rkstud632's Blood of Dracula #18 review

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    Chomping Closer To The End

    Issue 18 starts out with a wonderful cover. Mike Vosburg drew this haunting scene of alittle girl with bloodon her and lurking in the shadows isDracula. This issue like the last few have only had the stroies Dracula 2199 and Count Dracula. I'm not sure why Death Dreams was took out, It was mostly self contained. But we get more Bernie Wrightson Frankenstein art. Of course both stories are 8 pages long and in black and white. 
    Dracula 2199 - After the revelations from last issue where else can this go besides to the pending finale. We start with Dracula speaking to his subjects.He then talks to his counsel and is shocked to learn they have no armaments. They use them up to spreadexpand their borders.Meanwhile LTribunal Officer Lyfe reveals more forKleigh 02 an ousted scientist a robotic suit of his own that Lyfe names it Dragonslayer. We then learn more of a dead man who we have seen the last sereral issues wait. . This dead man sits and waits. For if the green light above him ceases to shine his job is topush a button fullof nuclear warheads (scary ain't it). Meanwhile Dracula has heard of the dead man and knows of the horror of those weapons (way back in issue 13 or 15). Kleigh and Marisa in there suits head off to fight Dracula. Dracula however deals the dead man and his sucessor  deadly bites. 
    Count Dracula - Last issue we witness Dr. Stroehmann and his monsters storming and infiltrating castle Dracula.A battle ensues however the monsters do not know who to listen to until Stroehmann yells then thay attack Dracula who feels his energy ebbing. And through the battle he grows weaker leaving him in schock and rendured.Stroehmann ties up Dracula and takes him back to his camp. 


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