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Battle of the Week: Wonder Woman vs. Guardians of the Galaxy

The cosmic Marvel team or DC's powerful Justice Leaguer? YOU can help determine the winner, so get in here and cast your vote!

Wonder Woman, our latest Character of the Month, has now been in the Battle of the Week twice. In both encounters, she was able to earn the support of the voters and overcame her competition. First, she defeated Marvel's Beta Ray Bill and then she took down Skybound's Invincible. Her time in the spotlight may be coming to an end, but her time in this segment definitely isn't over just yet! Now, Diana is going face to face with Marvel's popular team, the Guardians of the Galaxy! Will her combination of skill, weaponry and raw physical might lead her to yet another win or does the cosmic team have too much variety on their side and they'll eventually drop the formidable DC heroine? Again, your vote will help select the winner. But before you pick a side, go ahead and read the rules. Seriously, they'll tell you important stuff like where the fight is taking place.

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Match Rules

  • Combatants are in character.
  • This is a random encounter (no prep for either side) and both characters have standard gear.
  • This is New 52 Wonder Woman and the latest incarnation of the Guardians of the Galaxy (the team consists of Star-Lord, Groot, Rocket Raccoon, Gamora, Drax).
  • They're fighting in a generic city setting. They're in a 2x2 block area which is unpopulated, but everything around that section is full of civilians and both sides are aware of this. It takes place during the day and they start roughly 50 feet apart and visible. Everything in the city (let's say the city is the size of Manhattan and surrounded by ocean) is on limits.
  • Incapacitation, knockout, BFR (battlefield removal, which means knocking someone so far away that the fight cannot continue in the very near future) or death all count as elimination. Making a tactical retreat counts as a loss, too. "What's a tactical retreat?" It's leaving the fight with the intention of not returning to the battle in the immediate future. Going to another spot in the environment to catch your breath for a moment or two or for a tactical advantage is not a tactical retreat.
  • Hey, you know what would be really cool? Treating everyone else in the debate with respect. If you think someone's saying something that just isn't true, go ahead and stick to the facts to point out why. There's no need at all to drop insults just because you disagree with someone. Seriously, this is just talking about a fictional fight, there's no need for immaturity and mudslinging.
  • If you think the poll isn't going how it should, making an informative post about why a character is being underestimated and spreading the word is far more useful than complaining. Just saying.
  • One more thing: you don't need to write an essay to have your post highlighted in Friday's article. Sometimes concise posts can be way more effective than a flood of paragraphs.
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Have you really thought it through and you think you now know which side should earn the victory? You took into account how these characters act in battle and how the environment might play a role? Cool, then it looks like you're ready to head to the poll! We've provided it below, but if you do have any trouble casting your vote, try refreshing the page or using a different browser.

Check the homepage this Friday for an updated article with the following:

  • The results of the poll.
  • Thoughts from the staff.
  • Viner Arguments for both characters.
  • If we're lucky, blurbs from industry talent.

Want to suggest a future Battle of the Week for Wonder Woman? Tell us below or share it via twitter.