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Six Paths of Pain Respect Thread

"You think you're the only ones who matter. You think you can put off death. But that peace made you foolish and thoughtless. If you kill someone, someone else will kill you… this hatred binds us together. I want you to feel pain, to think about pain, to accept pain, to know pain."

When he was a child, Nagato Uzamaki had the Rinnegan implanted into him by Madara Uchiha. After training with Jiraiya and learning ninjutsu, Nagato and his two friends Yahiko and Konan founded the organization Akatsuki. However, after a few years, their organization was betrayed by one of their allies, Hanzo. In an ambush set up by Hanzo and Danzo, Yahiko was killed and Nagato lost the ability to use his legs. Afterwards, using his abilities, he created the Six Paths of Pain, six bodies revived and controlled by his chakra via chakra receivers. These Paths all have one unique jutsu, and through them, Nagato leads the Akatsuki. Deigned as a god, previously unbeaten in battle, and hardcore as f*ck, here's their respect thread.

Respect the God and know Pain

This thread will be divided into the following categories:

  • General Information
  • Chakra Receivers
  • Deva Path Overview
  • Asura Path Overview
  • Human Path Overview
  • Animal Path Overview
  • Preta Path Overview
  • Naraka Path Overview
  • Epic Pain Speech

The Six Paths of Pain have the Rinnegan, an ocular jutsu that is superior to the Sharingan and Byakugan and allows the user to learn all chakra natures and ninjutsu:

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With the Rinnegan, Pain can effectively sense chakra levels, seeing as how he noted that Naruto was running low on sage chakra after throwing his rasenshuriken:

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Probably the greatest advantage that the Pains have is that they all have shared eyesight when in battle due to their Rinnegan:

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The main reason it's always raining in the Hidden Rain village is because of Pain's jutsu, where he uses his chakra to make rain clouds, thus the rain. With said rain, he can sense any and everyone in the Rain village:

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Pain has the ability to use a jutsu that borrows chakra from a target and transfers that chakra into another person, allowing that person to use all the abilities and techniques of the person who donated the chakra:

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Pain is able to retrieve the other Akatsuki members' chakra, amplify it, and project a phantom image of said members:

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Pain has the ability to set up a five seal barrier, in which you must rip off all five of its seal simultaneously in order to take down the barrier. The barrier is strong enough to withstand blows from Guy:

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Pain knows a jutsu that can extract the bijuu from a jinchuuriki, Nine Phantom Dragons Seal:

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Chakra Receivers

Pain uses chakra receivers to attack, and when they pierce their target, they disrupt said target's chakra. The receivers are strong enough to pierce Jiraiya, despite his enhanced durability due to Sage Mode:

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The same chakra receivers aggravate Kakashi's chakra to allow Deva Path to dodge his Lightning Blade at point blank range:

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Deva Path stabs Naruto and aggravates his chakra:

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Deva Path

Deva Path has the ability to manipulate gravitational forces, and also the forces of attraction and repulsion.


Using his powers, Deva Path has the ability to fly/levitate:

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Shinra Tensei

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Deva Path blows away shuriken, a large hand, a jutsu, and a kusarigama:

When Kakashi attacks him with a Lightning Blade after pinning his back against an earth wall, Deva Path uses his ability to send Kakashi flying back, as well as destroy the earth wall behind him:

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Deva Path disperses Kakashi's Lightning style jutsu:

An example of Deva Path pulling Kakashi towards him:

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Deva Path blows away Choji and Chouza in the midst of their attack:

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Deva Path blows away Naruto and his clone before Naruto can hit him:

Deva Path dodges attacks from all three toads accompanying Naruto, then blows them all back with enough force to break every bone in their body:

Deva Path drops a huge block of rock on 6-Tailed Naruto so that his incomplete Bijuu Bomb doesn't hit him:

He sends hundreds of Naruto clones flying backwards:

Converting almost all of his power into Deva Path, Pain destroys all of Konoha Village:

Chibaku Tensei

Deva Path uses Chibaku Tensei to trap 6-Tailed Naruto:


Deva Path reacts to Kakashi's Lightning style jutsu in time to easily disperse it:

Deva Path reacts quick enough to dodge an attack from Choji and Chouza:

Deva Path reacts to Kakashi bursting right out of the ground to attack him:

Deva Path dodges all of Hinata's attacks and then floors her with his jutsu:

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Deva Path reacts to Naruto's Rasenshuriken and two clones jumping out of the rubble around him in time to stab the clones and then use them as a base to push off of and dodge the jutsu. This is a super impressive feat because the rasenshuriken was travelling so fast it covered the whole Konoha crater in less than a second(evidenced by the fact that everything that happened in the scans below happened in one second):


Deva Path slams Naruto into the ground and leaves a huge crater:

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Deva Path withstands his own Shinra Tensei after 6-Tailed Naruto turns the force back on him:

Asura Path

Asura Path allows the user to manipulate and modify their body to create mechanical armor and weapons.


Asura's strength is strong enough to completely rip off Jiraiya's arm, despite him having enhanced durability due to Sage Mode:

Emerging from under the platform Jiraiya was standing on, Asura Path grabs his throat and crushes it:

Asura was able to throw the new Animal Path from way outside the village into the near middle of it:

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For an idea of how far Animal Path was thrown, here's where the Path's were standing outside the village:

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Body Modifications

Here, Asura fires his wrist at Jiraiya with enough force to destroy the platform he was on:

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Here's a databook scan:

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Asura Path's right arm is riddles with missiles, capable of destroying tall buildings in Konoha:

Asura can open up portions of his head and use a sort of chakra blast, strong enough to destroy multiple buildings:

Asura's right arm has hidden blades, drills, etc.:

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Asura's whole body is rigged up with mechanical modifications. Against Kakashi, he takes off his cloak and reveals a long saw-like spear coming from his back and six arms:

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Asura path is smashed into pieces by Choji/Chouza, yet still is able to jump in front of Deva Path to protect him from Kakashi's Lightning Blade:

Even after being run through by Kakashi's Lightning Blade, Asura still has the strength to fire a missile at Choji:

Human Path

The Human Path allows for interrogation and soul absorption. By placing his or her hand on a target, they can read their memories and then suck away their souls.


Although not really a combat savvy Path, Human Path's strength is enough to nonchalantly catch Jiraiya's Sage Mode strength-enhanced punch with one arm:

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Human Path is also quick enough to sneak up on Shizune, Inoichi, Ino, and an Anbu Black OPs member:

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Soul Absorption

Human Path reads the mind of a Konoha ninja, determines that he doesn't know anything about Naruto, and then sucks out his soul:

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Human Path steals the soul of Shizune and reads her mind, thus finding out where Naruto is located:

Animal Path

Animal Path is the summoner of the Six Paths of Pain. It can summon a variety of animals for attack or defense, and even summon other Paths as well.


Here, Animal Path summons a block of wood as a substitution to escape Jiraiya's needle-like hair:

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Here it summons the Preta and Human Paths to aid him in battle with Jiraiya:


Animal Path can summon a large crab, and does so against Jiraiya. The crab fires off bubbles to rid Konan of Jiraiya's oil jutsu and fee her:

Here's a databook description:

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Animal Path can summon a large chameleon with a snake for a tail. Like real chameleons, it can turn invisible to camouflage itself from enemies.

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This chameleon can climb on walls and blend into its environment:

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Multi-Headed Hound

Animal Path can summon a hound(dog) where each time it's hit and effectively defeated, it just sprouts another head:

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Here, Animal Path summons the Hound against Jiraiya and Gamaken and they eventually overwhelm the toad:

If the body accumulates too many heads, it can split so that each head now has a body:


Animal Path can summon a large bird to aid him with flight and attack. Here he summons it on the cusp of his multi-headed hound and it attacks Gamaken, sending him crashing into the ground:

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Animal Path can summon a large ram to aid him, who's strong enough to completely run through a thick layer of wall:


Animal Path can summon a large panda for defensive purposes, which is strong enough to stand up against Jiraiya's Kebari Senbon attack:

Animal Path summoned this panda even though Jiraiya was attacking from his blind spot, showing his summoning speed. He used the perfect one to match Jiraiya's jutsu, which is his fastest one in his arsenal:

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The new Animal Path summons a large centipede to attack Konoha. It's large and powerful enough to destroy a large portion of a building:

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Animal Path can also summon a large rhino to aid in battle:

Preta Path

Preta Path is the Six Paths of Pain's primary defensive Path. His unique ability allows him to absorb all forms of ninjutsu.

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Here, he absorbs Jiraiya's oil ninjutsu:

He absorbs Jiraiya's Big Ball Rasengan, which is a mountain buster as per the databook:

He absorbs all the jutsus fired at him from various Konoha ninjas:

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Preta Path then absorbs Naruto's Rasenshuriken:

Naraka Path

Naraka Path is the least effective in a battle for offensive purposes, but the most valuable outside of Deva Path. Naraka Path grants the user the ability to resurrect any dead person(within a reasonable time limit since the death) and interrogate people by grabbing their "tongues" and pulling out their energy, killing them:

Along with interrogation, Naraka Path can bring others back to life. Here, he brings the Asura Path back to full health:

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Thanks for reading. Click here to view my other Respect Threads.