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Resident Evil

I'm really excited about the new Resident Evil movie. I hope it's as well made as the rest of the movies have been. And I'm really happy to see the same cast revising their older roles


Some Pornface

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Okay, so we have some "Pornface" from Phoenix-Endsong. Kitty Pryde, Emma Frost (Phoenix), normal Emma Frost, and Jean Grey. I'm not sure if Kitty's face is really a "Pornface" but whatever. And I think that Emma Frost (Phoenix) face looks a bit like Jennifer Gardner.

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Nuff' said. I mean this screams PORN!! And has Jenna Jameson all over it.

You know there is more out there, but my computer isn't letting google stuff, and i can't upload! So yea.


Emma Frost or Susan Storm

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The top is Emma Frost. And the bottom is Susan Storm. The funny thing is these blondes look just alike. I mean Greg Land would be in deep shit if there was another Blonde woman in the X-men. I'm not sure it Sue was croped into the X-Men. Or if he just used Sue as a major copy for Emma. Both are beautiful but some on, be more orignal.

Hiya Comicvine

New, here. I'm not really sure what i'm going to be doing here. I know i'll pop up on the forum. And i mite even Blog about some of my Favorite characters? Maybe. Um, I'll bitch alot about Greg Land. Its a love hate relationship with me and him. But you'll see. So thanks, i posted a image i think over in my images thingy. Of the Man Greg Land, doing his thing by re useing images. Go check it out.!!

Peace, Love, Lush!

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