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The 10 best movie theme songs.

Recently I watched the trailer for the reboot for the upcoming Robocop film and something felt missing from it. And it hit me. This reboot along with most recent films are all missing that classics memorable theme song. Back in the late 70's 80's and 90's many films were released with some of the most memorable themes that have made a impact in our culture and have been classics since their release. So this is my list of what I feel are the top ten theme songs.

10. RoboCop

Speaking about Robocop it's hard not to forget the classic theme song from the trilogy. After Alex Murphy's death this theme became the music played once he was turned into the crime fighting justice bringing Robocop. It's hard not to think about justice and crime fighting when you listing to this theme.

9. The Good the Bad and the Ugly

When you think of the classics western movie it's hard to no think about this theme. This theme song is the perfect back ground music for a mano y mano battle.

8. Terminator 2 Judgment Day

"Come with me if you want to live". Trying to stop the extinction of the human race. Battling robots sent from the future. Finding out that you will once lead the human race into battle against Skynet. This theme fits the film well with giving the film viewer hope that John Conner will save the human race.

7.Indian Jones

Have you ever wanted to go on an adventure? Find lost treasures? Escape from being killed from a angry village? Then this theme should be included in your adventure don't forget your whip and hat.

6. 007

No matter if its Jean Connery, Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Greg the 007 theme song will always follow Bond. This has become part of today's culture along with the classic catch phrases and villains from the film franchise.

5. Back To the Future

1.21 Gigawatts, flux capacitor, flying daloreans, going back in time making out with a younger version of your mom, singing Johnny B Good. What's not to love about this film? The theme is classic and never got old if you ever got to hear it after you took a ride on the Back To the Future ride at Universal Studios Hollywood/Florida.

4. Jurassic Park

As terrifying as a island full of genetically cloned dinosaurs may be the films theme song captures the majestic idea of creatures once thought to be lost but now brought back from extinction only to now run wild on the island eating any one stuck on the island.

3. Jaws

Let's face it this was the film and theme song that made you want to stay out of the water. The theme captures both the ferocity that a shark can have and it also builds up the tension leading to the inevitable devouring of the victim.

2 Rocky

I dare you to listing to this theme and not want to run up a flight of stairs. This song captures the hidden underdog in all of us and makes us want to stand up from our seats and cheer on as Rocky proves the odds wrong.

1. Star Wars

I don't know if there is another more recognizable or unforgettable theme song than the Star Wars theme. Even if you have never watched the film and are watching it for the first time and the theme starts playing you already know your in for a wild ride as you go to a galaxy far far away.

Well I hope you guys like my list. And again this is my list I know I left out some film theme songs (Superman) but let me know what you guys think are your top 10 theme songs and what are some of the themes from any of the recent films you feel could become classic theme songs in the near future.