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Average score of 3 user reviews

Why are super villians so dumb? 0

This guy is supposed to be a god eh?, hmm he is kind of RETARDED. Blah blah blah, is all he did the whole issue, trying to get the location of the sword out of Dara, but when (spoiler) Julie busts in, they have a conversation before Julie throws the sword at Dara, straight across Zakros.. as if he could not just take the sword, I can see a thousand ways he could've snatched thw sword right there, story over. But no wait, we're supposed to swallow that and listen to Zakros talk about being a god....

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Profile: Zakros 0

Besides the most important part of this issue, the insight on Zakros, there was a little bit of reflecting being done by Dara. Haha, she's taking stock of the fact that she can walk.. and her Father's student, Justin (who has been tagging along, now that he is a fugitive, and knows some stories Dara's father told him), brings up a good point; she can do MUCH cooler things with the sword than that. So why isn't she practicing a bit with the sword? whip it out, measure how high you can jump, see h...

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The Art of Fear 0

I have just started reading Catwoman again after a ~5 year hiatus, and I must say I've been impressed by the last few issues. I like the angle Adam Hughes is using to present Selina, learning some of Batman's Art of Fear, and employing it; but also, knowing Batman well enough to use his preparations against him, and see through him.Keep it up!Positives of this issue: Partly an issue reflecting on previous events. Partly an issue gearing up for some revenge. It got an old reader interested agai...

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