
    Wolverine #10

    Wolverine » Wolverine #10 - Wolverine's Revenge, Part 1 released by Marvel on August 1, 2011.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Wolverine's Revenge, Part 1 last edited by toxin45 on 04/28/24 06:05PM View full history

    First, Wolverine was sent to hell. Then he was forced to fight for control of his own mind against demonic invaders. All thanks to the machinations of a mysterious group called the Red Right Hand. Who are they and what is their grudge against Logan? And how do they hope to survive now that Wolverine has come looking for some revenge of his own?

    Mexico- Wolverine has found the secret hide out of The Red Right Hand, and once inside he is jumped by Cannonfoot. Wolverine makes quick work of Cannonfoot and is jumped by Shadow Stalker.

    Meanwhile the leader of The Red Right Hand recounts how Wolverine killed his father and how he spent his life trying to get revenge. He has tried to kill Wolverine directly but realized he couldn't do it alone so he started The Red Right Hand.



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    Average score of 2 user reviews

    Well Done! 0

    Cover:     These covers have been astounding from day one, and I really like to see a uniform theme throughout them.  It makes collecting them very enticing.  The Good:   The fact that this ongoing is ten issues in and references panels from earlier arcs is something that I very much enjoy.  It's much similar to Uncanny X-Force, and it gives you the feeling that every panel is actually important.  We do get some background about some of these characters, but I think what really shines here is ...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    As soon as I like the art, the artist changes... 0

    SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers in Video!sP       ...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.
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