sky_jokiel's Batman: The Dark Knight #1 - Golden Dawn, Part One review

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    The Man's a Genius

    Not only can he draw but he can write. David Finch is having at Batman: The Dark Knight series and it is spectacular.  
    The Good 
    Bruce is having flashback about a "new" childhood friend Dawn Golden. When we come to current time we find out that she has gone missing and that Bruce is after a street venom influenced crock for answers. After a few fists are thrown and answers are given Bruce finds himself  breaking into a safe that contains the necklace that Dawn was wearing in the flashback. Turning around he is confronted by none other than The Penguin. The overall story was well put together and full of action and the plot kept me wondering what was going to happen next. 
    All I can say is that I wish Finch drew every comic book. The detail, perspectives and the way he tells the story is unbeatable. 
    The Bad 
    Nothing at all! 
    To sum it up this was a great first issue with a terrific story, amazing art, and it turns out David Finch can not only draw but he can write.

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      Batman gets another ongoing series focusing on the supernatural side of Gotham City written and drawn by David Finch.  The Good There's almost something eerie about seeing flashback sequences with Bruce Wayne. We've seen the occasional glimpses into young Bruce's life but we get to see him the year before he lost both his parents. I figured we'd see a flashback of this sort and I was worried it might come across as too forced or feel cheap. Luckily it didn't feel that way. Seeing Bruce as a chil...

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      A Great Sign of Things to Come 0

      The Good: Alex Sinclair's colors do WONDERS for David Finch's artwork. Finch's artwork already looked very detailed and the colors add a whole other layer of detail to it. It has this quality to it that reminds me A LOT of the fantastic Jim Lee's artwork. But can he write as well as he draws? The answer is yes. Batman has a ridiculous degree of inner monologuing in this issue and all of it is phenomenal. He breaks everything down to the tiniest detail, and it still never feels too wordy. Finch c...

      13 out of 14 found this review helpful.

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