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Boxing: Batman vs Bane

A boxing match between bane with no venom and batman

Location: Gotham

Standard boxing equipment, gloves, gum shield and all that, no costume

Bats ringside team: Alfred, Dick Grayson

Banes ringside team: the darkness (lol tdkr)

Batman has always seem to have bested a venom fuelled bane but how would he fare against a bane with no access to venom and with no gadgets or kicks, grapples , pressure points bs he can use?


Boxing: Captain America vs Batman

Who would win in a boxing match, Cap or Batsy

No below the belt, no grapples, no kicking or headbutts

They both wear standard boxing equipment, gloves, gum shield, no suit/costume

12 rounds, win by KO or judges decide at the end of the rounds who fought better/who got more beat up

No BFR lol

Caps ringside team: Agent Coulson, Maria Hill

Batmans ringside team: Alfred, Commissioner Gordon


Recommend a New 52 title?

I would like to start getting in to the new 52, I have planned on getting batman but I don't know what else to get, could someone please recommend me a few more titles that have good art/storyline. Thanks


Future doctor strange movie?

Not really a spoiler for all those in America who haven't seen the movie

In Captain America the winter soldier there is a doctor strange reference when cap is interrogating the bald guy on the roof the guy says that shield have been monitoring people with super powers and he mentions Stephen strange so it gives me some confusion on how the Doctor Strange movie will be like, will it be an origin story set before Cap 2 or will he already have his powers?

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