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So many books to read, not enough time. Or me prattling on.

Sometimes I hate being a fan of comics. There's just so many things I want to read, I just can't keep up. My box will overflow and I'll often end up collecting more than actually reading. It's also tough when I try to write thoughts about them here and on my comic blog. Sometimes it's easy to find items to talk about, while others don't leave enough an impression. They also take time to write, regardless, and that can be a slight motivation killer. Last Tuesday and Wednesday I read through quite a chunk of books, but I was only able to write up a couple thoughts.  Even those I really liked; I couldn't think of anything to say beyond "It was really good" and "I want to read more." Maybe it's a block, motivation, or just the wrong time of day or phase of the moon. It's a bit worrisome to me having read 20+ books and been unable to write anything about them.  
I admit, I have digressed a bit. Let me try to return to the correct thought train. 
As I had started, I have too many books. Well, not too many. One can not have enough comics. I have too many unread. It's like they multiply, breeding in the boxes in which they're stored. First issues suddenly morph into 11 issues and side stories and one shots seemingly out of no where. When it comes time for me to sit down and spend time reading what I've amassed, It can sometime take hours for me to even find or settle on an issue to read. I'm not sure if others have this problem, but the longest time I've spent in picking out one of my comics to read was nearly three hours in which all I did was look at covers and get my boxes all out of order pulling things out. How very irritating. It amazes me what a time I have at such a simple task. Surely there must be an easier way. Perhaps simply grabbing the first unread comic I happen upon, assuming it's the correct issue.  
Ah, well.  I've prattled on about this long enough. I didn't really have much to say. I rarely do here, blog-wise. This strange long-winded post was just for a quest, anyhow.