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Ranking X-Men: Worst to Best

Out of excitement for X-Men: Apocalypse, which is out in my country but I had to sit it out for a while & will be watching it in less then 12 hours, I rewatched a majority of the X-Men films in preparation.

Some of them, I was too busy to re watch. But I've seen them enough to form a decisive opinion on all of them. Some are better then others: but if that wasn't the case, this post wouldn't exist.

I might edit this blog after I watch the new X-Men, but I needed to get this out now. Worst to best.

8. X-Men Origins: Wolverine

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Should've been called X-Men Borigins: Wolverine. Y'know, after seeing this movie, I'm glad they didn't make a Magneto Origins. Because anything associated to this title might just burn in a cease pool of acid. That's how it should be. Fassbender retains his solid track record, this way. Boring, dull, drub, Deadpool's character massacred. The best part of the film is probably the war montage.

7. X-Men: The Last Stand

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Bad CGI, the lack of Singer felt, and "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!" are all problems that persist in X-Men: The Last Stand. But all these missteps could be forgiven if not for the most fatal flaw in this film In my opinion? The story. Famke Janssen was horrible as Jean Grey from the get go - from me, at least, I've always hated Jean Grey in these movies. The story is her's, which makes it difficult for me to do the very simple act of caring.

Halle Berry, too.

6. Deadpool*

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You're probably thinking "Deadpool next to the tragedy that was the abysmal The Last Stand!? WHAT... IS THIS GIRL ON LSD." Well, you'd be partially right, but bear in mind that the space between The Last Stand and this movie is practically a behemoth. Deadpool is a fun movie. Ryan Reynolds as the lead is fantastic, his performance oozing with passion. The action is hard-hitting. Colossus is great. Negasonic is a character I'm hoping to see more of in the future. Why does Deadpool wind up so low, then?

The problem with Deadpool is that for a movie which parodies superhero movies, for a movie built with the intent of "breaking the mold in the superhero genre", Deadpool is weirdly... conventional. The most exciting parts are the comedic bits of the movie (which is 90% of the movie), but the movie as a story... it fell flat. I try not to put stock in comedy stories, but seeing as this is a movie's goal is to be different from other superhero movies, it felt very same-y.

Still a fun, and funny movie.

*may or may not be a part of the X-Men franchise. What do I know?

5. The Wolverine

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The Wolverine is a movie I've personally found a bit underrated since it first hit theatres in 2013. It is not a very original film, it is predictable, and became formulaic towards the end of the film, a complaint you probably've heard repeated multiple times. But The Wolverine finds it's strength in placing Jackman at the centre of the film. He could carry this film on his own. I do believe this is the film where he peaked, and he shines in this film. This is his movie. The Japan setting set this movie apart from most other superhero movies.

Perhaps that is why I've a thing for this movie. It is not a conventional superhero movie. I enjoy the feel and setting of this film. The thematic value of this film elevates it from "mediocre blockbuster" to quite enjoyable, and re watchable territory. Forgettable? A bit. Bad? Not at all. Enjoyable? Yeah.

4. X-Men

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I might put The Wolverine a hair's length across X-Men, but for the meanwhile, X-Men sits as the most superior of the two. Why? It is not an understatement to say that X-Men is one of THE most important blockbusters. Sorry Sam Raimi, but you were not THE comic book director of your time. And you are not responsible for reviving the genre, regardless of what people might tell you.

That belongs to Bryan Singer.

Putting aside the impact this film made on the sub genre aside, and looking at it 16 years from then, X-Men is still a wonderfully entertaining piece of action film. Not a profound film from a storytelling standpoint, as the sequels expanded on that. But regardless, an enjoyable action film.

I rewatched this before writing up this list. It felt like 40 minutes. It's immensely fun. This movie brought us Wolverine, Xavier, Magneto, Mystique, Rogue, Ice Man, and, well... those are the only decent ones that stuck around. But you get the idea! Sabertooth* is an entertaining villain.

*don't know if I spelt the name right. Probably didn't. Can't bother.

3. X2: United

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The most controversial placing on this blog? Possibly. I'll explain why X2: United is placed at third spot as opposed to second, or first. But for the meanwhile, why don't we look at X2: United as a film, and not as an item on a list.

That said, X2: United is a great film, expanding on it's predecessor in the same way that a good sequel, not a cash grab sequel, should. Retaining what made the first movie such as a resound success, but also raising the stakes, introducing a more complex story, and more thrilling set-pieces. X2 ticks all of the above, while still managing to be an entertaining film. The balance between all the characters is mostly what makes X2 such a success. Wolverine, Magneto, Professor X, Mystique, Rogue, Iceman, Nightcrawler, Pyro and Stryker all have a moment to shine, or develop in some form.

That said, there are two films in this franchise that exceed this film for me. #2 is not necessarily BETTER than this film from a filmmaking standpoint, but let's just say art should be looked at subjectively, not objectively. #1, on the other hand, stomps the rest in preference, and filmmaking.

Here we go.

2. X-Men: First Class

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X2: United might be the more perfect film from a technical standpoint, but X-Men: First Class is the film that resonated with me the most so far. Before you start on #1, and find out it's Days of Future Past, I'd like to remember X-Men: First Class. Singer's X-Men films are great, entertaining, but they felt, what's the right terminology? Less personal. First Class on the other stand, is humane. The characters felt humane, and relatable. Jennifer Lawrence is, believe it or not (you probably believe it) one of my favourite X-Men's. I like her being a focus of the franchise.

There. I said it.

But where the film prospers is the friendship between Xavier and Magneto. McVoy and Fassbender are in my Top 8, if not Top 5, comic book castings. I understood the motivations of Xavier and Magneto. Singer's X-Men films could be thought provoking, but they were colder and impersonal. First Class, I related to more, which helped the themes resonate more.

... J-Law xD <3

1. X-Men: Days of Future Past

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This here might be my favourite blockbuster. I'm a bit of a movie fan, and this film reminds me of why I watch movies in the first place. In particular, superhero movies. Sympathetic characters, badass set-pieces, Mystique being a badass mofo, an inspiring score, an extended, show-stealing cameo, and memorable dialogue. This film expands on the relationship between Erik and Xavier, Mystique and Xavier / Erik. Charles hoping again. This film is entertaining, AND resonating.

... oh, and Jennifer Lawrence again xD

... thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this blog and that you'll be encouraged to post your [best] to [worst] of the franchise below. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go sleep so I can watch Apocalypse in the morning.

[My review will go up on the movie after I watch it. That is if you care xD]

TheFemaleBat out.