
    Danger Club #2

    Danger Club » Danger Club #2 released by Image on May 2012.

    ironhawk22's Danger Club #2 review

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    Grave Danger...

    The world has gone to hell as the heroes have disappeared, now only their sidekicks remain and the goverment has turned on them. Art. As I said in my last review, the art is great it's gritty when it needs to be and has some great action. The Story. Unlike the Teen Titans, the goverment turning on the sidekicks isn't forced it makes sense here. After all Apollo did there is atleast there is some reason for why the goverment wanted to take teens into custody. This issue slows down a bit on the violence and has a bit more story as we see Kid Vigilante's brother, and are introduced to Ladybug, a former villain and sidekick, who in the aftermath of all that happened joins the side of the Danger Club. There is a fantastic line by Kid Vigilante regarding Ladybug joining the side of the team and Apollo's betrayal. It was just a fantastic line. I love the feel that no ones safe in this book, and can't wait for the Big Bad to be revealed. Now a negative, the Yoshimi character. She seems interesting and it's cool to have another asian comic-book character considering the general lack of asian characters. Yet we just cut to her fighting these robot guys and it feels wierd as last issue she was in space then she just ends up back on earth fighting robot guys. Overall: This book is amazing, two issues in and I'm hooked already. Image just continues to draw me in with these fantastic new series!

    Other reviews for Danger Club #2

      Very promising! 0

      Im being stingy on my rating here, because we honestly havent seen enough, theres A LOT of characters that we dont know and a LOT of teasing.Without spoiling anything. This issue starts with quite a shock and then introduces something that makes you think you've got it all figured out, just to take it away again.I am REALLY enjoying this series. I would say it's Teen Titans if it was done by Mark Millar. I really want to get to know these characters and some more about their back stories. I like...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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