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Deathlok and Others Coming to Agents of SHIELD

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Deathlok is coming to Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, along with several other characters revealed during a TCA presenation. Deathlok adds more guest stars to the backhalf of season 1. Actor Bill Paxton will appear in "several episodes" as Agent John Garret. Also appearing, Lorelei (played by Elene Satine) the petualnt sister of Amora the Enchantress. Lorelei will appear in the face off against Lady Sif(Jamie Alexander) from footage screened at the panel.

Remember at the end of “The Magical Place” when Mike Peterson awoke, seemingly in the next room from Coulson, discovering he’s now missing arms, legs and an eye? Beyond that whole trauma, the truly sinister idea was that Peterson now had one of the eye implants Centipede agents like Akela Amador.

Whomever is behind the villainy of this season has plans for Mr. Mike Peterson (J. August Richards). He will be transformed into the cybernetic solider against his will and must struggle to find the man in the machine. With a high-tech eye that allows him to see through walls, super strength and increased speed courtesy of a cybernetic leg.

"We have been waiting all season for this moment where we can reveal that Mike Peterson’s story arc is an origin story," said Executive Producer Jeffrey Bell. "We’re thrilled to have J. August Richards playing Deathlok and to have our audience enjoy this favorite Marvel character on the show."

“If you would have asked when I was nine-years old what I wanted to be, I would have said a super hero and I’m so excited to be one now as an adult on TV!” added J. August Richards. “It’s a dream come true.”

This is the kind of move I want out of Agents of SHIELD. Mike Peterson, sad as it is, might be the only character on this show. He is the only one I remotely care about, and what do ya know everything involving him has deeply affected him it’s all personal. The press release dosen’t out right says what kind of role Peterson will play in the remainder of season 1. It’s also a little late for Richards to become a regular, but maybe next season?

Now the Deathlok character in the comics….is one of the odder ones. There’s one where he’s created as a government assassin. Then there was the arc in Uncanny X-Force, that featured a Deathlok controlled future. What I’m getting at is: Deathlok is friggin weird. And that’s saying something, Marvel has Guardians of the Galaxy due out in August and that features a talking tree and a raccoon like alien who loves himself some guns.

SOURCE: Marvel , Deadline

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