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Blessed From on High

Oh, my goodness. I've been working so hard that I'm not on Comic Vine as much. That kind of sucks.

Well, I wanted to write this today because, like many of you, I'm trying really hard to get the Blessed From on High quest completed. But unlike the other quests, Blessed From on High is not accomplished by some singular and simple thing I can do, like clicking on the character page for Banshee. It requires that, by chance, a moderator or staff member notices you and decides to follow you.

I followed a couple of people merely because they have gotten the achievement. I've inquired as to what they did to get the achievement. Nobody has gotten back to me yet, but I imagine that they will answer that they do not know. "I edited this and commented on this, but in truth it just seems completely random that I got chosen as opposed to someone else."

I know a bunch of you are thinking that spamming the walls of moderators might be a good way to get this quest. But if you were a moderator, would you want to be spammed? The moderators and staff members here, at least as far as I know, are good people like us. They read comic books. They want to support this community. They volunteer a lot of their time to make our lives easier. When I've actually spoken with moderators they have always been concerned with what I have to say and done everything they could to address my concerns. In other words, don't spam moderators. On one of the forums it suggested that one ought to private message moderators and kindly ask them for a follow. I don't even know what I feel about that. Isn't that a little bit of an invasion of privacy too? (I'm really interested in what you think - Are there people out there who have gotten Blessed From on High by PMing a moderator? Are there any moderators out there who would like to explain the most respectful way that people can make it obvious that they want a follow for the sake of completing this quest?)

I suppose my hope was that this blog post would get me noticed, that a moderator or staff member would follow me as a result, and that I would complete the Blessed From on High quest. But then I realized that it might also function as a way for us to discuss strategies of being noticed, to construct projects that will help the site and make sure that we are noticed, and also if people want to complain to me rather than complaining to the moderators about the fact that they can't get a follow. Let's just talk, and maybe some of us will be "Blessed" in the process.

Finally, I wonder if I'm not deserving because the only blog I've written since July 7 is regarding help with a quest. I hope, within the next week or two, to publish links to a blog series (a simulblog) a couple of friends and I have been doing regarding the new DC reboot. We're reading all the number ones and posting our ideas regarding the construction of the new DC universe. I'll start with that, and then continue doing good work for this site until I've done enough good to get recognized.

Until then, let's have a good conversation here.