
    Dark Shadows #7

    Dark Shadows » Dark Shadows #7 - Wings of Fear released by Western Publishing on November 1, 1970.

    Short summary describing this issue.

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    Wings of Fear (26 pages total)

    Part I: Barnabas Collins - Vampire (14 pages)

    Barnabas Collins rises from his coffin and rushes into the night to find a victim for his vampire bloodlust, despite his having been cured of his affliction. He chooses a young woman named Pam Cordon, who has just said goodnight to her boyfriend, newspaperman Benson Angst. Barnabas flight from his victim's home in bat-form is witnessed by a simple man named Terk, who instantly recognizes the creature for what it is.

    The next morning, Ben Angst dismisses Terk's talk of the creature returning as foolishness. Rushing to propose marriage to Pam, Ben finds her listless and distracted, and she makes clear her desire to be free of him. Meanwhile, at the Great House of Collinwood, Barnabas has an early morning meeting with Elizabeth Collins Stoddard and Professor Timothy Stokes, an expert in the occult. Stokes tells Barnabas that he has found an ancient manuscript which seems to indicate a cure for vampirism.

    At the village of Collinsport, Terk is remiss to see Barnabas walking about in the light of day, since it is Barnabas he suspects of being the creature. That night, the rays of the full moon transform the lovely young Pam into a deadly vampire. As she emerges from her window into the night, she sees Terk spying on her house, and attacks him.

    The next morning, Barnabas and Professor Stokes visit a comatose Terk in the hospital and see the "mark of the bat" on his neck. In a panic, Barnabas rushes off by himself to his secret tomb at Collinwood. Throwing open the lid of his disused coffin, Barnabas is shocked to find, lying in repose in the coffin... himself!

    Part II: The Willing Victim (12 pages)

    Screaming forth from the inert double of Barnabas comes the ghost of the evil witch Angelique. She tells Barnabas that there is a vampire creature in Collinsport who can strike once a night, and who will die once she has bitten Barnabas and returned him to darkness. When Angelique disappears, Barnabas turns to destroy the double of himself with his walking stick, but it is also gone.

    Barnabas convinces Professor Stokes to try out his untested serum on Terk. Bluffing their way past the hospital staff, the two men secretly administer the serum to Terk. After a long moment, the marks on Terk's neck vanish and he regains consciousness. However, he is unable to reveal the identity of his attacker.

    Barnabas and Stokes decide to try to lure the vampire into the open by using Barnabas as bait. The two men temporarily become separated, and Barnabas is left to fend for himself when Pam, in her vampire form, attacks him. Stokes finds Barnabas just in time to prevent him from killing Pam with his silver-tipped walking stick. Stokes administers the serum, and Pam is cured.

    A few days later, Barnabas and Stokes discuss their adventure, and note that Pam has no memory of her affliction. They are interrupted in their talk by Ben Angst, who reveals that he and Pam are to be married at last, while a bewildered Terk tries to puzzle out just what it was he really saw.

    Characters from the TV show: Barnabas Collins, Angelique Bouchard, Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, Professor Timothy Stokes



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