ninjawarrior268's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2016 Annual #1 - A Week in the Life / Unlockly Heroes / A Spot of Trouble / Only the Strong / It's Putty Time / What Makes a Ranger review

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    Power Rangers annual issue #1 review

    I really liked the first Power Rangers annual. I usually don't like annuals because the ones I've read usually aren't written well. It seems there are writers would rather write a good story told through a long saga of many comic books than a decent one shot. cough* Scott Snyder* cough. However I did like this book. The first story is a collection of pictures showing what Jason does everyday as a Power Rangers from fighting monsters to training kids to learn martial arts. It's not a good story but it's a great thing to look at. The second story was about Bulk and Skull being Power Rangers. It was funny until the part where Alpha zapped them to take their morphers and erase their memories which made the story feel more like a filler than it needed to. I liked the 3rd story with Trini and Kimberly. It gave Trini some more characterization which I think she needed and it's nice to have a story focused on the female rangers. The next story with the bad guys wasn't so great. There were a lot of references to things from the Power Rangers TV show but there wasn't really anything to take away from it besides it being the first appearance of Lord Zedd in this comic series.The next story looks like it was draw by a fan or a little kid. I would like it if Boom accepted fan fiction to be published in their comics since there must be some fan fiction better than this story. The last story looked cool with a Megazord battle. I didn't like how none of the panels had a good picture of the megazord unlike IDW Transformers comics which usually show highly detailed pictures of their characters. Storywise, it was good. I like how Boom has kept this comic book series kid friendly unlike Dynamite's Voltron comics which tried to aim at adults with references to sex and drugs. It seems Saban is always reaching out to children in any Power Rangers story. All in all, there's a lot of things in this book which Power Rangers fans will like. If you're a fan, I recommend this book. You can pick it up at your local comic book shop since this annual came out this Wednesday.

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