
    Dial H #8

    Dial H » Dial H #8 - Dozens released by DC Comics on March 2013.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    The Centipede creeps in and strikes!

    Nelson and Roxie are on the trail to unlock the mysteries of the H-dial while being stalked by the mysterious Centipede, who may have the answers they are looking for...and his own dark and deadly motivations.

    Everything combusts when Flame War appears and ignites a confrontation that must be read to be believed!



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    Average score of 4 user reviews

    Dial H #8 0

    THE GOOD: Alberto Ponticelli does an amazing job penciling this issue. The sketchiness that he adds to the pages drastically changes the tone into grittiness and it seems to work by the end of the issue. The details that he adds to the panels gives you something to look at. The action also looks very fluid and vibrant. The story picks up from last issue and takes the series back to what made it so enjoyable. We see the dial-wielding duo arrive in Canada to search for another dial. This leads int...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Dial H #8 Review 0

    Cover & Solicit - 3/5Would I pick-up or buy the comic based on the solicit or cover alone?Are the alternate covers appealing?Does the solicit and cover portray what happens in the issue?Do I like the artist's style on the cover?Art, Colors & Inking - 3/5- Weighted DoubleDo I personally like this artist's style?Does the artist stay true to the characters appearance?If there are multiple artists do they blend well and not disturb the reading experience?Does the coloring/inking blend well w...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    In-Human Centipede 0

    In my opinion Dial H is the standout for DC's second wave of new 52 titles. It's so weird, it's awesome.Roxy and Nelson go to Canada to break into an embassy to retrieve a second H Dial. Along the way the mysterious Centipede is tracking down Manteau.Here we learn is origin and exactly how his powers work.The Hero featured this issue is Flame War. A hero that can set things on fire by insulting them. Call a gun a "slut" and it goes up in flames.The end of the issue doesn't leave Roxy and Nelson ...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.
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