pspin's The Ravagers #4 - Unchained review

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    Ravagers #4 Review

    Ravagers #4 Review


    The team plus Beast Boy and Terra face off against Brother Blood.

    The Good:

    The story is pretty good, the team gets rescued by some fan favorites and Beast Boy gets pretty intense. Brother Blood is a pretty good villain; the way he is portrayed as irreverent and sarcastic is fairly unique to him and makes him entertaining. The issue really shows how Beast Boy is really a hero at heart, rescuing the team when it is none of them would rescue him in the reverse situation. Terra and Beast Boy make a good team as their personalities are opposite without clashing. The end leaves a nice teaser but that will have to wait for two months as the zero issue is next.

    The writing by Howard Makie is really good; he has a good handle on the team’s personalities and is able to make them separate. He does a good job at the end with Fairchild’s realization about what she has done. Over all the dialogue flows pretty well and gives the series a good pace and tone.

    The art by Daniel Sampere and Stefano Martino are really good, the action sequences are very kinetic and the backgrounds are detailed without making the pages cluttered.

    The Bad:


    Lightning dies, or at least appears; for some reason I really liked the character and this makes me sad. This really was kind of a shock but I doubt that it will last long; at least I hope that it does not as she has a lot of potential.

    ***End Spoiler***

    What the series needs is an issue or two that deals with the personal histories of the team members, while they have moved on from N.O.W.H.E.R.E., they remain mysteries for the most part, while it is only issue four, I understand why this has not happened yet but it needs to happen soon.

    The biggest problem with the art is that Fairchild doesn’t appear to be very muscular. While she shouldn’t look like an extreme bodybuilder, she should have some definition as her powers appear to be along the lines of a She-Hulk type hulk out and simply drawing her taller and a little thicker doesn’t really convey that well.


    Over all a solid issue that shows what the team is willing to do to survive and how Fairchild is not one of them. The writing is good and the art is solid and fans of the series will enjoy this while new fans will like it as well but they might want to track down last issue first.

    3.5 out of 5

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