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Sora and Kairi Kiss...

Fire-icegirl and I were debating on how could Sora and Kairi kiss in a Kingdom Heart game:

Ok lets say I'm the KH3 writer OK.....
This is how I would do the ending:

Sora and Kairi are at Destiny Island's beach with a Darkness portal very close to their "secret place"...

Sora: You know this might be the hardest battle in all my time as the keyblade weilder!
Kairi: You'd epect I would be use to saying goodbye to you and Riku!
[She takes Sora's hand]
Sora: Yeah but saying goodbye isn't that easy... I searched for you for the longest time and now I have to leave you again.
Kari: (gigles) You could always take me!
Sora: You know I can't do that it's too dangerous!
Kari: I know I'm kidding!
[Sora takes Kari's other hand]
Sora: I promise you we will see each other!
Kairi: You can't make that promise...
[Kari looks down in sadness]
Sora: Whe I turned into a Heartless you brought me back! When my Nobody needed you you found him!
[Gently with one finger he lift her head up seeing a very small tear running doen her cheek]
Sora: I promise!
Kari: Riku, Donald and Goofy are waiting for you!
Sora: I guess then this is goodbye!
[He lets go of her hands and walks toward the portal]
Kari: SORA!
[She runs to him and stands closly to where he is standing]
- Kairi holds her head close to Sora's and with lips trembling she whispers: Goodbye! -
- Sora then hols his lips close to her's and tenderly kisses her -
(This is where the theme song would start playing in the background)
- Sora then turns around and walks toward the portal and takes his last glimpse of the red haired girl he now knows he loves -

If he comes back or doesn't depends on the outcome of the game.

Then I came up with another "mean" way (acording to Fire-icegirl) to have them kiss:

- Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Riku are emerging out of a huge fire into the World of Darkness-
[Sora grunts and falls to the floor in agony]
Donald: SORA!
Goofy: Are you OK?
Riku: That last battle certently took a lot out of him
Sora: I'll be fine!
[Again Sora grunts in agony]
- Then a gosthly voice is heard -
Voice: Sora! Sora!
[Sora searches from where the voice is coming from]
Voice: Sora, don't leave yet!
- A blinding light apears before them and Kairi comes through it -
[Kari falls on her knees to where Sora is]
Kairi: Sora don't go yet! Please!
Donald: Wah!
Riku: Her heart is pure true of a Princess, that was what created the portal for her to be able to come back!
Goofy: So Kairi's heart was the doorway to here!
Sora: Kairi, You came!
[With tears on her eyes]
Kairi: Please Sora don't leave me!
- She hold her face close to his and whispers in his ear -
Kari: Please don't leave me! I love you!
[Sora holds her face to his and kissses her, then he closes his eyes and in Kari's arms he fades into light]

What do you think?
Which is a better kiss scene?
