green_tea_light's Brightest Day #18 - Easy Come, Easy Go review

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    Brightest Day #18


    The Hawkman/Hawkgirl story comes to a conclusion. Will they be able to defeat Shrike? Or will they die with no hope of resurrection. Meanwhile, the White Power Ring is charging, what happens when it gets to 100%?

    What I liked

    · Fan-service: The Hawkman and Hawkgirl story ends with a really cool conclusion that doesn’t make a lot of sense. However, it is done in such a way that it is just so cool that you simply do not care.

    · The Hawkman story: Now it has ended, I can safely say, it was good from beginning to end. It’s a true Hawkman-story through and through. It emphasises action over story, but doesn’t leave you feeling any less intelligent. Although the main Brightest Day plot has so far failed to stand as a cohesive entity, this story has managed to stay consistently entertaining throughout.

    · The end: Okay, I thought the last issue’s ending brought up some questions... This issue has the most shocking ending so far. Also, it’s starting to bring the sub-stories back into the main Deadman narrative.

    What I didn’t like

    · Star Sapphire Logic: I was going to mention this for the last issue, but decided to let it slide. The Star Sapphires’ lore seems to basically be made up as we go along. We need someone to get hurt, okay “Love can hurt”... now we need someone to be calmed down, okay “Love can get rid of hate”. In this issue, the logic behind the way the villain is subdued just seems a bit ‘made up on the spot’. It’s still cool though.

    · Character Change: Shrike has always been a boring evil villain who seemed to be evil for the sake of it, but at the conclusion of this story she suddenly becomes submissive and asks Hawkgirl for help. As far as I gathered she didn’t ask anyone for help, let alone her daughter.

    · Captain Boomerang: We are given a single page to remind us that he has to throw a boomerang at Dove.


    This issue feels like the end of things and the beginning of things to come. It was really nice to see how the Hawkman story didn’t cop-out and it was rewarding to actually get a pay-off from this fairly long series. I did have a few problems with the leaps in logic, but I was willing to overlook the minor details in favour of enjoying the issue more. If you have been following the Hawkman story, it goes without saying; you need to get this one.


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      Love conquers all and the white power ring charges to 100% with most unexpected results  The Good   David Finch Delivers a great cover for this week, just look over to the right as you're reading this review. Yeah, that's poster worthy, my friend.I always like to watch the sparks fly when any of The Rogues clash with Captain Cold. This is especially true for Digger. At the beginning of the issue we see a bit of the fallout between he and Cold which results from him freeing Zoom.  Let us all rejo...

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