gl_2411's Green Lantern #53 - The New Guardians, Chapter 1 review

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    Promising start to the next big event

    Green Lantern #53 
    THE GOOD: 

    • The one page of Saint Walker going through the cematary grave by grave to eulogize the desecrated dead was a simple and elegant way of showing what the Blue Lanterns are all about. 
    • Hal and Carol rekindling their relationship. Long overdo. 
    • The opening scene was a very effective way of  building suspense. The mysterious Guardian already appears like a formidable enemy.
     THE BAD: 
    • This was another quick read. With the exception of the Saint Walker scene, this is another issue where much of the dialogue fails to deliver more then a superficial understanding of the characters. Johns continues to ignore years of Hal's characterization to portray him as a wooden "Top Gun" wannabe. 
    The issue set up a lot of moving parts, some very compelling. Hopefully Johns will learn from what didn't work in the Blackest Night and focus a bit more on character development and dialogue during this next event. 

    Other reviews for Green Lantern #53 - The New Guardians, Chapter 1

      "I have power baldy!" 0

      The New Guardians  Following Blackest Night we enter Brightest Day.  The Good As Always, Geoff Johns delivers a strong issue that makes you want to come back for more.   We see the major Corps represented well throughout, although some have brief appearances.  There's a new character who apparently is the person who wrote the Green Lantern Oath.    Agent Orange and Lex Luthor.  The Ending definitely sparks interest into just what is going to happen with key players.    The Bad This issue cuts ba...

      14 out of 15 found this review helpful.

      How many Lantern Corp. rings does it take to get a good review? 0

      In this issue of Green Lantern, the devastations of Blackest Night are over and the light renewals of Brightest day are here. In the beginning of this issue this guy with a gigantic head is plotting to destroy Hal Jordan. He pretty much seems to be jealous of him for everything. Later Hal and Carol are having a few drinks and talking to eachother like civilized people. They end up enjoying eachother's company so much that they end up race jets. Trouble brews when Sinestro interrupts this race. G...

      17 out of 19 found this review helpful.

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