
I woke up at 4am today, last night I slept from 7am-13pm. Preaching to the choir, haha.

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X Men: Is Schism the way? Cyclops is a !@£#?

If you don't want to deal with some random dude ranting about something that's already been ranted about by another one thousand people click away. I really don't want to have to deal with flames giving me comments like "Dude, Cyclops is awesome, you suck". If you respect my opinion you can comment any which way, but if you just gonna tell me I should jump off a bridge for being stupid and ranting... well then... I like ranting. Its a comic, not like its the end of the world. Oh, by the way, if you haven't seen the teaser pictures and/or read Schism 1 and 2 and don't want to hear my thoughts on that because you think it spoilerific or whatever goes on in your heads, you should click away. I will mention events from the second (and maybe the first), which don't spoil much, but still. If you don't want spoilers of any kind click away.
So I've been getting back into the X Men, well... back into it might not be a proper statement since I have always liked the X Men and as much as it pains me to say, I will probably always like them. I have not read them as much as I like them for reasons I will mention in a bit, But they are a fun and entertaining cast of characters who have always managed to create a nice team book atmosphere which has been sprouted up from the fact that each character in the book is distinctive. Whether it be powers, nationtality or personality, there has been and will always be a balance on a team book which I do no think has been acheived quite so well by other team books. Yes, you have the Avengers and the Justice League and the Outsiders and the Teen Titans and this and that. And granted they are good team books in their own right, many of which have always provided a constant stream of entertainment to their readers. However the X men have seemed to always have that special something that makes them Unique. It might be the fact that they are a team book first and they are solo characters AFTER. Which means that their personality is generally always displayed in the same light, unlike Superheroes like the Batman and Superman, who behave in different manners in their team books, like Superman showing his superawesome-supercool-superunbeatable powers or Batman creating a plan that can kill god himself. Which happens in their solo books, but in their team books they many a time get dilluted.
*Dammint ReVamp, get to the goddamn point, we ain't here for this* 
Yeah... OK, I was getting a little bit ahead of myself with Batman and Superman. Back to X Men. 
As I had mentioned, I liked the X Men, but i  haven't been reading them all that much. You might ask yourself "Why ReVamp, you just talked about how good it is". Well honestly, the best way I can put it is that I hate Marvel as much as I love the X Men. Yep. Its not a fanboy thing or a boycotting spree I'm on though... More specifically I have always felt that Marvel does not treat their characters in a way that I feel they should and this means that ultimately, with the characters being mistreated, the stories that are told also got f**ked, if you'll excuse my french (and my corny jokes that aren't in the slightest bit funny). But what has Marvel done? Well I don't mean to b**ch (or swear as much as I am, I apologize) but I think that Marvel has put its series through continual crossovers that make absolutely no sense and have do not have enough back bone to be put through all the 100 X Books that are on the Market right now (Non-necessary exageration is non-necessary). Secondly, since people are catching on with all these crossovers and they don't milk enough money thorugh this Cash cow, Marvel have gone back to use an old trick and a better cash cow: Killing off characters. Now, since I need to be getting to my point, I'll go. Through all of this that I have mentioned I think that Marvel has started to dig themselves into a hole, they turned one of the most lovable X-Men character, Cyclops into Batman, which doesn't work or make sense (and was originally the topic that this Blog was supposed to be about). Now I'm not here to b**ch about this... Well maybe I am, but I'm just posting my opinonated and bias opinion (redundancy much?) here on CV. Now, because of this the link and balance that I previously mentioned that all the X characters have seems to be hidden and they do not seem to be as interesting anymore. Cyclops just seems to be a kiing sending pawns who used to be his friends and comrades into battle. This might not be the case, and he might still really care about them, but it no longer seems right. Cyclops might be trying to "help the X Men by becoming a cold and calculating leader" but doesn't work. Not as well as it sounds when originally said. And Marvel has seemingly seen this, because they seem to be doing away with Cyclops to god knows where. Maybe comicbook limbo, to be ressurected with his goddamn wife in the next X crossover through the power of the Pheonix, since he might have gotten bits and pieces of the pheonix into him when he got married blah blah blah. Getting off topic. So even if you disagree, you should repect my opinion and see that I am left with but one solution. Get Cyclops to be a "good" guy again. Or get somebody Neutral to lead. Maybe Professor X. Maybe Magneto. Maybe even Logan. But get Cyclops to be a "good" guy. This is why I don't like where Schism is going, its splitting up into two teams. Granted I don't know what the teams are, how they are getting along with each other, but there are two things I gon't like. First, Emma is leading her own team, which by itself isn't that big of a deal if there was cyclops still on top or whatever. However her leading them spiritually, if that makes sense, doesn't sit right with me. I love Emma, but she doesn't seem like somone who should be followed by these team the way Schism is setting up for her to lead. Second thing that pisses (I hope I don't have to censor pisses... Its not swearing right ? :P) me off is the way the teams are split. From the teasers we can see that Emma's team seems to be basically a full on powerhouse team, which doesn't sit right with me. Specially not through the fact that *spoiler* it seems to be the team that has gone to the museum thingy with her becasue it leads me to believe they might stick with her through reasons that have less to do with opinons but simply because the team members where with her when it all happened (whatever's gonna happn in Schism) and they decided to stick together.  
Of course this is all assuming that they're (the two teams) not on good terms and then I've just made a fool of myself. 
So, in conclusion, I think that the way Marvel is going about making the X Men more of a family again and all happy happy isn't the right way to do it. I'm not saying that it won't reach the same end results that I'm hoping it will, but I think that there could be better ways of going about this. Not to say that I am not liking the current storyline cause even though it is going slow, I kind of enjoyed reading the first two issues. I might even blog on how happy reading the X Men again made me. 
Sorry if the blog was messy and unreadable, I'm not much of a writer and English isn't my first language, so it might not be up to par with what I could have written, since I feel I didn't explain this as clearly as I could have. 
I'm going off to take a shower, Ciao.  
Troll: You take showers ReVamp? OMG 
ReVamp: WTF, you doing here, I told you in the first space to f**k off.  
Bye people, love ya :D


Marvel vs Capcom 3: Is MvC 2 Surpassed or does the classic reign?

So here I am, months after the sale of Capcom's fighting title, still not knowing whether I should have bought it. From one hand, as an avid gamer (? kind of) I have heard that the game is nothing special, and that there are better titles available for me. Mortal Kombat, would be an example, which was recommended to me, time and time again. However I've just played the demo and it doesn't interest me as much as I had though it would...


However Marvel vs Capcom 3 might interest me more, because it not only appeals to the gamer in me, but also to the comic book fan within me. However, that too has been let down, as many of the characters in the game are simply copies of other, generally the case with female spin-offs or the characters just do not have that great of an interest. On the other hand, it is a game with some of the most iconic and recognizable characters known, and I may have a blast just playing it casually, as a comic book fan, without getting into performing flawless combos against some of the best players online. The second game will always hole a place in my heart, specially the night I got my a*s handed to me by my mega-super-ultra-experienced-and-good-slash-*cough*-addicted-*cough*-friends.


So, to thoose of you who have put time into the game, how does it stand? Regardless of the previous game, are you happy with the buy? 





Comedy in Comics

So I've been wondering for sometime about the role that comedy takes in comics at present time, as well as how many people think that it might evolve or change over time.  
Now, I know that it is no little secret that the reason a large portion of comic fans but comics is in fact for the action, and this fact is not likely to change, at least not anytime soon. Comics generally = Superheroes with the few exception being of imprints or lesser known publishers, Superheroes = Action and because of this the main genre in comics. This is not a fact I am seeing changing, what I truly want to get your opinion on is about comedy in comics (duh ReVamp). Right now, comics generally have action, with themes of friendship, romance and personality coming as a subplot. There are however a few character that are know for their humor, such as Deadpool and Spiderman, but most notably Robin, whose humor was used to brighten up the Dark Knight. Deadpool's books have lately take a more comedy oriented aproach from what I have heard, with him runnning away from skrulls and what not, showing little of his actual fighting abilities to the audience. Spiderman's and Dick Grayson's comedy on the other hand "quip" with Spiderman generally being more funny and Dick Grayson being more of a 'dry humor' (do you use that expression in english?) sort of guy.  

What I am curious to is whether or not comic readers like to have comedy in the comics that they read and which one of these three main types of comedy do people prefer to read and what makes you laugh or smile the most? Where is the source of comedy in comics books? Is it the ridiculessness of their world? Is it when superheroes make fun of themselves? Is it when someone get beaten up Quentin Tarantino style?