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  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic You and your Dad Run an Animal Gauntlet. on the Battles board

    Most people are stopping at 2 (dive-bombing) my dad and I would unless we got lucky. We'd probably do better against the coyote in Round 3.Hard stop at Round 4.

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic Darth Maul vs. Shaak Ti, Luminara Unduli and Aayla Secura. on the Battles board

    Pretty sure Luminara has the most dueling feats in canon (an on-screen battle with Ventress that she was losing 1v1), and the other two are almost featless in duels (in canon).Maul takes it.Full poten...

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic TCW/Season 5 Ahsoka Tano vs Taron Malicos. on the Battles board

    @notthegodmadara said:Why are we downplaying Malicos? He didnt lose to Cal lmfao he was toying with him and only lost due to Merrin helping Cal with Magik, also Ahsoka isnt maul levelOT: giving this t...

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic Iroh vs Ming Hua. on the Battles board

    Iroh's feats are largely statements and hype. We know he's comparable to Ozai in ability, but Ozai has less non-Comet feats than Iroh (Ozai has almost no non-Comet feats).Iroh has a physicality and ta...

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic Azula & Zuko Vs P'Li & Zaheer. on the Battles board

    Zuko's power might be above Zaheer's, but he's less mobile. Zaheer can stall him, and there's a lot of distance at the start. I also see Zaheer grabbing P'Li and turning her into a flying gun. That's ...

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic Endgame Black Widow vs Nolan Bane. on the Battles board

    Bane has a strength advantage.Natasha has an intelligence, experience, and agility advantage.Nat takes it. If she had her tech, she'd probably knock Bane out in one hit with a Widow Bite.

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic MCU Captain America vs Silerback Gorilla. on the Battles board

    This is a mismatch. I can't think of any real-life animal that could possibly stack up to Cap. Maybee blue whales because of their sheer mass. But I think it's more an impasse.

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic Starkiller vs Mace Windu. on the Battles board

    Mace is the superior duelist, and that's the part of this contest that I think can hardly be debated. Vader was also a superior duelist to Galen.Galen has a more versatile use of the force which is th...

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic MCU Infinity Stones vs. The One Ring (The Hobbit/LOTR). on the Battles board

    Infinity Stones stomp in combat use and chain damage. The One Ring can't destroy a universe.

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic MCU Winter Soldier vs Yelena Belova. on the Battles board

    Bucky's stats are a lot higher, so I favor him.

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic Jerec vs Darth Malak. on the Battles board

    Malak clears all. Jerec was probably the third-best darksider in the Galactic Empire as of the Battle of Endor, but far below Vader. Jerec has plenty of skill, but Malak sparred with Revan himself ple...

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic Maris Brood vs Barriss Offee. on the Battles board

    Barriss did well against Anakin, all things considered. But Galen isn't that far off of Anakin in ability, so it's similar scaling. I would say Maris.

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic OWK Kenobi vs ROTS Dooku, SOD Maul, and TROS Kylo. on the Battles board

    Prime Kenobi is around Mace level, and not equal to Yoda.He's not beating the trio. The Sith probably overwhelm him, and TROS Kylo is just the icing on the cake for them.

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic Red Lotus vs Kyoshi Novel Villains. on the Battles board

    Red Lotus wins because of more feats and teamwork. If you equalized teamwork and Yun was post-fusion, then the Kyoshi enemies win. Post-Fusion Yun could solo 2-3 of the Red Lotus members.

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic MCU Thanos vs MCU Dormammu. on the Battles board

    He probably just needs the time stone. I could see him screwing with Dormammu just like Strange did.Otherwise, he will probably need all 6. Most of the stones are useless against Dormammu.

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic Kuvira vs Kya. on the Battles board

    People sleep a bit on Kya, but Kuvira is notably above. She has faster attack speeds, better physicality, better strategy, better at almost everything.

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic Prime Canon Vader runs an Anakin/Obi Wan Gauntlet. on the Battles board

    Stops at 4 or 5.

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic Korra (Fire and Earth) vs Zuko. on the Battles board

    Korra. It's already a really close fight with just fire for her. Having two elements seals the deal in her favor.

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic OWK Obi-Wan Kenobi vs. ROTS Count Dooku. on the Battles board

    Obi-Wan by motivation amp. Without it, he loses in a close fight. It's still close regardless.

  • MeatballNomad posted a message in the forum topic Obi Wan( Rebels) vs Quinlan Vos( Dark Disciple). on the Battles board

    A close fight, but I would give it to Vos. Kenobi is smart and skilled, but Vos is quite skilled as well. He also has a physical edge.