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Spiderman V Spiderwoman

Who would win in a fight? Spiderman or Spiderwoman here`s your answer!

As always this will be a two round match Round 1 to KO and Round 2 to the Death!

Round 1: Spiderman

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Round 2: Spiderwoman

Reason why Spiderman would win Round 1 is slight advantage in durability and much more experience! he also knows how to use his powers a lot more efficiently then Spiderwoman! So in the end Peter Parker aka Spiderman would win Round 1 against Spiderwoman!

Reason why Spiderwoman would win Round 2 is because she has an advantage over Spiderman in very catoglory such as speed, strength and agility! An official Marvel Universe Book has proven this with stats and real feats! And another reason is that Spiderman being how young he is will not kill! He will stick to his moral code and not kill! So in the end of the day Spiderwoman would kick Spiderman`s ass and would easily effortlessly beat up and kill Spiderman with her brute strength alone! Giving Spiderwoman the win!

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Batman V Black Canary

Who Would win in a fight? Black Canary or Batman? Let`s find out! (this is all without prep to make it fair) (if Batman had prep he would win Round 1 and Round 2! (he wouldn`t win Round 3 cause Batman doesn`t kill)

Ok, to settle this their will be more than 2 Rounds this time! Round 1 Will be a boxing match Round 2 will be a straight up fight (no Batsuit or Canary cry) Round 3 will be the same as Round but to the death with their Batsuit and Canary cry!

Round 1: Black Canary wins!

Round 2: Batman wins!

Round 3: Black Canary wins!

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Reason why Black Canary wins is because in a close up boxing match fists only Batman is great but Black Canary is better! Black Canary would kick Batman`s ass in a boxing match effortlessly without breaking a sweat! She would have the strength, speed and agility advantage for this Round! Which would then lead to Black Canary beating up Batman and knocking him out cold! Giving Black Canary the win!

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Reason why Batman would win round 2 is easy! He`s Batman! Batman is THE greatest fighter in the DC Universe Black Canary maybe one of THE greaset but Batman is the greatest! Batman would mop the floor of Black Canary and absolutely beat the crap out of Black Canary!

Reason why Black Canary wins Rounds 2 is because Batman doesn`t kill! (Even if he did kill he might be able to come on top) but Black Canary will kill if she has to! And this is no different! Black Canary`s Canary cry made Superman`s ears bleed! No telling what it would do to a human`s ears anyways extremely close fight but in the end Black Canary is stronger and will slowly but eventually brutally effortlessly beat up Batman and kick his ass! Eventually killing him and giving Black Canary the win!


She Hulk (Marvel) V Cheetah (DC)

Who would win in a fight? Cheetah from the DC Universe or She Hulk from the Marvel universe?

There will be two rounds like always Round 1 is a fight to KO and Round 2 is a fight to the Death!

Round 1: She Hulk

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Round 2: Cheetah

Reason why She Hulk wins Round 1 is because She Hulk has a very slight advantage in Durability and strength! Cheetah would put up a god dam good fight but in the end She Hulk would come up on top! I mean She Hulk has once brutally beat up the Hulk that she almost killed The Hulk by her brute strength alone! Giving She Hulk the win!

Reason why Cheetah wins Round 2 is Cheetah won`t hold back where She Hulk does! She Hulk`s strength would probably be on par if not she would be physically stronger than Hulk if she didn`t hold back! But Cheetah has a killer instinct let a lone her advantage in Speed, Agility and fighting Ability and her strength and durability is on par as Wonder Woman`s strength and Durability! Cheetah has a lot of kill options such as cutting She Hulk`s throat with her claws choking her to death with her tail or hands or even legs (like Catwoman did to Batman) or kill her with her speed or her brute strength alone or both speed and strength! Giving Cheetah the win!


Cheetah (DC) V The Hulk (MARVEL)

Who would win in a fight? Cheetah from the DC Universe or the Hulk from the Marvel Universe?

This will be determined by two rounds, Round 1 will be a fight to KO and Round 2 will be a fight to the death!

Round 1: Cheetah wins!

Round 2: The Hulk wins!

Reason why Cheetah wins Round 1 is because Cheetah is just strong enough to out muscle and overpower the Hulk with her brute strength, speed agility and reflexes! The Hulk wouldn`t even be able to touch Cheetah! She has kept up with Wonder Woman many times before! Cheetah could easily overpower and out muscle the Hulk in a fight to KO him using her brute strength, speed, claws and agility alone before the Hulk could even realize what just happened! In round 1 Cheetah would have the slight Strength advantage the Speed advantage and the everything else advantage! In other words Cheetah could easily knock out the Hulk for a whole minute using her brute strength alone before Hulk would even realize what`s happening! Giving Cheetah the win! (In Round 1 Cheetah beats the Hulk in every catoglory! For example in Round 1 Cheetah has the strength, speed, agility, durability, intelligence and fighting ability advantage over the Hulk! Easily allowing Cheetah to easily and effortlessly brutally beat up the Hulk and take the win for Round 1!)

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Reason why The Hulk wins round 2 is well because after round 1 Hulk would be mad and as everyone and their grandma knows the madder the Hulk is the stronger he gets! By now the Hulk would have a massive strength and durability advantage! Cheetah may be physically strong enough to out muscle and overpower the Hulk with her brute strength alone and knock the Hulk out cold but she doesn`t have many kill options! Her claws would do nothing and over time The Hulk would just overpower Cheetah in mere seconds! Giving Hulk the advantage! (The Hulk now beats Cheetah in every catoglory except for Speed, Intelligence and Fighting Ability giving The Hulk the win for Round 2!)