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True Knightfall Facts #11

So it returns....

  1. Andres sadest childhood memory is falling and breaking his wrist. Not because he hurt himself, but becuase he ruined his favorite little suit. He lights a candle each year for it.

  2. Jayden has a sperm count of over 9000!

  3. Ellie had a blazing row over the twitter handle of @p*ssylover only to find out it belonged to her father.
  4. Cassius had a priest exorcise a massage chair his brother gave him, as he found its movements ungodly. He has since burned it.
  5. Andres attempted to sue the makers of trancendence for "stealing" his life story
  6. The Knightfall siblings once attempted to play risk, the game lasted two days.
  7. Ellie pretends to be the answerphone when Cassius rings
  8. Grace despite her name swears like a salior and has two left feet
  9. Jayden sold a line of underwear in the 90s. Ironically they had inferior elastic and often fell off.
  10. The term "to do a knightfall" can either mean rise from your grave, have a string of illicit affairs or own a pride of cats.