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The Many Deaths of Captain America

Throughout the years, Captain America has died and faked his death a ton of times. We discuss all of them in the 616.

There's only one person that sucks more at dying than Mr. Immortal, and his name is Steve Rogers, better known as Captain America. He's died quite a few times since his appearance in CAPTAIN AMERICA COMICS #1 back in late 1940 and he's even tried to fake his death numerous times, unbeknownst to the reader.

What follows are some of the times in comics where Steve Rogers has duped the world by dying and resurrecting or by faking his death and coming back. Let's take a stroll through history to check out all the times that Cap has gotten capped. We will just be discussing Captain America of the 616 universe.

1. AVENGERS #4 (1964)

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Steve Rogers' first "death" happened back in 1964, in AVENGERS #4, when the character was retconned and joined the Avengers for the first time. Before this point, Captain America actually had a career after World War II beating up communists and Russia. He never actually died though. He just stopped appearing in comics.

However, to add a little dramatic flair and to make Captain America the true American hero fans know him as today, his back story was retconned and now, he "died" after being thrown off an exploding plane over the Atlantic ocean, saving everyone through his heroic deeds. All of this was done by the sinister Baron Zemo.

This is the first time in the Captain America mythos where things were changed up to further his development as a character. Because Rogers had the super-soldier serum within him, the "suspended animation" gimmick made it a tad more believable that a man could "live" (without food, air, or drinkable water) in the frozen depths of the ocean for 20 years.

2. CAPTAIN AMERICA #111 (1969)

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By 1969, Captain America had been fighting on his own and with the Avengers for a grueling 5 years. Since evil never sleeps, and everyone knew Rogers was behind the costume, Rogers wanted to make a change. He got it in CAPTAIN AMERICA #111 after he was shot to death by Hydra.

Rogers was supposed to meet Nick Fury at an amusement park, the best place for secret S.H.I.E.L.D. meetings, but instead he finds himself caught in a trap set by Hydra! He is attacked by the aptly named Hydra robot, Mankiller and Cap dives into the water to escape, with Mankiller firing at him. Rogers never comes out of the water and the police later pull a bullet-ridden costume out of the water along with a Steve Rogers mask. Could Cap be dead?

Nope. He faked his death to trick people into thinking that Steve Rogers wasn't Captain America. He wanted no one to know who was actually behind the mask and the only way to do that was to kill himself off. He tried to reinforce the idea that Captain America isn't a man. He's a mantle. While this is the first time Cap faked his own death, it was written by Jim Steranko and it provided readers with a pretty thrilling read, and at this point, it was completely unexpected and shocking.

3. AVENGERS #177 (1978)

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Retcons and faked deaths aside, this is the first time Steve Rogers actually dies. In AVENGERS #177, the powerful Korvac lays the smackdown on the Avengers, but don't worry, no one remembers it.

During the Korvac Saga, the almighty Korvac was busy traveling the galaxy, downloading information, to become this super-powered being. Korvac started a fight with the Avengers because he was afraid they would get all the cosmic forces together to stop him. What happens next was Korvac killing all the Avengers, including Captain America.

Don't worry though because Korvac resurrected everyone afterwards because he showed everyone he wasn't evil. Then, Moondragon erased everyone's memory of the fight in one of the weirdest villain turns in Marvel history. Apparently, it's cool to murder people, as long as you resurrect them right afterwards, even American heroes who can't stop dying.

4. & 5. SECRET WARS #11 & #12 (1985)

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It's been 7 years now since Captain America's last death, so SECRET WARS #11, back in 1985, seemed like a great time to kill him off again. Once again, it's not just Captain America that meets the sweet taste of death. It's also his fellow heroes.

In an ultimate fanboy move, The Beyonder decides to transport some heroes and villains to a planet to have them duke it out because the battle forums just weren't working for him. After some battles and Spider-man getting that sweet black suit (nothing can go wrong with that, right?), the heroes all sit at a table and everything explodes.

Yet again, Captain America meets his fate. Don't worry. They come back, but towards the end of the series, Captain America fights Doctor Doom, who has a hold of The Beyonder's powers, disintegrates Captain America, but Klaw, whose body has been taken over by The Beyonder, brings him back. Technically, Cap is destroyed twice during this scene, but let's just count it as one.


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Another giant event and another time Captain America dies. However, it wouldn't be a truly memorable event without tons of people dying, only later to be brought back to life by someone else. This time, the threat is cosmic. Enter Thanos and his Infinity Gauntlet.

The focus here isn't on the Avengers or Captain America. It's all about the space tyrant, Thanos, looking to grasp as much power as possible. The Infinity Gauntlet made him into a god and what does someone with an almost unlimited amount of power do? Well, you kill almost everyone.

While it's not 100% certain he kills Captain America, in INFINITY GAUNTLET #4, we have to assume as much after he gives Cap a tremendous backhand, then clears the battlefield with the power of thought and by thought, we mean the Infinity Gauntlet. As always, Captain America comes back later on through the power of the gauntlet, so all is not lost.


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It's another case of of Steve Rogers faking his own death. It's been a year since he's died, so during this three-part miniseries, Cap dies again, but this time at the hands of the Punisher, who loves shooting people.

The same year that Superman died, so did Cap, again. However, the events of PUNISHER/CAPTAIN AMERICA: BLOOD & GLORY #2 came out before Doomsday punched Superman into his coma. In the first issue of this mini-series, Punisher ends up shooting Captain America because he was under the influence of someone else.

In issue #2, Rogers is wheeled into a emergency room, but tells Nick Fury to let him die. There's a funeral and lots of crying, but don't worry, he was just faking his death again! Cap and Punisher them team-up, covert ops style to beat the bad guy. Weirdly enough, we couldn't actually find the shot that lead to Cap faking his death, but we did find the panel of his funeral. Also, enjoy Punisher talking about binding testicles.

8. CAPTAIN AMERICA #443 (1995)

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Captain America only has 24 hours to live! What do you do when you have so little time left? Maybe have some coffee with Batroc the Leaper? Here's a case of Captain America dying that ended up him not dying...

Steve Rogers learns from The Black Crow that the super-soldier serum is deteriorating and his heart will stop in 24 hours. Captain America spends some facetime with Crossbones and Batroc before he lays in bed and goes for the long sleep. There's a funeral and everything, in which President Bill Clinton is a pallbearer.

However, he's not really dead! A couple issues later, Cap awakes in some ice and learns that someone stole his body, moments before his death and saved him! Don't get too excited. It was actually Red Skull, who now lives in a body cloned from Rogers. Now, they are equals in power and skill.


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One year later, after being cloned by Red Skull, Captain America meets his fate once again, but this time, at the hands of the most mind-bending villain anyone in the Marvel U has ever faced: Onslaught.

At the end of the Onslaught Saga, in ONSLAUGHT: MARVEL UNIVERSE #1, Captain America, with his fellow Avengers, are doing anything they can to stop the Professor X/Magneto hybrid, Onslaught. The entire world is at stake and in order to stop this super-villain, the Avengers join with him, knowing that they may never return.

They all died, kinda. Young Franklin Richards created a pocket dimension where all of the heroes ended up living. Things were much different in this universe, and Rogers had no recollection of what happened to him in the 616. After a while, all the heroes regained their memories and all returned to Earth where they continued to battle bad guys left and right, and Steve Rogers never died again... Wait... No. He died one more time.

10. CAPTAIN AMERICA #25 (2007)

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At the end of Civil War, Captain America had been arrested and hope was lost for the heroes who opposed the registration act. Fighting for his freedom, Rogers ended up losing his life as well by the hands of somone closest to him.

In handcuffs, Captain America spots a laser sight on the back of an officer, and pushes him out of the way, getting shot in the back, by Crossbones. As he falls, a brainwashed Sharon Carter runs to his aid, only to deliver the killing shots to his body. Captain America gave his life, thinking he was saving someone else.

A pivotal point in Ed Brubaker's run, Bucky AKA Winter Soldier wore the mantle of Captain America even after Rogers came back to life. How did he come back to life? Well, it was later revealed that the gun Carter used to shoot Rogers didn't kill him but froze him in space and time. He is eventually freed and returns, but continues to let Bucky wear the red, white, and blue.

It's weird to think there have been 10 separate occasions where Captain America died or tried to convince the world he died. Sure, there's other moments, not taking place in the 616 universe, where he's died too, like when Punisher lost is and killed everyone in the Marvel Universe, but aside from Mr Immortal, it's hard to think of a character who has died and come back to life this many times. Death is a gimmick in comics. Sometimes it works and elevates a story, like with the end of Civil War, and other times, it's there for shock and nothing else, like almost every other time Rogers as died. We leave you now with Punisher shooting Captain America in the head, after Punisher shot everyone else.

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Mat "Inferiorego" Elfring is a writer on this blog he never updates and a tweeter on this site he's always on.


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Thatlyn Yoaeg'ill'rymmin


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@winter_kills: "Punisher vs Marvel Universe" was freakin' awful, but I'm not suggesting "Marvel Universe vs Wolverine" neither or any other "Marve vs something" :) but I've suggeste the scene of Frank shooting Cap from this book since it's an heroical dead from Cap, that chose to die instead of becoming a monster [is a story about a zombie-cannibalistic virus] and ask to Frank a "mercy kill", thing that he does with a dying earth.

I was a great fan of Punisher in my early day as a Comics Reader, in the '90s, and now I'm a very great fan of Captain America [and I'm not even american or living in america :)], and I'm always disappointed by the way the relationship between the two "war heroes" is portrayed in the recent years, very different from that showned before, such as in "Punisher/Captain America: Blood & Glory" [see above], of two heroes born with same ideal, but in different time and with different story, now at the opposite but with great respect of their mutual history [THAT mini-series I suggest to you, if you find it. It's not a "10", and havent a good art, but it's worth reading, and the final page are simply great :)]

About Cap, I think that another misconception is that he's a tool of the Government, a puppet that follow the order of politics and militar and others, while if someone really know the character, know that Steve Rogers is anything but this! [as example, I've recently re-readed some great history such as the "Nomad saga"]

Anyway, I've readed some other yours post, and I must thank your uncle for all that he did in WWII!

Oh well, the Zemo Avatar is from the miniserie "Thunderbolts Present: Zemo - Born Better" [of Nicieza, Grummett & Erskine... I always smile thinking about an artist drawing Zemo, that has the same name of the creator of the Super-Soldier Formula :P] ... I think that the idea of this mini-series is worth a post of discussion itself...

[sorry for english grammar error, but here is early morning and I need my second coffè...]

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Edited By Winter_Kills

@winter_kills: "Punisher vs Marvel Universe" was freakin' awful, but I'm not suggesting "Marvel Universe vs Wolverine" neither or any other "Marve vs something" :) but I've suggeste the scene of Frank shooting Cap from this book since it's an heroical dead from Cap, that chose to die instead of becoming a monster [is a story about a zombie-cannibalistic virus] and ask to Frank a "mercy kill", thing that he does with a dying earth.

I was a great fan of Punisher in my early day as a Comics Reader, in the '90s, and now I'm a very great fan of Captain America [and I'm not even american or living in america :)], and I'm always disappointed by the way the relationship between the two "war heroes" is portrayed in the recent years, very different from that showned before, such as in "Punisher/Captain America: Blood & Glory" [see above], of two heroes born with same ideal, but in different time and with different story, now at the opposite but with great respect of their mutual history [THAT mini-series I suggest to you, if you find it. It's not a "10", and havent a good art, but it's worth reading, and the final page are simply great :)]

About Cap, I think that another misconception is that he's a tool of the Government, a puppet that follow the order of politics and militar and others, while if someone really know the character, know that Steve Rogers is anything but this! [as example, I've recently re-readed some great history such as the "Nomad saga"]

Anyway, I've readed some other yours post, and I must thank your uncle for all that he did in WWII!

Oh well, the Zemo Avatar is from the miniserie "Thunderbolts Present: Zemo - Born Better" [of Nicieza, Grummett & Erskine... I always smile thinking about an artist drawing Zemo, that has the same name of the creator of the Super-Soldier Formula :P] ... I think that the idea of this mini-series is worth a post of discussion itself...

[sorry for english grammar error, but here is early morning and I need my second coffè...]

I totally agree with you on the Cap/Punisher relationship. Another misconception that people have is that Cap doesn't kill- but Ed Brubaker cleared that up. He kills when he has to- he did during the war- all the Invaders did- he was a soldier, he was America's super-soldier. So he does kill- he doesn't like killing, & that is his last option- but he is a soldier, & will do what is necessary; & Cap has the judgment to make the right call. That's why I always imagine him understanding Frank's point-of-view, & while not agreeing with it, recognizing his actions as a necessity in some cases. I own "Blood & Glory", I agree with you it's a pretty good story, as a long-time Cap fan I enjoyed it, & I definitely agree with your assessment on Cap/Punisher as well: they're soldiers born with the same ideal, but in different times with different life experiences that sent them down different roads; maybe both seeing what the other could have been, had circumstances been different. One thing I liked about Civil War was Cap giving Frank a chance, & when Frank blew it in a sense, he didn't blame Cap, he blamed himself; & after the battle you could see how much he honored & respected Cap & everything he stood for; picking up his discarded mask, & later wearing a Cap-inspired uniform- not trying to be him, but honoring him as the ideal hero/soldier that Frank always wanted to be. Like you, I think there's a lot more they could explore, the similarities & differences between these two soldiers.

And you're absolutely right- people thinking that Cap is a tool of the government, following their orders, is a huge misconception that people make, and true fans know, as you said, that Steve Rogers is anything but this. I'm glad you listed Nomad, because that is a fantastic storyline that shows Steve's loyalty to his country & its people- but not to the government, esp. when it is wrong or corrupt. Another good example is during "The Captain" storyline(which if you haven't read, I highly recommend), where the government tries to force Cap to be obedient to them, & Steve says a line that pretty much defines him. "I'm loyal to nothing, General- except the Dream." He lets them take his suit & shield- but that doesn't stop him from fighting for what's right, as he dons a black white & red costume & uses a Vibranium shield created for him by Tony Stark, & is known as the Captain. I loved this storyline, & it was a very defining moment showing that his loyalty was not to governments, but to the people of the nation, & the American dream. Another good example is during the Civil War, when the government institutes the Superhuman Registration Act, & Cap opposes it- feeling it is a violation of civil liberties- even though it made him a rebel & put him "on the wrong side of the law". Sharon said to him, "This country was founded by the law." And Steve corrects her stating a fact: "No, this country was founded on breaking the law- because the law is wrong". I think these stories are all good examples of where Cap's loyalties truly lie, & that he won't stop fighting for what's right, no matter what.

And it's always great to find a Cap fan who's not an American, or living in America. Another misconception is that you have to be an American to like & enjoy Captain America, & that's just not true. Cap doesn't just stand for the American ideal- he stands for the ideals of freedom everywhere, & just like he did during the war, fights tyranny & oppression all over the world, wherever it rears its ugly head. And fans like you help to dispel this misconception.

And thanks so much about my uncle. I just wish that I knew the extent of his heroism during the war while he was living. He was just an amazing person, so quiet & humble; a true hero & I'm always proud to talk about him. Because of the actions of men like him, all over the world during the war- we were saved from the tyranny of the Axis powers. The people of that era, they truly earned the right to be called the Greatest Generation. My grandpa was also in Korea, & though not directly involved in combat, he was important in paving the roads for military bases & landing strips that still exist today, though he spoke of coming under enemy fire from time to time while doing so. I also learned that I had an ancestor on the other side of my family that was a commanding officer in the Revolutionary War, helping America to gain its independence, & got to see his grave & see him honored by the Sisters of the Revolution, which was really moving & inspiring. I'm really honored that men like these existed, on both sides of my family; I guess this just strengthened my passion for history as well.

On another note- man, I loved Zemo: Born Better! You're right- that series is worthy of a discussion in & of itself. I love them exploring the complexity of Helmut Zemo, & his family history, beyond his infamous father, & what being "born better" means & his reaction to it. A very underrated series that made Zemo one of my favorite "villains". (BTW, I also thought about the Erskine connection- coincidence or synchronicity? lol)

Anyways, always good to meet & have a great chat with another Cap fan, or comics fan period.

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@winter_kills: What Marvel is doing in film in incredible. Honestly my favorite Superhero film of the year is without a doubt X-Men:DOFP. The story was incredible and I think James Mcavoy gave one of the best performances in a superhero film ever.

I agree. Marvel is doing a FANTASTIC job with all their film projects. I'm looking forward to everything coming down the road, hoping to hear more about Dr. Strange. The only movie I'm in doubt of is Ant-Man- kind of on the fence about that one. Besides that, they've been producing cinematic gold. I just love the whole concept of the MCU, & how it's expanding.

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inferiorego  Staff
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Edited By slimj87d

@inferiorego: could you elaborate on that? Sure there was time travel and retcon, but from my memory it was all happening in 616 time line.

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inferiorego  Staff

@slimj87d said:

@inferiorego: could you elaborate on that? Sure there was time travel and retcon, but from my memory it was all happening in 616 time line.

The story isn't completely over yet, so I can't really say it's 616 or not, so I'm jumping the gun a bit, but the chances of what's going on in the insanity (in a good way) of UNCANNY AVENGERS being part of main continuity is slim for me... Again, I could be wrong, but it's not all over yet.

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@inferiorego: the story is actually over or at least the main event finished, it completed in the last issue.

It happened in the 616 Universe, but even though the heroes failed, Kang was not satisfied with the outcome to he helped the heroes who lived transfer their minds and gave them a second chance.

The stories of uncanny are carrying over into the next event with the red skull using Xavier mind.

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Edited By _underscore

Now try doing one with Hawkeye, whom I believe holds the all-time deaths record in 616.

In addition to the team deaths listed above (Korvac, Secret Wars, Infinity Gauntlet, Onslaught), Hawkeye has died a ridiculous numbers of times. Just off the top of my head, I remember him dying with the rest of the West Coast Avengers in one of their annuals, exploding to pieces at Wanda's hands in Avengers Disassembled, being resurrected for House of M only to die again at Wanda's hands, and finally re-appearing as Ronin.

(That last part was after he essentially raped a mentally damaged Wanda under Bendis' pen in the infamous New Avengers vol.1 #26. Thankfully, Marvel retconned Bendis' fantasy to make Wanda a doombot in that scenario, later on. It's a shame Marvel editors are afraid of editing Bendis.)

Anyhow, I know I forgot a couple, but seriously... Hawkeye is that one Avenger writers love to kill off, because let's be honest, he's quite useless (as the first Avengers movie showed us).

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Edited By riosishere

@winter_kills: I am a little hesitant about Ant-Man as well but I have faith in Marvel. I love Paul Rudd and I think he is a great actor so I think it will all turn out really well!

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Yeah, I'm a but more optimistic about it the more I read. I do like Paul rudd, & like you mentioned, Marvel has a fantastic track record with movies thus far.

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@winter_kills: I still haven't seen Guardians of The Galaxy but I know its supposed to be really good.

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@riosishere: Me neither, bro. Kinda strapped for cash at the moment, hoping to get to see it this week, it's supposed to be awesome. I've been reading about it but trying to avoid spoilers to the best of my ability lol

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This blog has very distinct features. Thanks
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So Captain America can't just stay dead is he?

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