lesley_maddox's 52: The Covers #1 - Hardcover review

    Avatar image for lesley_maddox

    Great Resource

    When i found this book in the bookshop I wasn't allowed to rip through the plastic and have a look inside, but i already knew what some of the 52 covers looked like and thought that the sketches and drafts for them would be an interesting thing to have especially as an Art teacher, so I bought it. 
    When i finally did get a chance to open it up, it was amazing, it is very nicely set out so that each page has the cover from the next issue in the series accompanied by a few coloured drafts and sketched thumbnails with a short description of what the artist was trying to get across in each cover. It is a very interesting resource to have whether you are interested in Art interpretation or not. It gives clear indications of how the artist tries to best bring across a summary of each comic compressed into a single image. 
    Highly recommended.

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