
    Hawk and Dove #1

    Hawk and Dove » Hawk and Dove #1 - Gauntlet! released by DC Comics on June 1, 1989.

    Short summary describing this issue.

    Gauntlet! last edited by MickRory on 06/04/23 07:43AM View full history

    The issue opens with Hank recounting to his friend Renata the part he played in fighting off the recent invasion of Australia by an alliance of different alien races.Dawn arrives and gives her slightly different version of events before they go to Suds to meet up with their friends Donna and Kyle.They inform them that they intend to get married and that Hank should escort Renata to the wedding. 
    Later while on the way to a resturant Renata,Dawn and Hank encounter the villain Guantlet robbing a jewelry store.Hank and Dawn make the transformation to Hawk and Dove in the presence of danger and after defeating Guantlet they discover he is a robot with the ability to teleport. They are spotted leaving the jewelry store by a mysterious figure who seems determined to find out who they are so he can use this information against them.

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