
"Toute ma vie j'ai rêvé d'être une hôtesse de l'air"

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  • jacdec posted a message in the forum topic Are you a nihilist?. on the Off-Topic board

    @warstars1977 said:@steve40l Is a place where there is a maximum amount of suffering for everyone bad? No one can suffer anymore than they are, and no one is exempt from suffering.I believe one would...

  • jacdec posted a message in the forum topic Are you a nihilist?. on the Off-Topic board

    @steve40l said:@warstars1977: The difference between morality and observations like "that's a star" is that "star" describes something that absolutely exists (at least for the observer). With moralit...

  • jacdec posted a message in the forum topic Are you a nihilist?. on the Off-Topic board

    @warstars1977:I was talking about Islamists, an extremely radical current of Islam but still a minority. I don't believe one can generally say that Islam, with 2 billion Muslims, is not a standard of ...

  • jacdec posted a message in the forum topic Are you a nihilist?. on the Off-Topic board

    @sundown89: You therefore place yourself in an essentially altruistic subjective morality.

  • jacdec posted a message in the forum topic Are you a nihilist?. on the Off-Topic board

    @warstars1977 said:Sure, but some morals are objectively true, even if they aren’t acknowledged. It would take an insane person to argue that rape or genocide is merely a matter of perspective. That ...

  • jacdec posted a message in the forum topic Are you a nihilist?. on the Off-Topic board

    @insertnewname said:@jacdec: Weird because I get this definition when I google nihilsm in my mother tongue.No intrinsic values? Sounds off considering some/most people clearly have them.What is your ...

  • jacdec posted a message in the forum topic Are you a nihilist?. on the Off-Topic board

    @cat-like24 @steve40lI'm sorry for the confusion. Post 3 was intended for Steve40l and not Cat-like24. My apologies again.

  • jacdec posted a message in the forum topic Are you a nihilist?. on the Off-Topic board

    @insertnewname: Nihilism states that life has no objective meaning and that there are no intrinsic or universal values. This does not imply that nothing matters but that the meaning of values ​​is per...

  • jacdec posted a message in the forum topic Are you a nihilist?. on the Off-Topic board

    @steve40l said:Or do you think making groups of idea like that is complete bullshit and you don't fall under any of them.Yes, I'm very happy to finally find a thread that allows me to think a little b...

  • jacdec posted a message in the forum topic Are you a nihilist?. on the Off-Topic board

    @cat-like24: If I'm not mistaken, this middle school period is when you experienced the 'death of God,' the realization of the glaring inadequacy between the reality of the perceived world and the ing...

  • jacdec posted a message in the forum topic First thing that pops into your mind when I say..... on the Off-Topic board


  • jacdec posted a message in the forum topic Do you smoke?. on the Off-Topic board


  • jacdec posted a message in the forum topic Anything you were surprised to hear people didn't like?. on the Off-Topic board

    "Lisztomania" (1975) - by Ken Russell is a fairly universally hated film where Roger Daltrey (The Who) plays the composer Franz Liszt. I loved this film and it contains one of my favorite musical piec...

  • jacdec posted a message in the forum topic Religion… What do you think?. on the Off-Topic board

    To relaunch the debate and perhaps stem this long exchange of anathemas I have a simple question that I propose without malice.Why did God feel compelled to send his son to enforce his new covenant ? ...

  • jacdec posted a new image.
  • jacdec posted a new image.
  • jacdec posted a new image.
  • jacdec posted a new image.
  • jacdec posted a new image.
  • jacdec posted a message in the forum topic Wiki Requests. on the Editing & Tools board

    Concerns Les Légendaires Aventures - L'exode de Kalandre et Les Légendaires Aventures - La fin de l'histoire ?Les légendaires - Aventures is a volume of 11 issues published in the Delcourt Poche coll...