CaptHowdy666's Fall of Cthulhu #1 - The Fugue, Part 1 of 5: Harlot review

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    Enter the World of Lovecraft's Dreamlands.

    The Fall of Cthulhu, yikes. Oh what high expectation this comic is going to have to live up to in order to satisfy Lovecraft fans. Luckily for them, there are probably more Call of Cthulhu game fans (along with their fiction) than actual Lovecraft fans... however, that is a discussion for some other time and place.

    The preview issue I had previously read was pretty vague, but had it's elements of cool and easily identifiable Lovecraftian themes... seeing the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred was pretty neat. Now, in this first issue we meet a young couple whose uncle has returned from South America. He chatters with them for a sec then shoots himself in the head. That's kind of odd wouldn't you think?

    Some investigative work needs to be performed and the young man sets out performing this task. However, in his sleep where does he end up? In the Dreamlands! That's pretty bloody cool (if you aren't a Lovecraft or Brian Lumley fan then you have no idea what this setting is, but oh well, take it from me, it's always neat to see things take place in the Dreamlands)!

    Now, visiting the Dreamlands and actually coming back most definitely helped make up the young man's mind to pursue this mystery further. There are other clues and such but we shall see where they all lead as this specific storyline called 'Harlot' is a five parter.


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