
"Somethings aren't meant to be looked rationally"

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The Journey To Revelation #2 (A Question Leads To More Questions)

Safely within the confines of Paradox’s Core, Jeremiah stood alone infront of his new discovery, ready to perform his experiment. Jeremiah’s fashion of experimenting is a bit different than the typical definition, it was split between two sessions The Logical sessions and The Illogical ones. The purpose of each session was to find the most he could about the object he’s testing, the logical sessions determined the absolute limits and its measurements within the laws of the universe (such as physics and the cosmos), while the illogical sessions determined its absolute limits without the laws. Logically, he could’ve taken this to his Antechamber and would’ve already had the answers to his questions, but doing that would’ve taken the fun out of solving this cosmic puzzle.

Jeremiah began his logical sessions, shaping the room around him to the absolute extremes that logic would allow. Ranging from near-kugelblitz temperatures (the Nexus of An Earth appeared unaffected by temperature), to planetary gravity and varying density. During his experimentation, The Maestro of Illogicalities noticed a cosmic occurrence, someone has accessed the multiverse, he was proud of them, until he saw the tremendous energy output. “Wasteful..” was all he said as he continued his experiment.


It was completed only a couple of seconds , giving Jeremiah all the information he needed, although none of it helped much since the Nexus didn’t react to anything, simply staying in its initial state despite being exposed to near impossible. So since logic didn’t give him the information he needed, the impossible will. With his will, he split the Nexus into three parts, seeing how it would react to being separated, it pulsated violently with an array of metaphysical colors, each one more impossible than the last ,as it tried to piece itself together.

In this stay, the mental attraction force it had earlier would increase (although it would now be ineffective on Jeremiah due to his paradox of being), resulting in a larger number of his alien clients standing near the wall he was subconsciously. He continued to pull, breaking its rule of being unbreakable, while splitting the multiple higher dimensions it had simultaneously into one. Until finally, it became singular, it’s energies resonated in a harmonious fashion. It appeared as a true white line with a slight glow, and it began to whisper truths in the air. One of them was about a throne room and its library, a place where he could read up upon his studies and needs.

The Nth-Blade
The Nth-Blade

However, besides the truths it spoke, another attribute the Nexus had was it’s cutting capability, which seemed to be enforced by the concept of truth itself. He waved it around, and watched as it shredded the hyperspace around him at the conceptual level, only failing when it came into contact with Jeremiah, and instead it simply passed through him. “Well this is something, this is really something huh?” He eyed it before clasping his, causing the Nexus, (Jeremiah dubbed it to Nth-Blade) to disappear and be transported into his Antechamber to be retrieved at his convenience. “A trip to the library is next then.” Instead of phasing through the while like usual, he instead forged a door to the edge of the multiverse where this alleged library of Cosmic Knowledge, to gain the knowledge he was looking for.