

    Location » France appears in 2937 issues.

    The French Republic is located in Western Europe.

    Short summary describing this location.

    France last edited by Guru_Crack on 04/07/24 12:47PM View full history


    France is a country in Europe. It's capital is Paris. It has been the backdrop of many comic characters and locations.

    DC Comics

    In DC France has been a very important place. In Justice League Europe France was the location of their headquarters. They even had a French Hero known as the Crimson Fox. France was also the back drop of the company known as Van Horn Industries. Van Horn Industries is the company owned by Andrew Van Horn Also Known as Gunfire. In the Global Guardians the Headquarters is known as the Dome. Not only that but France has had more heroes represented in the Global Guardians than any other Country including Belpheger, Chrysalis, Crimson Fox, Fleur-de-lis, Musketeer, Templar Knight.

    French Comic Characters

    DC Comics

    Crimson Fox
    Crimson Fox
    1. Belphegor
    2. Chrysalis
    3. Crimson Fox
    4. Fleur de Lis
    5. Gunfire
    6. Musketeer
    7. Templar Knight
    8. Firehawk
    9. Nightrunner
    10. Mademoiselle Marie

    Marvel Comics

    1. Batroc the Leaper
    2. Bevatron
    3. Cyclone
    4. Exodus
    5. Grey Gargoyle
    6. Les Heroes de Paris
    7. Peregrine
    8. Princess Python
    9. Prism
    10. Surrender Monkey
    11. Tarot
    12. Tricolore
    13. Tiger
    14. Mandala
    15. Nuage
    16. Swordswoman
    17. Francois Borillon

    Dargaud Comics

    1. Asterix
    2. Obelix
    3. Marie-Ange de Sarlat
    4. Vaulnay


    1. Frenchman (Dynamite)
    2. Lysette Gravois (IDW)
    3. Abel (UDON)
    4. Superdupont

    Historic Characters

    Louis XIII
    Louis XIII

    Below are the Historical Characters of France who have appeared in Comics

    1. Philip VI
    2. Louis XIII
    3. Louis XV

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