mask_of_tengu's The Flash #232 - The Wild Wests, Part Two: The Deep End review

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    I miss Bart.

    Wally...he just doesn't do it for me...neither do his kids...these sea monsters are kinda cool...but ultimately futile. The JLA next issue should spice things up...maybe I will get into Wally...this book is ten million times better than stupid Aquaman.

    Bart could have taken out these monsters so much faster than Wally...I mean I have been reading Wally as the Flash since I was little...when Bart came in I doubted the awesomeness of what had occurred...Bart was better. Now that he is dead...Wally is back...don't get me wrong...leave Bart in his grave...I don't want him back is just that Wally and his family need a new writer for this book...someone like Morrison :-)...sorry Waid...I would like you to do Aquaman and save that.

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