shawn87's Batman and Robin #2 - Bad Blood review

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    • shawn87 has written a total of 597 reviews. The last one was for

    The Killer Within

    The Story: 

    Bruce Wayne feels it's his responsibility to "fix" Damian Wayne who has a tendency to kill and use excessive force in battle. Nobody reveals himself to Bruce Wayne.  

    My Thoughts:

    So far I've enjoyed what Peter J. Tomasi has done within these first two issues. He clearly displays what the premise of this first story arc will be about while also focusing on the relationship between Batman and Robin. While Batman and Robin have always been known as the Dynamic Duo, the current Batman and Robin fall short of living up to that title. Bruce Wayne and Damian Wayne don't have quite the relationship Bruce had with the previous Robin's. His son has killer instincts as he was introduced to extreme violence at an early age. We see him restrain himself in front of his father while taking down some thugs smuggling weapons but later on in the Batcave he kills a bat. We see Alfred observing this in the shadows and the look on his face was priceless. It seems Damian's hunger for killing may consume him unless Bruce is able to get through to him. This is one of the strong points of the story so far in my opinion. Anyone who knows Damian knows he's always been this way but now it appears as if he's getting worse. I look forward to seeing how Tomasi will handle Damian's character in the forthcoming issues. 

    When we got our first look at the villain Nobody in the first issue, I thought he could be a pretty cool villain for Batman. While his appearance was brief, he certainly seemed formidable. Within this issue he reveals himself to Bruce Wayne as we find out the two have known each other for some time. Bruce however did not know that he was the one responsible for the death of the Batman Inc. member in Russia. We find out why Nobody killed him and why he's now in Gotham City. I must say I'm excited about where this story is heading. 

    I like Patrick Gleason's art but I'm not crazy about it. It could be better but it does begin to grow on you. One thing I didn't like was Damian's facial expression in the panel where he was training. The darker tone of the art certainly suits the story.

    This was a solid second issue to the series I'd recommend picking up. Out of the new 52 titles, the Batman ones are among my favorites. This series has potential to stand out but only time will tell if it will.  

    Rating: 4.5/5

    Other reviews for Batman and Robin #2 - Bad Blood

      One and a Half Men 0

      There wasn't anything in this book that I liked more than the art. There were a couple of panels that were so amazing, I wished the whole book was nothing but. Problem was that this seemed like a simple continuation of the first issue. What do we do about Damien? Well, if you are a mentally unstable dude who has been morning the loss of your parents for 20 some years by crime fighting; you might want to leave it to someone else. And I'm not talking about Alfred. I guess we are supposed to look a...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

      Apparently NoBody is SomeBody. Specifically, THAT SomeBody 0

      The Good: Hilarious cover. This series definitely earns its title, a lot of emphasis is put on the strained relationship between Batman and Robin, and Bruce's awkwardness at raising his own son. Seing the montage of Damian's training was great. In general Patrick Gleason still draws some gorgeous scenes with the action.  The regular villains were more more believable. NoBody's big first Gotham scene is beyond amazingly creepy. Such a superb set up for a villain the likes of which I've rarely see...

      2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

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