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Black Krrsantan Respect Thread [Updated 1/26/22]

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Black Krrsantan is a new Wookie bounty hunter introduced into the new Star Wars Canon. He's not the greatest character and he's not really a favorite of mine, but he's pretty strong and has appeared in a lot of the new Canon comics, like Darth Vader, Doctor Aphra, and the main Star Wars run. He was exiled from Kashyyyk, I'm assuming because he's not a loyal Wookie, and has a serious grudge against the people who trained and tortured him to become a gladiator. He works with Doctor Aphra currently, although that's mainly to make sure that she pays him back the hefty amount of money she owes him and not because of friendship or anything like that. I've written the thread in chronological order of both events in the story and comic issues, with events in the story (such as flashbacks) taking precedence.

This thread will be divided into the following categories:

  • Equipment
  • Enhancements
  • Training/Experience
  • Strength
  • Durability/Pain Tolerance


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  • Here's a full pic of Krrsantan with all of the gear we've seen him use, which will go into detail bellow. - (Star Wars Issue #20, 2015)


  • Krrsantan wears a unique armor piece, two spiked shoulder pads that are connected by a strap in the middle. This armor is more than just for show and blocked a stab from a knife and a few shots from a small blaster. - (Book of Boba Fett: Season 1 Episode 3)


  • Hailing from Kashyyyk, Krrsantan crafted and wields his own bowcaster, which is more powerful and accurate than a normal blaster:

A traditional Wookiee weapon, bowcasters are hand-crafted on Kashyyyk according to ancient methods. Bowcasters are more powerful and accurate than blasters, firing a metal quarrel encased in plasma energy. Like many Wookiee creations, the bowcaster combines traditional craftsmanship with galactic technology.


Electric Net Gun


  • This gun is never named but all it seemed to do was shock Owen Lars painfully, which Krrsantan used to torture him. You can see the little wisps of smoke coming off Owen in the second scan. NOTE: this weapon is destroyed by Obi-Wan during the fighting. - (Star Wars Issue #20, 2015)

Thermal Detonator

  • Krrsantan carries a small thermal detonator with him that he used to blow a small hole in the Millennium Falcon. - (Darth Vader Issue #14, 2015)

Brass Knuckles


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  • Krrsantan uses another Wookie as bait to lure in a group of slavers and then ambushes them and kills all but one. - (Doctor Aphra Annual #01, 2015)
  • Krrsantan apparently used this method to take out two other slaving groups. - (Doctor Aphra Annual #01, 2015)
  • Krrsantan's gladiator training consisted of him hiking up snowy mountains, evading blades and blaster fire while running through factories, fighting other trainees in hand-to-hand, facing off against and surviving sarlaacs, facing off against and surviving against large monstrous creatures, facing off against and surviving a fight against thousands of nanobots, and then learning how to use a sword. - (Doctor Aphra Annual #01, 2015)
  • After undergoing his enhancement surgery, Krrsantan ditches his swords and chooses to fight three armed fighters with just his hands, easily defeating them. - (Doctor Aphra Annual #01, 2015)
  • Krrsantan, in a demonstration to Jabba the Hutt, literally walks all over his Gamorrean guards. - (Star Wars Issue #15, 2015)
  • Along with Boba Fett, Krrsantan is considered the best bounty hunter Jabba the Hutt has to offer. - (Darth Vader Issue #01, 2015)
  • Krrsantan voluntarily jumped into the fighting pits on Son-Tuul and defeated every single opponent he faced, at least two. Since the fights are prepared in advance, Krrsantan jumped into a fight already occurring, strangled one of the current fighters, and then defeated the other one. Bossk even mentions that out of all of the Wookies he's captured and given to fighting arenas, he's never seen one volunteer. - (Darth Vader Issue #07, 2015)
  • Krrsantan helps Luke Skywalker and Doctor Aphra defeat an entire bar full of people, and it's most likely that he was the main reason why and defeated the most people. - (Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel)
  • Krrsantan humiliates two Grigorans. - (Doctor Aphra Issue #01, 2016)
  • Krrsantan uses stealth and the environment to take out stormtroopers on Yavin IV. - (Doctor Aphra Issue #03, 2016)
  • Krrsantan leads an AT-ST into a trap where the walker walks on top of a large worm creature's home, which causes the creature to attack and destroy it. - (Doctor Aphra Issue #03, 2016)
  • Garsa Fwip tells Krrsantan that she remembers his days in the fighting pits and that she had never seen such a display of martial prowess. She also reminds him that he was so popular that his name alone drew crowds of thousands (although the statement about the crowds he drew could be correct, the comment about his martial prowess could be her trying to butter him up so he would stop fighting in the cantina). - (Book of Boba Fett: Season 1 Episode 4)
  • Garsa Fwip tells Krrsantan that he has met every challenge and achieved every trophy (although the comment could be her trying to butter him up so he would stop fighting in the cantina). - (Book of Boba Fett: Season 1 Episode 4)


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  • As a Wookie, Krrsantan has "enormous strength":

Wookiees’ enormous strength made them useful laborers.


Durability/Pain Tolerance

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  • Krrsantan is buried under a few large rocks by Obi-Wan Kenobi's Telekinesis but breaks himself free in a matter of moments. He's then cut across the eye from Kenobi's lightsaber and still manages to counter attack him. - (Star Wars Issue #20, 2015)
  • After fighting Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine and being struck in the face with sand, having large rocks dumped on top of him, getting cut across the eye with a lightsaber, and having a bowcaster shot deflected back and grazing his shoulder, Krrsantan jumps off a large cliff and survives the fall as Obi-Wan went searching for his body and couldn't find it. - (Star Wars Issue #20, 2015)
  • Krrsantan takes a headbutt from Chewbacca and retaliates right away with one of his own. - (Star Wars Issue #14, 2015)
  • Krrsantan is punched in the face by Chewbacca hard enough to destroy the large rock he was holding, slammed when on the ground, picked up and slammed over Chewie's shoulder, and then jumped on, and still remains conscious enough to counter attack. - (Star Wars Issue #14, 2015)
  • Krrsantan is stabbed twice by Boba Fett's gaderffi and just swats him away. - (Book of Boba Fett: Season 1 Episode 3)
  • Krrsantan is stabbed in the side by a knife and keeps on fighting. - (Book of Boba Fett: Season 1 Episode 3)
  • Krrsantan is stabbed again by Boba Fett's gaderffi but then just hits him away again. - (Book of Boba Fett: Season 1 Episode 3)
  • Krrsantan shrugs off being slashed in the back by an ax and then knocks out a Gamorrean. - (Book of Boba Fett: Season 1 Episode 3)

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