmed by a fall from a tremendous height:

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Canon: Dooku shrugs off a kick from an enraged Quinlan Vos:

Vos dived and leapt, darted and struck — like a snake — leaping onto the railings and kicking Dooku square in the face with his boot. The count's head snapped backward, and for one wild, glorious instant Vos thought had broken Dooku's neck. But then Dooku rallied and pressed the attack. He was smiling broadly, his eyes gleaming with approval.

Source: Dark Disciple

Canon: After being injured by a ship crash and then a blaster bolt, Dooku survives his own Lightning (which was capable of killing Asajj Ventress) being turned on him:

Another blaster bolt, and this time, it hit. Dooku had just made it to the threshold when he suddenly arched in pain and collapsed.


Vos inspected the wound, then rolled Dooku’s limp form over. “There’s nothing we can do now about the blaster burn, but this injury from the crash has reopened.” Gently, Vos picked Ventress up and laid her down beside the unconscious Dooku. He took her good arm and placed it on Dooku’s injury. “Keep pressure on it,” he said.


Vos saw Ventress’s eyes open wide. Her body went taut and she seemed to be staring at something he couldn’t see. Fear exploded in him, quivering in the pit of his belly, and he shook her, gently.


“No,” she whispered, her eyes still unfocused, frighteningly blank. Then, “No!”

Violently, she shoved Vos away, putting the Force into the movement so powerfully that he was hurled across the room. As he struck the wall, he heard a terrifyingly familiar sound: the sizzle and crackle of Force lightning.

Dooku stood, his teeth bared in a savage snarl of victory. Ventress was caught in the most violent bolts of Force lightning Vos had ever seen. They danced and crackled about her hungrily, almost like living creatures. Her body spasmed and her face contorted into a mask of absolute agony. Blood trickled from her ears, eyes, and nose.

“Asajj!” Vos cried, leaping between Ventress and Dooku. He activated his lightsaber, deflecting the Force lightning back onto Dooku. The count’s eyes widened in comprehension a split second before his own weapon turned on him, disloyal, as things of the dark always were. Dooku was flung back and lay on the ground, screaming and trembling, then lying still as the bolts faded.


Three strides brought Vos to Count Dooku. He pressed the humming blade close to Dooku’s neck.

“Do…it,” rasped Dooku. Impossibly, he was smiling. “The lightning wasn’t…for her. It was for you. She just…got in the way. Go on. Take…your revenge!”

Vos’s heart shook his body with its pounding, its aching, its demands. His gaze flickered to Ventress, lying so terrifyingly motionless. His vision blurred. It took him a moment to realize that tears were falling down his face in a river of pain. The dark, rage-filled tide inside him receded, leaving in his heart only the truth of the tears. The count still smiled, still anticipated the final step that would turn Vos irrevocably to the dark side.

Source: Dark Disciple

Canon: Dooku is completely unharmed by a kick from Anakin Skywalker:

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Dooku can use the Dark Side to sustain himself indefinitely:

He's old, Anakin thought. Maybe I can just outlast him. But the power of the dark side flowed around him, denying that possibility. The dark side would keep Dooku going for as long as he needed.

Source: Revenge of the Sith Junior Novelization

Dooku can wash away his fatigue:

He pushed this aside, drawing once more upon the certain knowledge of his personal invincibility to open a channel to the Force. Power flowed into him, and the weight of his years dropped away.

Source: Revenge of the Sith



As a Jedi, Dooku was probably the greatest swordsmen in the Jedi Order:

Count Dooku was probably the greatest swordsman at the Jedi Temple.

Source: The Official Figurine Collection #12

He was a remarkable teacher and, of all those in the Temple, arguably the most skilled with a lightsaber.

Source: The Official Figurine Collection #12

His progress was exceptional, and many thought he was the deadliest of all the Jedi in combat.

Source: The Official Figurine Collection #12
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In adolescence, Dooku became the Padawan learner of Thame Cerulian, a Jedi scholar on the Council who called Dooku the finest swordsman he had ever seen.

Source: Insider #113

As a Jedi, Dooku's skills were regarded by other Jedi to be only be matched by Masters Yoda and Mace Windu.

Yoda took a keen interest in the young Dooku. He assisted in Dooku's combat training and as a result, the Padawan became especially proficient with a lightsaber. Only Masters Yoda and Mace Windu were considered to be on equal terms with him.

Source: Insider #109

Only Mace himself ever mastered it, and it was reckoned that only Master Yoda and Dooku were ever able to match Windu with a lightsaber.

Source: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection #25

Dooku had been reckoned one of the foremost duellists in the Jedi Order, second only to Master Yoda.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #60

Moreover, Dooku was said to be one of the only Jedi capable of defeating Mace Windu in a duel:

His skills with his purple-bladed lightsaber were the stuff of legend, and it was said that he could be defeated in combat only by Master Yoda and the great swordsman Count Dooku.

Source: The Official Figurine Collection #33

It is said that only his one-time friend Dooku and the venerable Grand Master Yoda could outspar Mace Windu.

Source: The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels Prima Official Game Guide

After Dooku left the Order, Yoda and Mace surpassed his Jedi self with a blade, but remained the only Jedi in the Order's history up to that time to do so:

Under Yoda's tutelage, Dooku became one of the greatest sword masters the Order had produced - eclipsed only by Mace Windu and Yoda himself.

Source: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection #48

Yoda taught many pupils throughout his years, including Dooku, who became one of the finest sword masters the Order ever produced - eclipsed only by Mace Windu and Yoda himself.

Source: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection #48

He was known by reputation to be one of the greatest lightsaber duelists in the Order:

Dooku was said to be one of the Order's finest lightsaber masters, and he had earned a reputation as a skilled diplomat, as well.

Source: Darth Plagueis

His slightly curved lightsaber hilt, too, might have been a prop, though he was known to be one of the Order's most skilled duelists.

Source: Darth Plagueis

Once a legend even among his fellow Jedi, Count Dooku's desire to be the best in every aspect of his training led him to become one of the finest duellists in the Jedi Temple.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #68

His prowess was both exceptional and deadly, and many regarded him as one of the greatest warriors in the history of the Order.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #68

Dooku was a master duelist among Jedi:

But Dooku had been a master duelist, even among Jedi, and Anakin forgot that for a pain-blinded moment.

Source: The Clone Wars

With two such powerful Masters, Dooku quickly grew to become a most powerful and respected Jedi, and an acknowledged master lightsaber duelist.

Source: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection #34

Jocasta Nu stated that he was peerless in the old style of fencing (Makashi). This would suggest his mastery of the Makashi form likely exceeded that of Yoda's as well:

Obi-Wan remembered Jocasta Nu telling him, With a lightsaber, in the old style of fencing, he had no match. Now he could see what she meant. Unfortunately.

Source: Attack of the Clones Junior Novelization

Sidious' selection of Dooku to join the Sith was highly influenced by the Count's mastery of Form II, which Palpatine believed to be a tremendous advantage:

It was Dooku's experience with the Form II fighting style that was a major consideration for Sidious when selecting the former Jedi to be his next student.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #68

He was fully aware that his apprentice would eventually engage in duels against other Jedi, and believed Dooku's emphasis on pure lightsabre combat to be a tremendous advantage.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #68

Dooku's skills with a lightsaber became even more formidable after leaving the Order and joining the Sith:

However, once Dooku left the Jedi Order to become an apprentice to the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, his skills became even more formidable.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #68
For ten long years, Count Dooku lived in hiding, honing his Jedi skills and crafting his vision of the galaxy's future.

Source: Unleashed Collectibles
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As a result, Yoda now considers Mace Windu (as of Yoda: Dark Rendezvous) among all the other Jedi to possibly be Dooku's only equal on neutral ground:

The Count's blade was quick as a viper striking. Among the other Jedi, perhaps only Mace Windu would have been his equal on neutral ground: but here on Vjun, steeped in the dark side, his bladework was malice made visible—wickedness cut in red light.

Source: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

Another source claims that Dooku's skill is unmatched save for Yoda:

[Dooku's] skill with a lightsaber is matched only by Master Yoda.

Source: Force Collection

Canon: Dooku can outclass almost any duelist other than Yoda:

Dooku carried a lightsaber with a curved handle and practiced an elegant fighting style; he could outclass nearly any opponent except for Yoda.

Source: Insider #113

Dooku carried a lightsaber with a curved handle and practiced an elegant fencing style; he could outclass nearly any opponent except for Yoda.

Source: Insider: Lords of the Sith

Dooku has an unmatched mastery of Makashi, and it is said that all but the most skilled Jedi would fall against him in combat:

His mastery of the Makashi Lightsaber form is unmatched, and all but the most skilled Jedi would fall against him in combat.

Source: The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels

Obi-Wan remembered Jocasta Nu telling him, With a lightsaber, in the old style of fencing, he had no match. Now he could see what she meant. Unfortunately.

Source: Attack of the Clones Junior Novelization

Qui-Gon notes that leverage, position and advantage are all as natural to Dooku as breathing:

He is a fencer, Qui-Gon agreed. Leverage, position, advantage—they are as natural to him as breathing.

Source: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

Dooku possessed formidable dueling skills, which in conjunction with his near-unrivalled Force knowledge made him virtually indomitable:

With a near unrivalled knowledge of the Force combined with formidable skill with a lightsaber, Dooku was virtually indomitable.

Source: Insider #109

Count Dooku's fighting technique was a throwback to an earlier time, but he was nevertheless a formidable swordsman.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #68

The Count is a consummate duelist:

It must have been difficult for him to have served under a methodical master such as Dooku, consummate planner, consummate duelist.

Source: Labyrinth of Evil

Fighting with the skill of a consummate warrior and master of the Force - the Dark Lord battles his foes with both hands - wielding his scimitar-handled lightsaber with grace and precision while simultaneously leveling powerful bursts of Force lightning at those who challenge him.

Source: Darth Tyranus - Geonosian Escape (Star Wars SAGA Series, 2003)

Count Dooku is a disillusioned former Jedi Knight who lost faith in the Republic and abandoned the Jedi Order. Dooku spent ten years in seclusion honing his Force abilities - and - as a master of the old style of fencing - wields his scimitar-handled lightsaber with consummate grace.

Source: Count Dooku - Dark Lord (Star Wars SAGA Series, 2002)

Dooku was one of the greatest duelists that the galaxy has ever seen:

Some of the greatest dueling masters the galaxy has ever seen fought in the Form II style.

Source: Star Wars Adventures Magazine #3

Dooku wields a lightsaber to devastating effect:

Form II is the chosen discipline of the Separatist Count Dooku, who wields a lightsaber to devastating effect.

Source: Star Wars Adventures Magazine #3

Form II is the chosen discipline of the machiavellian Separatist Count Dooku, who wields it to devastating effect.

Source: Insider #62: Fightsaber

Canon: Dooku's lightsaber skills are better than anything seen in The Phantom Menace, including those of Darth Maul, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Upon clarification, Nick Gillard also reveals that there is a huge difference between Dooku and Maul:

"We're trying to go much more classical for some characters," says Gillard, "Some of the characters are real master swordsmen, better than anything we've seen so far. So we're using an old, classical European style for a couple of the characters.

Source: Homing Beacon #57

"Dooku & Maul are 8, but there is a huge difference inside the numbers themselves. It's not about how well they fight, it's about how well they learned."


Canon: Dooku was a superior swordsman to Anakin and Obi-Wan on Geonosis:

“One of the problems in writing the Dooku fights,” Nick Gillard noted, “was that both Obi-Wan and Anakin had to be master swordsmen - but Dooku had to be even better!”

Source: Mythmaking: Behind the Scenes of Attack of the Clones

Gillard’s challenge was creating a Dooku more powerful than even Anakin and Obi-Wan. After Dooku severs Anakin’s arm, however, audiences were left in no doubt.

Source: Mythmaking: Behind the Scenes of Attack of the Clones

Obi-Wan believes that Dooku deserved his reputation as a master of the classical fencing style:

Count Dooku deserved his reputation as a master of the old style of lightsaber fencing.

Source: Revenge of the Sith Junior Novelization

Obi-Wan remarks that he has never met combative power on a par with Dooku's, including that of Darth Maul's:

"Count Dooku's fall has troubled us all," Obi-Wan acknowledged. "Now we have a great and powerful enemy." His thoughts turned to his battle with Dooku. He had never met such power in battle before. He had never come up against something that had completely overpowered him. Even meeting the Sith Lord who had killed Qui-Gon had not been the same.

Source: Legacy of the Jedi

Dooku is more skillful than Darth Maul:

At the risk of getting a slew of Maul-loving mail, the short answer is that Count Dooku is more skillful than Maul. Think of Maul as a bulldog of a Jedi-killer. He attacks at full speed, full tilt, holding nothing back. That approach has its merits, but it doesn't always apply. Dooku was much more restrained and sophisticated, and he had a much better grasp of Jedi techniques and tactics. Maul was an impressive flurry of fury, barely giving his opponent time to think. Dooku, on the other hand, countered Kenobi's moves almost effortlessly because he knew precisely where to block. This left Dooku with the energy to deliver the surprise blows when his opponent dropped his guard.

Source: Insider #69

More sophisticated, more calculating, and if anything deadlier than Maul, Count Dooku (a.k.a. Darth Tyranus) proved himself more than a match for the combined skills of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in Attack of the Clones.

Source: Panel-to-Panel Volume 1

Darth Vader recalls that Dooku was one of the only duelists skilled enough to injure him in battle:

Only Dooku, Asajj Ventress, and Obi-Wan had been good enough with a blade to injure him, so how had an undistinguished Jedi Knight been able to do so?

Source: Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader

Dooku has never been fully bested in lightsaber combat during the Clone Wars:

While Dooku only fought occasionally with his lightsaber during the Clone Wars, he was never fully bested.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #18 (Relaunched)

Canon: Darth Sidious claims that Dooku is infinitely more skilled than Mother Talzin:

You control Dooku's body, but you possess none of his skill."

Source: Son of Dathomir #4


As a Jedi, Dooku is one of only two in history to have beaten Mace Windu in sparring contests:

Master Windu himself remained perfectly balanced and centered. In the history of the Jedi Order, only two opponents ever overcame him in battle. One was Master Yoda, who some said was the Order's true master of lightsaber combat. The other was former Master Dooku, whose own fighting style was archaic, yet stunningly effective.

Source: Power of the Jedi Sourcebook

In the history of the Jedi Order, only two opponents have ever overcome Master Windu in battle. One was Master Yoda himself, whom some say is the Jedi Order's true master of lightsaber combat. The other was Master Dooku.

Source: Star Wars Miniatures: Revenge of the Sith Preview 1 Mace Windu, Jedi Master

In his day, Mace was one of the best lightsaber fighters of the Jedi order. It was said only two opponents ever bested him; Yoda, and Dooku.

Source: Mace Windu Databank (old)

By contrast, Dooku claims to have never lost a duel to Mace in their many spars at the Jedi Temple:

“You were never able to defeat me at the Jedi Temple, and you won’t defeat me now.”

Source: The Clone Wars — Lightsaber Duels

Canon: Dooku easily defeats Obi-Wan Kenobi, who is said to be "fighting for life". Kenobi later recalls that he was "completely overpowered", something which nobody, not even Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace, had done to him before:

"Count Dooku's fall has troubled us all," Obi-Wan acknowledged. "Now we have a great and powerful enemy." His thoughts turned to his battle with Dooku. He had never met such power in battle before. He had never come up against something that had completely overpowered him. Even meeting the Sith Lord who had killed Qui-Gon had not been the same.

Source: Legacy of the Jedi

Anakin's impulsive attack gives Count Dooku the chance to overpower him and Obi-Wan easily.

Source: Mysteries of the Jedi

The two Jedi challenged Dooku to a lightsaber duel, but Dooku's masterful skills in old-style lightsaber combat made short work of the younger combatants.

Source: The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Though Obi-Wan instructed Anakin to join him in a coordinated attack against Dooku, the headstrong Padawan rushed in — only to be incapacitated by Dooku's surprising dark side attack. Kenobi moved in for the attack, but Dooku proved far too powerful. The rogue Jedi's lightsaber skills outpaced Kenobi's parries, and Obi-Wan fell to the ground, wounded in the arm and leg from glancing saber strikes.

Source: The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Anakin and Obi-Wan pursue Dooku to a secret hangar, where he defeats them easily, cutting off Anakin's hand.

Source: The Making of Revenge of the Sith

It was Count Dooku's combination of finesse and superior craftsmanship that enabled him to best both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, as well as hold his own against Jedi Master Yoda, during the Battle of Geonosis.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #68

He was spotted by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, who followed Dooku, attacking him in the hanger. They were easily defeated by the Sith Lord but before he could finish them off, Dooku was surprised by the arrival of Yoda.

Source: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection #34

Anakin and Obi-Wan dueled the former Jedi in a hangar, but were no match; Dooku defeated both and severed Anakin’s arm.


Using the force - Obi-Wan Kenobi flips into battle against the evil Sith Darth Tyranus. The courageous and disciplined Jedi Knight fights for his life as the master swordsman Darth Tyranus prepares to strike the final blow.

Source: Obi-Wan Kenobi with Force-Flipping Attack! (Star Wars SAGA Series, 2002)

Canon: Dooku then proceeds to defeat Anakin easily, even though he toyed with him. Obi-Wan also muses that Anakin was no match for the Count:

But Dooku is right, Obi-Wan thought through the haze of pain and exhaustion. Anakin is no match for him… Unless Anakin does something unexpected.

Source: Attack of the Clones Junior Novelization

Anakin caught the weapon in his free hand and attacked again. But even with two lightsabers, he could not hold back Count Dooku for long. The Count smiled and began to toy with him, knocking the extra lightsaber out of Anakin’s hand.

Retreat, Obi-Wan thought. Stall him. But Anakin was not retreating; he was being driven back. The combat had almost come full circle, back to where Obi-Wan lay. The Count smiled slightly — Obi-Wan was not sure at whom — and his blade flicked out almost too fast to see. Anakin screamed as his right arm dropped to the floor, cut off at the elbow.

Source: Attack of the Clones Junior Novelization

Anakin and Obi-Wan pursue Dooku to a secret hangar, where he defeats them easily, cutting off Anakin's hand.

Source: The Making of Revenge of the Sith

Dooku, far superior in the art of the duel, severed the young man's arm, which would later be replaced with a crude metal one.

Source: The New Essential Guide to Characters

He was spotted by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, who followed Dooku, attacking him in the hanger. They were easily defeated by the Sith Lord but before he could finish them off, Dooku was surprised by the arrival of Yoda.

Source: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection #34

Skywalker and Dooku dueled, but again the Count proved his superiority. Anakin was maimed and collapsed in an exhausted heap, joining the helpless Obi-Wan.

Source: The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

The two Jedi challenged Dooku to a lightsaber duel, but Dooku's masterful skills in old-style lightsaber combat made short work of the younger combatants.

Source: The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Anakin's impulsive attack gives Count Dooku the chance to overpower him and Obi-Wan easily. Anakin's haste also costs him his arm when Dooku's lightsaber slices it off.

Source: Mysteries of the Jedi

It was Count Dooku's combination of finesse and superior craftsmanship that enabled him to best both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, as well as hold his own against Jedi Master Yoda, during the Battle of Geonosis.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #68

Anakin and Obi-Wan dueled the former Jedi in a hangar, but were no match; Dooku defeated both and severed Anakin’s arm.


Canon: Sources even suggest that Dooku could easily defeat both Anakin and Obi-Wan together:

On Geonosis, Count Dooku showed why he had been known as one of the best duelists in the entire Jedi Order. He easily beat both Anakin and Obi-Wan together, and would have killed them had Jedi Master Yoda not arrived to join the fight at the last minute.

Source: Insider #34 (Relaunched)

Another source reiterates Dooku's superiority over the combined skills of Anakin and Obi-Wan, as well as claiming that he is deadlier than Darth Maul:

More sophisticated, more calculating, and if anything deadlier than Maul, Count Dooku (a.k.a. Darth Tyranus) proved himself more than a match for the combined skills of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in Attack of the Clones.

Source: Panel-to-Panel Volume 1

Canon: Dooku holds his own against MasterYoda, forcing a stalemate before departing the battle. Yoda himself congratulates Dooku for fighting well, and later claims that his bout with Dooku was sufficient practice to keep his skills honed:

"Fought well you have, my old Padawan."

Source: Attack of the Clones

With Form II, Dooku holds his own even against Master Yoda.

Source: Insider #62: Fightsaber

With Form II, Dooku holds his own even against Master Yoda in Attack of the Clones.

Source: Star Wars Adventures Magazine #3

It was Count Dooku's combination of finesse and superior craftsmanship that enabled him to best both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, as well as hold his own against Jedi Master Yoda, during the Battle of Geonosis.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #68

Here, his decades of lightsabre training gave him the ability to parry and riposte against Yoda's frenzied Form IV fighting style. Although the match ended in a stalemate, many Jedi believed Dooku would return for another confrontation with the Jedi.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #68

Forced to cross sabers with Dooku, Yoda falls back on his knowledge of Form IV, an acrobatic style that lets him overcome the natural limitations of his size and reach. He lacks the stamina of youth, but calls on the Force to fight the Sith Lord to a draw.

Source: Attack of the Clones: The Expanded Visual Dictionary

Yoda and Dooku were almost equals, with the little Jedi Master having perhaps a slight edge over his former padawan.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #34 (Relaunched)
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Dooku humbles both Sora Bulq and Tholme. He deprives Sora of one of his two blades before incapacitating him with Lightning, then duels Tholme and disarms him, also landing a blow on his shoulder and taking his eye:

The Count easily outduels a pre-prime Quinlan Vos:

Dooku easily defeats an enraged Asajj Ventress:

When she claimed to be Sith, Dooku laughed in her face before shocking her into unconsciousness with Force Lightning. Later, when she had recovered, Ventress launched an attack on Dooku. The Count easily defeated the woman and destroyed her lightsabers.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #116

Tyranus's weaker doppelganger, created through the Force, defeats Obi-Wan in an off-screen duel, wounding the latter:

"Where is Master Kenobi?"

"Wounded in the fight against Dooku. The Force will mend his wounds in time."

Source: The New Droid Army

Canon: Dooku stalemates Asajj Ventress and the two most skilled swordsmen amongst the Nightsisters, even while drugged:

"Karis and Naa'leth are the greatest warriors of our coven."

Source: The Clone Wars: Nightsisters

Canon: Tyranus swiftly disarms an untrained Savage Opress:

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Canon: Count Dooku fends off Asajj Ventress and Savage Opress together. When Ventress is alone Dooku proceeds to humble her:

Canon: He stalemates/contends with Anakin Skywalker numerous times:

Canon: Dooku casually outduels Anakin Skywalker using an electro-whip:

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Dooku duels evenly with Mace Windu for a period of time before his Magnaguards intervene and throw Mace off a cliff:

Tyranus quickly disarms a pair of Magnaguards and flicks his blade precisely a millimeter away from Grievous' mask:

He flicked his blade quickly, ridding two of the guards of their staffs, then placing the glowing tip a millimeter from Grievous's death-helmeted visage.

Source: Labyrinth of Evil

The Count has repeatedly outsparred General Grievous. Tyranus notes that he has been challenged by the General on rare occasions, suggesting that the Count wins handily in most of their training sessions:

Grievous had been a delight to train, as well. No need to coax him to release his anger and rage, as Dooku had been forced to do during the training of his so-called Dark Jedi disciples. The Geonosians had arranged for Grievous to be nothing but anger and rage. And as to the general's combat skills, few, if any, Jedi would be capable of defeating him. There had been moments during the extensive combat sessions when even Dooku had been hard-pressed to outduel the cyborg.

Source: Labyrinth of Evil

Dooku defeats General Grievous during a spar by means of disarming. Dooku never seems particularly hard-pressed throughout the duel, being able to identify flaws in Grievous' technique and reprimand him for them while dueling:

Canon: Dooku duels Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker together evenly. Though no blows are landed by the duel's conclusion, Kenobi was saved twice by Skywalker:

Dooku duels Yoda on the dark side nexus of Vjun, holding his own once again. After taking advantage of a distraction to tag Yoda, then penetrating his defenses to tag him again (a "near-impossible feat" according to The Official Star Wars Fact File), the Count holds his own against Yoda in fair combat, being driven back "slowly, slowly":

With a flick of his hand, he picked up the heavyset woman with the Force and hurled her through the window casement. Yoda's eyes went wide with shock. "You might want to help her," Dooku said.

With a bound, Yoda was at the casement. Whirry was windmilling down through the black air, screaming and tumbling toward the flagstones. Narrowing his eyes, Yoda reached out through the Force and caught her not three meters from the ground.

Instantly he was in the air himself, spinning away from Dooku's vicious attack before he was even consciously aware it was coming. The blinding scarlet blur of Dooku's lightsaber split the air, slashing a burning line along Yoda's side before chopping his desk in half. Yoda whipped out his blade while trying to set Whirry gently down on the cobblestones below. "Wish to hurt you, I do not!"

"That's odd," Dooku remarked. "I intend to enjoy killing you."

As Yoda released Whirry from his mind's hold, and let her spill gently onto the flagstones far below, the tip of Dooku's lightsaber scored a burning line across his shoulder. The Count's blade was quick as a viper striking. Among the other Jedi, perhaps only Mace Windu would have been his equal on neutral ground: but here on Vjun, steeped in the dark side, his bladework was malice made visible—wickedness cut in red light. "I've hurt you!" Dooku cried.

"Many times," Yoda said. He considered his pain: let it drop. Now he had nothing but Dooku to focus on, and his lightsaber gleamed with the same fierce green light that flickered from under his heavy-lidded eyes. "But killed me you did not, when you had the chance. A mistake, that was. More than eight hundred years has Yoda survived, through dangers you could not dream."

"I know how to kill," Dooku hissed.

Yoda's eyes opened wide, like balls of green fire. "Yes—but Yoda knows how to live!"

Then their blades clashed together in a lace of fire, green and red: but the green burned hotter. Slowly, slowly, Dooku gave way: and in the dark, drunken Vjun air, Yoda was terrible to behold.

"Yes," Dooku whispered. "Feel me. Feel the treason. All those years of teaching me, raising me. Trusting me. And here am I, the favored son, butchering your precious Jedi, one by one. Hate me Yoda. You know you want to."

Count Dooku lashed out with his lightsaber. Yoda took a quick step back and felt the heat of the red blade as it sliced the air centimeters from his tunic.

He jumped, spun, and struck at Dooku's back before he landed. Dooku turned aside at the last moment, whipping his blade across the space where Yoda was seconds earlier. Facing each other again, their blades met, clashed, froze.

"Cunning, are you," Yoda said, breathing hard.

"I've had excellent teachers," Dooku said.

Yoda dropped and rolled to the side, his lightsaber blazing, reaching for Dooku's ankles. Dooku leapt up and flipped backwards landing lightly to face Yoda squarely. On his feet again, Yoda whirled and struck at Dooku, his green blade meeting Dooku's and pushing him back. Dooku attacked with reckless abandon fueled with hatred. Their blades hummed together, hissing and sparking.

Dooku brought his blade down toward the diminutive Jedi Master and Yoda parried, locking his blade against Dooku's. Yoda breathed, calming himself. "And yet, even here on Vjun, where the dark side whispers and whispers to me . . . love you enough to destroy you I do."

Pushing Dooku back yet again, blades flashed and flared stutters of light, blood red and sea green.

Sweat ran in streams through Dooku's beard as he countered Yoda's every move, and his lips were white. Holobattles raged around them as the consoles showed Obi-Wan and Anakin clashing with wave after wave of battle droids. Dooku shot a quick glance at the red button on his desk and, with a Force push, he punched it in.

Yoda cocked his head. "A choice made, have you, Count?"

"I notice I am no longer your apprentice," Dooku said between breaths. "There was always a chance you could overpower me, of course." Yoda attacked: Dooku parried. "So I put a missile in high orbit, slaved to this location. It's falling now. Gathering speed." Dooku stepped warily back to the open window casement. "Can you feel it dropping? A thorn, a needle, an arrow. Faster all the time." He paused to get his breath. "Obi-Wan and your precious Skywalker and your little Padawans will be wiped out when the missile hits. So what you need to decide is, what means more to you, Master Yoda? Saving their lives—or taking mine?"

And with that he leapt backward, out the window. Yoda bounded after him. In the dark Vjun air it was all he could do not to leap after Dooku, to fall on him like a green thunderbolt and annihilate him utterly.

... But already he could feel the missile, too, dropping in a red scream through the atmosphere, two hundred armored kilos of explosive aimed for Chateau Malreaux. With a snort, Yoda turned his eyes to the sky and picked out the glowing dot racing in from the horizon.

Below him, Dooku landed softly on the ground and melted into the rose gardens.

Source: Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

Dooku battled his former tutor Yoda on Geonosis, then again on Vjun. On both occasions, Dooku fled before the outcome was clear; although he penetrated Yoda's defenses enough to wound him on the second occasion.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #18 (Relaunched)

While Dooku only fought occasionally with his lightsaber during the Clone Wars, he was never fully bested. He achieved the near impossible by wounding Master Yoda during a fight on Vjun, before making a tactical withdrawal.

Source: The Official Star Wars Fact File #18 (Relaunched)

Dooku defeats Yoda, appearing weaker than he is to lure his former Master into a false sense of security before incapacitating him with Lightning:

Canon: Dooku duels Anakin Skywalker evenly, with the edge constantly shifting between the two combatants:

Skywalker, however, wasted no time in banter. He leapt at once for Dooku. Blue and red lightsabers clashed and sizzled.


She spared a glance for Dooku, one level down. The fight between him and Anakin was close and constantly shifting. Ventress felt a brief flash of amusement as she realized that for the first time, she was actually rooting for Skywalker.


"You two go on!" called Anakin. He dodged a strike from Dooku's red lightsaber that whizzed past the top of his head and brought his own blade up for a counterstrike. "I'll take care of him!"

"Insolent whelp," snapped Dooku, parrying Skywalker's strike.

Source: Dark Disciple

Canon: Dooku proves a formidable foe for both Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi together aboard the Invisible Hand. He appears at ease even with the two of the Jedi attacking him simultaneously, and though they use every trick they know and strike at him from every angle, he blocks all of their strikes, forces their blades into each other, and occasionally lands hits on them:

Infiltrating General Grievous' flagship, the Jedi found the Chancellor bound to a chair in the spacious observation deck. Waiting for them was Count Dooku. Obi-Wan and Anakin challenged the Sith Lord as a team. Dooku proved a formidable opponent.


Waiting for them was Count Dooku, and unlike the impulsive and disorganized attack that had marked their last confrontation with Dooku, Obi-Wan and Anakin challenged Dooku as a team. Dooku proved a formidable opponent. He Force-pushed Obi-Wan with terrible strength, tossing the Jedi Master like a rag doll against the walls of the quarters. Kenobi was knocked unconscious.

Source: The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

Count Dooku deserved his reputation as a master of the old style of lightsaber fencing. Even with both Anakin and Obi-Wan pressing him, he seemed at ease. The Jedi used every trick they knew, leaping and striking from unexpected directions. Dooku blocked them all.

Source: Revenge of the Sith Junior Novelization

Dooku handily defeats both Obi-Wan and Anakin on Geonosis and holds his own for much of the duel aboard the Capital starship Invisible Hand, proving alongside Master Yoda that for a Force user, age is only a number.

Source: Age of Republic — Count Dooku: A Sith for a More Civilized Age

Canon: Dooku fights evenly with Anakin Skywalker, with neither combatant able to gain an advantage:

All of the super battle droids had been cut down; only Anakin and Dooku were left. Down the long length of the room they fought, neither one able to gain an advantage.

Source: Revenge of the Sith Junior Novelization

Canon: Dooku holds his own against an enraged Anakin Skywalker, who is a level 9 duelist (placing him in league with the likes of Yoda and Darth Sidious), even though Dooku had not anticipated Anakin's newfound strength:

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Dooku appeared, engaging both Jedi at the same time. He first defeated Obi-Wan, Force choking him and nearly crushing the Jedi Master with a heavy railing. An enraged Anakin continued the fight, unleashing a strength Dooku had not anticipated. The young Jedi cut off the Sith Lord’s hands, drew Dooku’s lightsaber to him, and the Separatist leader fell to his knees.


"The level is not necessarily an indication of the performer's talent, but it takes a truly gifted and physically skilled actor to play a powerful Jedi combatant. 'Hayden Christensen is one of the best there is,' says Gillard. 'I've seen hundreds of sword fighters, people who do it for a living, and he leaves them all in his wake. His style has changed a bit since Episode II, when he was only a level seven. On this he's a level nine.' For the curious, Gillard does not reveal any Jedi who has achieved level ten. The highest is nine, occupied by a small number of capable sword masters, including Yoda and Darth Sidious. At so high a ranking, it comes down to individual fighting styles as well as the circumstances of the surroundings that make a difference."


In the Jedi levels of lightsaber fighting, Obi-Wan is an eight, while Anakin, Yoda and Darth Sidious are nines.


"When I started, I figured that a youngling is a level one. And somebody like Kit Fisto - seven. I did take it to eight and nine, but not many people know that. Eight and nine is cheat. So Obi-Wan is eight. Yoda is nine. Mace is eight, bordering on nine. Anakin is nine."

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@shootingnova: Some of the images on the speed section are too small to visibly see but aside from that, the structure of this respect thread is most commendable indeed.

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#3  Edited By Wolfrazer  Online

Looks nice! Do you plan on doing any others by chance? Or just the one? Of course when you're done.

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Very well written piece on one of the more unsung characters in Star Wars. Loved his part in the films, played by the great Christopher Lee. He also held his own well against Yoda in their brief but epic fight...not to mention easily despatching Anakin and Obi Wan. I was always a bit mystified how easily he succumbed in the revenge of the sith. Perhaps someone could explain that for me.

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#5  Edited By dondave

You've convinced me to watch The Clone Wars, great respect thread.

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Sorry am really busy at the moment but I started to read it and from what I could tell its looking great. ;)

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Not bad. :b

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#8 JediXMan  Moderator

Not bad. The more vids, the more I become slightly curious about TCW.

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#9  Edited By Earthquake_2123

@bezza: He wasn't easily succumb. It was due to fact that that Anakin was enraged + gaining over powering strength and because (Djem so) is an aggressive fighting form vs Makashi(fencing/dueling style). It left Dooku at a slight light saber form disadvantage and on top of that he was fatiguing while giving off a lot of energy to fend off Skywalker's attacks.

Shown here

Skywalker was all over him. The shining blue lightsaber whirled and spat and every overhand chop crashed against Dooku's defense with the unstoppable power of a meteor strike; the Sith Lord spent lavishly of his reserve of the Force merely to meet these attacks without being cut in half, and Skywalker—Skywalker was getting stronger.

--Taken from Revenge of the Sith

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#10  Edited By Edude117
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@jedixman: Wait... Have you ever given TCW a chance? I know you highly dislike it but I thought you watched it and hated it, I didn't think you never watched it. Personally I loved the show as I grew up with it and it was always nice to get more Star Wars.

On topic: Finished reading it now... It was great with lots of good solid feats and although I've already watched every episode of the clone wars 3 times and the Original TCW Vol. 1-2 at least 3 times, I still enjoyed watching the videos ;)

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#12 JediXMan  Moderator

@jedixman: Wait... Have you ever given TCW a chance? I know you highly dislike it but I thought you watched it and hated it, I didn't think you never watched it. Personally I loved the show as I grew up with it and it was always nice to get more Star Wars.

I didn't see the later seasons; I've only seen the first two. I stopped watching when Cad Bane came into the picture, because I hate Cad Bane. I stopped watching right before Savage Opress came up.

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#13  Edited By deathstroke19

@jedixman: Meh Cad was cool when I was younger but now he's meh. I stopped watching for a little bit too during season 1-2.

But Seriously though Savage Oppress was what got me hooked on the show. I had to watch every episode after that to see how his story would unravel and see what would become of him. The chemistry between him and maul was great IMO except a few parts here and there but honestly in the end I HIGHLY recommend you try watching season 3-5 as they really improve. But yeah you don't have to watch it if you don't want to but I recommend it.

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#14 JediXMan  Moderator


The Death Watch and Mandalore as a whole is another issue I have.

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#15  Edited By deathstroke19

@jedixman: .... >:( that's all you got from that message????? That you have issues with the death watch!?!?!?! WELL GUESS WHAT BUDDY ....

lol jk. I edited that part out so you can read the message without running into the words death watch

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Appreciate the compliments, guys.

@lvenger said:

@shootingnova: Some of the images on the speed section are too small to visibly see but aside from that, the structure of this respect thread is most commendable indeed.

Hmm... I can't really fix them. I was going to post this up and then it blocked out the images and videos so I tried to repost them..... bugs, I guess.

For structure, Silver was one of those who inspired me so he earns credit for that.

@jedixman said:

Not bad. The more vids, the more I become slightly curious about TCW.

Actually, unlike for Grievous, TCW holds a lot of respect for Dooku. He has never really lost a fight in TCW, and his some of his best strength and TK feats come from here. He has good dueling feats too. So Dooku is not an absolute jobber throughout the series, unlike Grievous and at times, Ventress.

Not bad. :b

Hehe :P

I'm just getting started.

@edude117 said:

Dumb question.

This is definitely one of my top Dooku feat references from now on.

It looks great, man! Makes the rest of us look bad. xD

Cool, thanks. I think I created this thread as a feat reference. Most people use movie feats only and its annoying when nobody actually knows how powerful Dooku is, even if they have watched TCW.

Looks nice! Do you plan on doing any others by chance? Or just the one? Of course when you're done.

I am planning to make a few others. Grievous seems to be a likely candidate, although as I said above he is very...... bumpy with his feats. Extremely inconsistent thanks to TCW, which is one of the gripes I have with it. The original show, CW, had plenty of good feats for Grievous but TCW portrayed him as a jobber who lost to virtually everybody.

@bezza said:

Very well written piece on one of the more unsung characters in Star Wars. Loved his part in the films, played by the great Christopher Lee. He also held his own well against Yoda in their brief but epic fight...not to mention easily despatching Anakin and Obi Wan. I was always a bit mystified how easily he succumbed in the revenge of the sith. Perhaps someone could explain that for me.

I appreciate the compliment.

As I said earlier, Dooku's Form II style, Makashi, is appropriate only for one-on-one duels, but Anakin's Djem So variant of Form V is similar. Makashi is incredibly lax when it comes to physicality - it focuses on elegance, precision, artifice and a generally economical fighting style. Djem So is incredibly aggressive and is the most strength-based of the seven traditional forms - and its practitioner, Anakin, has immense levels of strength. Combined with the fact that Anakin was enraged, Dooku had little hope of lasting much longer than he did.

@dondave said:

You've convinced me to watch The Clone Wars, great respect thread.

Those videos were good, you mean? Thanks for the compliment, and about the videos what I said earlier is basically the same - Dooku is still held in high regard in TCW, as compared to Grievous, who constantly jobs.

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#19 JediXMan  Moderator

@jedixman said:

Not bad. The more vids, the more I become slightly curious about TCW.

Actually, unlike for Grievous, TCW holds a lot of respect for Dooku. He has never really lost a fight in TCW, and his some of his best strength and TK feats come from here. He has good dueling feats too. So Dooku is not an absolute jobber throughout the series, unlike Grievous and at times, Ventress.

I just don't like that Dooku had to retreat during his battle with Ventress and Opress. Yes, he was winning, but he should have won outright.

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@jedixman: Was this thread the first time you saw that? (If anything, might I ask how many of these videos you have never seen before?)

Regarding your question - he was fleeing because he wanted outright opportunity for victory. He actually does consider Savage a threat but for the most part he doesn't like three-way-duels, perhaps?

He does stomp Ventress, LOL.

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#21 JediXMan  Moderator

@jedixman: Was this thread the first time you saw that? (If anything, might I ask how many of these videos you have never seen before?)

No. I've seen all of these videos before, at one time or another. I saw the Dooku vs Opress / Ventress fight around the same time that episode aired. I just haven't seen the episode itself, so context is usually lost on me.

Regarding your question - he was fleeing because he wanted outright opportunity for victory. He actually does consider Savage a threat but for the most part he doesn't like three-way-duels, perhaps?

Don't care. Still irritating.

And he's fine with three-way duels. He handled Obi-Wan and Anakin fine (... sort of). He took Obi-Wan out of the fight, which to me is fine. His ability to single out specific enemies does go with Makashi, but he's a skilled duelist - he knows how to pull opponents

I also wanted Dooku to be the one to legitimize his right as a Sith part of the Rule of Two by killing Maul and Opress himself, not leaving it for Palpatine to do. For me, that would have been more satisfying. I don't need to see Palpatine cut loose; I know what he can do.

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#22  Edited By ShootingNova

@jedixman: That's not what I meant about three-way duels. Obi-Wan and Anakin was a 2-on-1. I mean 1v1v1. It's too erratic and random for any proper strategy.

They had to make that episode with Palpatine because it was a tribute to the voice actor who died a year earlier.

That said, I want to see Dooku kill Maul in an epic fight. Too bad any potential plans got cancelled.

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@jedixman said:

I also wanted Dooku to be the one to legitimize his right as a Sith part of the Rule of Two by killing Maul and Opress himself, not leaving it for Palpatine to do. For me, that would have been more satisfying. I don't need to see Palpatine cut loose; I know what he can do.

Whilst it was awesome seeing Palpatine unleash himself on Maul and Oppress, I did find it weird Palpatine didn't just send Dooku to defeat them instead of dealing with those two himself. It was strange for Palpatine to get his hands dirty unnecessarily.

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@lvenger: He captured Maul for some unknown reasons. The reason will stay unknown for some time because it the rest of the show got cancelled.

And I think I can fix the images, but I don't have the time until tomorrow.

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Respect the Dooku

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@shootingnova: Looking pretty good. I'm glad Dooku is getting the respect he deserves.

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Respect Saru...I mean Dooku!

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Looking pretty good. I'm glad Dooku is getting the respect he deserves.

Yeah, but if I was the only one respecting him that would be no good :P

I don't know. Honestly, some people completely undercut Dooku. It's annoying even though Dooku isn't my favorite character, because he is still within about the top 5 for me.

@erkan12 This might show you that Dooku is not as weak as you make him out to be......

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#30  Edited By isaac_clarke
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#31  Edited By ShootingNova
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Respect Saru...I mean Dooku!


I honestly prefer Dooku over Saruman, as a character. Dooku is a lot more developed and his backstory makes him a much more powerful character than Saruman ever was.

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Oki Doki then

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#34  Edited By AllStarSuperman

@dondave said:

You've convinced me to watch The Clone Wars, great respect thread.

I jut started under a week ago and I am almost through the first season

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#35  Edited By ShootingNova

@lvenger: Unfortunately, my plan for dealing with the size issues failed.

It appears this.... bug cannot be dealt with by common posters. I believe only the mods/staff etc. can deal with this.

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@shootingnova: Report it in the Bug Reporting section and it might get dealt with by one of the bug admin staff for the Vine. That would be your best bet of fixing it I think.

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@lvenger: I have.

This new website looks prettier than the last one, but has a lot more bugs and sync issues.

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@shootingnova: Agreed, the problems with this new layout outweigh the aesthetic appeal of it IMO.

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@norrinboltagonprime21 said:

Respect Saru...I mean Dooku!


I honestly prefer Dooku over Saruman, as a character. Dooku is a lot more developed and his backstory makes him a much more powerful character than Saruman ever was.

I wouldn't know, I just thought since the Hobbit part 2 came out a few days ago, this comment would be appropriate.

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#41  Edited By ShootingNova
@lvenger said:

Agreed, the problems with this new layout outweigh the aesthetic appeal of it IMO.

If the issues could be fixed - then it would be fantastic. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem possible in the near-future since new bugs just surface after old ones go away.

@norrinboltagonprime21 said:

I wouldn't know, I just thought since the Hobbit part 2 came out a few days ago, this comment would be appropriate.

I know, but the movies aren't the only ay to develop a character. I'm talking about novels here. Obviously the EU is much larger than any of Tolkien's works, but generally speaking Dooku is simply a much more... powerful character.

@erkan12 said:

He was a man who is using his ''full potential''.

Maul was true sith apprentice, while he was ''sith pretender'' (according to cw maul) and ''substitute'' of anakin skywalker. (according to sidious)

So he may defeat TPM Darth Maul (i highly doubt that) but he was certainly has lower potential than Maul, since Maul was only 22 during TPM (He was even younger than Obi-Wan) and Dooku was 80, even older than Sidious.

Yes he was also talented force user as master of Qui-Gon Jinn and well known jedi and one of the best lightsaber duelist in his time.

But his technique (makashi) is 'for' lightsaber duels, not for battling against blaster shoots or other kind of enemy. So he may be better duelist but he was certainly lower warrior than both Maul and Vader.

Also his force talents is remarkable. But not his physical condition. The reason that he lost against Anakin, Anakin's aggresive physical attacks (Djem so). Dooku's technique (Makashi) was the best solution against Obi-Wan's ultimate defensive lightsaber form (Soresu/Ataru hybrid) and other forms (since in his time, jedi's usually prefer defensive forms) but he has a weakness about that too. So Maul, as a Juyo+TerasKasi user and with his great physical state has advantage against him in duel. (in my opinion)

I don't think you have read this thread. At all.

But I don't want a debate in a respect thread. If you want to resolve this issue, you can bump the Darth Maul vs Count Dooku thread. If you have any points that are even remotely veracious/worthy of actually being noted, I will correct/contest them.

I asked you to come here because you once asked me about Dooku feats matching Maul's. This compilation has quite a few of them. I didn't ask you to come here and rant on how Maul could beat Dooku.

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#42  Edited By ShootingNova

@isaac_clarke: @lvenger: I won't pretend that you guys care, because you likely don't anymore, but I've finally fixed the image issue. I uploaded the massive versions instead of the side-by-side. I don't know what I did originally, but it was wrong.

@norrinboltagonprime21: As it seems, Saruman wasn't even in the Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, from all I can remember.

That said, the film was great. Smaug was awesome. And we get to see Gandalf lose his staff again..... I wonder if Peter Jackson just happens to hate him.

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#43  Edited By isaac_clarke

@shootingnova said:

@isaac_clarke: @lvenger: I won't pretend that you guys care, because you likely don't anymore, but I've finally fixed the image issue. I uploaded the massive versions instead of the side-by-side. I don't know what I did originally, but it was wrong.

Gratsi - I'm not sure what was the issue before with the side to side method - but everything is glorious now.

@norrinboltagonprime21: As it seems, Saruman wasn't even in the Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, from all I can remember.

That said, the film was great. Smaug was awesome. And we get to see Gandalf lose his staff again..... I wonder if Peter Jackson just happens to hate him.

He wasn't - Colbert was, but that was about it.

I'm not sure what Jackson's deal with Gandalf is, but Gandalf the Grey is godly inconsistent. He goes from blasting away multiple opponents with bursts of light to throwing fire-cones at his enemies, then running from orcs only to go one on one with Sauron himself for a time.

Gandalf just off his fight with the Balrog shows a Wizard that works magic just fine without a staff. Well, at least with the 'white' upgrade his only real jobber moment was against the Witch King nuking his staff.

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#44  Edited By ShootingNova

@isaac_clarke: I don't think we saw him using Glamdring at all.

At least the third one will have us see the White Council forcing Sauron out. And it might be a bit sad to see Smaug go.

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@shootingnova: Cool, I'm glad to hear that you've fixed that problem. I'll be able to check out all the images in this gallery now.

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#46  Edited By ShootingNova
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#47  Edited By Lvenger
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@isaac_clarke: Gandalf is inconsistent because he holds back alot. He and his group aren't supposed to use magic to dominate or oppress the races of middle earth. On a few occasions he cuts back a bit but those are mainly when he was alone.

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@lvenger: No idea. It just fixed itself when I chose another method, I suppose :P

I think the bug got fixed, though. By the staff.

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#50  Edited By isaac_clarke

@isaac_clarke: Gandalf is inconsistent because he holds back alot. He and his group aren't supposed to use magic to dominate or oppress the races of middle earth. On a few occasions he cuts back a bit but those are mainly when he was alone.

I thought of it as him being more of a plot device - with the occasional emphasis on him not being unbeatable by his staff being blown to bits or stolen or lost four times now.