

    Character » Reader appears in 78 issues.

    A mysterious Inhuman with fantastic new powers. Anything he reads becomes real.

    Short summary describing this character.

    Reader last edited by stunninggirl99 on 10/23/20 09:28AM View full history


    Reader is a mysterious Inhuman with a largely unknown past. In the present, he worked for the Ennilux Corporation tracking down new Inhumans and bringing them in so that Ennilux could help them learn how to use their powers, and set them up with a job and new life.


    Reader was created by Charles Soule and Ryan Stegman and first appeared in Inhuman issue 4 (2014).

    Major Story Arcs

    A Change of Heart

    After bringing the Inhuman Iso in he found out that because of her power level the leader of Ennilux, The Capo, who was very old and dying, was actually going to have his mind transferred into Iso's body before he died and take her life in the process. Upon learning this new information, Reader decided to rescue Iso freeing her moments before the mind transfer started, and fled with her to New Attilan.


    Reader is able to make what he reads reality. Reader has no eyes and is blind so he carries around cards with braille on them that say a signal word and he is able to make what he reads real for a limited time. The amount of times he is able to read is limited, getting weaker with each reading. How much time is needed for a full recharge is still unknown. His powers also effect things he is in direct contact with while reading.

    • Freeze Card: He stops time around him for a limited amount of time.
    • Away Card: He is able to teleport with an unknown range.
    • See Card: He is able to see through the eyes of others.
    • Back Card: Travels back in time

    Other Media

    Marvel's Agents of SHIELD

    He was believed to be a mysterious inhuman in this MCU show but the character was not, in fact, the Reader and was a completely new character.


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