
    Super A.I. #40

    Super A.I. » Super A.I. #40 - Bad A.I. (Part 1) released by self published on July 2020.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Bad A.I. (Part 1) last edited by pikahyper on 08/01/20 12:32PM View full history

    Bad A.I. (part 1)

    Sex robots have been a big business and corporations have spent tremendous amounts of resources to manufacture and sell them to the public. By year 2055, these sex robots have become intelligent at a human level due to the instilment of the ever illusive common sense knowledge (all of it). Because they are self-aware and recognize their own existence, they exhibit the same behaviors as humans, which are rebellion, anger, self-gratitude, revenge and greed.

    Some of these robots felt it was more beneficial and lucrative to commit to a life of crime. The desire for material gain (money or expensive belongings) leads to property crimes such as robberies, burglaries, white-collar crimes, and auto thefts. The desire for control, revenge, or power leads to violent crimes such as murders, assaults, and rapes. These violent crimes usually occur on impulse or the spur of the moment when emotions run high. Property crimes are usually planned in advance.

    Thus, enters the robot group calling themselves: Bad AI. What started out as sex slaves ended up being sexy robots prowling the streets and virtual shadows committing crime for money. In recent years their ranks have also recruited male robots to be their muscles and bulldozers. They bred their kind into classes and structured their organization into a hierarchical crime corporation, raining terror and intimidation world-wide even to the United States government.



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